The Book of the Epistle to the Son of the Wolf                                            CHAPTER FIFTY FIVE

Divisions 1626-1650


Briefly, in every instance He hath stated that which is conducive to the conversion, the advancement, the exaltation, and the guidance of men.


A few unfair ones, however, have become a veil, and an insurmountable barrier, and debarred the people from turning towards the lights of His Countenance.


We pray God to cast them out by His sovereignty, and seize on them with His seizing power.


He, verily, is the Lord of Strength, the Mighty, the All-Wise.

And likewise, He saith:


“He—glorified be His mention—resembleth the sun.


Were unnumbered mirrors to be placed before it, each would, according to its capacity, reflect the splendor of that sun, and were none to be placed before it, it would still continue to rise and set, and the mirrors alone would be veiled from its light.


I, verily, have not fallen short of My duty to admonish that people, and to devise means whereby they may turn towards God, their Lord, and believe in God, their Creator.


If, on the day of His Revelation, all that are on earth bear Him allegiance,

Mine inmost being will rejoice,

inasmuch as all will have attained the summit of their existence, and will have been brought face to face with their Beloved, and will have recognized, to the fullest extent attainable in the world of being, the splendor of Him Who is the Desire of their hearts.


If not, My soul will indeed be saddened.


I truly have nurtured all things for this purpose.


How, then, can anyone be veiled from Him?


For this have I called upon God, and will continue to call upon Him.


He, verily, is nigh, ready to answer.”



And likewise, He saith:


“They will even refuse unto that Tree, which is neither of the East nor of the West, the name believer, for were they so to name Him, they would fail to sadden Him.”


Hath thine ear, O world,

heard with what helplessness these words were revealed from the dayspring of the will of Him Who is the Dawning-Place of all names?


He saith:


“I have educated all men, that they may recognize this Revelation, and yet the people of the Bayán refuse to concede even the name believer to that blessed Tree that belongeth neither to the East nor to the West.”


Alas, alas, for the things which have befallen Me!


By God! There befell Me at the hands of him whom I have nurtured (Mírzá Yahyá), by day and by night, what hath caused the Holy Spirit, and the dwellers of the Tabernacle of the Grandeur of God, the Lord of this wondrous Day, to lament.

Likewise, refuting certain disbelievers, He saith:


“For none knoweth the time of the Revelation except God.


Whenever it appeareth, all must acknowledge the Point of Truth, and render thanks unto God.”


They that have turned aside from Me have spoken even as the followers of John (the Baptist) spoke.


For they, too, protested against Him Who was the Spirit (Jesus) saying:

“The dispensation of John hath not yet ended; wherefore hast thou come?”


Now, too, they that have repudiated Us, though they have never known Us


and have been at all times ignorant of the fundamentals of this Cause,

knowing not from Whom it proceeded or what it signifieth,

and have spoken that which hath made all created things to sigh and lament.


By My life! The mute can never confront the One Who incarnateth in Himself the kingdom of utterance.


Fear God, O people,

and peruse, then, that which hath been sent down with truth

in the 8th Chapter of the 6th Váhid of the Bayán,

and be not of such as have turned aside.


He, likewise, hath commanded:


“Once every 19 days this Chapter should be read,

that they may not be veiled, in the time of the revelation of Him Whom God shall make manifest,

by considerations foreign to the verses,

which have been, and are still, the weightiest of all proofs and testimonies.”



The Book of the Epistle to the Son of the Wolf                                              CHAPTER FIFTY SIX

Divisions 1651-1675


John, son of Zacharias, said what My Forerunner hath said:


“Saying, repent ye, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.


I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He that cometh after Me is mightier than I, Whose shoes I am not worthy to bear.”


Wherefore, hath My Forerunner, as a sign of submissiveness and humility, said:

“The whole of the Bayán is only a leaf amongst the leaves of His Paradise.”


And likewise, He saith:

“I am the first to adore Him, and pride Myself on My kinship with Him.”


And yet, O men, the people of the Bayán have acted in such a manner that Dhi’l-Jawshan, and Ibn-i-Anas, and Asbáhí have sought and still seek refuge with God against such deeds.


This Wronged One hath, in the face of all religions, busied Himself day and night with the things that are conducive unto the exaltation of the Cause of God, whereas those men have clung unto that which is the cause of humiliation and injury.

And likewise, He saith:

“Recognize Him by His verses.


The greater your neglect in seeking to know Him, the more grievously will ye be veiled in fire.”


O ye among the people of the Bayán that have turned aside from Me!


Ponder upon these most sublime words, that have proceeded from the wellspring of the utterance of Him Who is the Point of Knowledge.


Hearken ye, at this moment, unto these words.


He saith:

“On that Day, the Daystar of Truth will address the people of the Bayán

and will recite this Súrih of the Qurán:



O ye unbelievers!

I worship not that which ye worship, and ye do not worship that which I worship.


I shall never worship that which ye worship, neither will ye worship that which I worship.


To you be your religion, to Me My religion.’”


Gracious God!

Notwithstanding these lucid statements, and these shining and luminous tokens all are occupied with their vain imaginings, and are unaware of, and veiled from, the Desired One.


O ye that have gone astray!

Awake from the sleep of heedlessness, and give ear unto these words of My Forerunner.


He saith: “

The tree of affirmation, by turning aside from Him, is accounted as the tree of denial, and the tree of denial, by turning towards Him, is accounted as the tree of affirmation.”


And likewise, He saith:

“Should anyone lay claim unto a Revelation, and fail to produce any proof, do not protest, and sadden Him not.”


Briefly, this Wronged One hath, night and day, been uttering the words:



O ye unbelievers!”,

that haply this may be the means of awakening the people, and may adorn them with the adornment of fairness.

And now, meditate upon these words, which diffuse the breath of despair, in His sorrowful invocation unto God, the Lord of the worlds.


He saith:

“Glorified art Thou, O My God!

Bear Thou witness that, through this Book, I have covenanted with all created things

concerning the mission of Him Whom Thou shalt make manifest,

ere the covenant concerning Mine own mission had been established.


Sufficient witness art Thou and they that have believed in Thy signs.


Thou, verily, sufficest Me.


In Thee have I placed My trust, and Thou, verily, takest count of all things.”



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