MDGs to fail without electricity

Freling and his organization have done plenty to bring electricity to Africa. But he said the many millions of Africans who continue to “decay in the dark” now need help from figures far more powerful than he.

“I am very, very impatient for the continent to make a commitment to bring in modern clean energy services to the people. It’s within our power now. But a lot depends on the political will of African leaders. That will be the most important determining factor in whether or not African populations have access to energy,” he said.

Freling called on African leaders to “embrace the idea of universal energy access” and to recognize that having electricity is a basic human right.

He urged the leaders to make the political commitments necessary to put in place the regulatory, legal and financial environments needed for the private sector, civil society and local governments “to cooperate towards creative solutions that will enable people to have access to clean energy services.”

Without the large-scale “green” electrification of the developing world, Freling warned, each of the U.N.’s eight Millennium Development Goals – including the end of poverty, hunger, widespread death from disease and lack of education – will fail.


A. Find English equivalents for the following Russian ones:


1) переживать энергетический кризис, избежать энергетического кризиса; 2) тепло-электростанция, работающая на энергии, получаемой в результате сгорания каменного угля; гидроэлектростанция; 3) ядерная энергия, возобновляемая энергия, солнечная энергия, непрерывно поступающая энергия; 4) отрезать людей от источников (напр., энергии); 5) общепринятые проекты энергоснабжения; 6) приносить пользу городскому / сельскому населению; 7) прозябать в бедности; 8) обеспечить доступ к; 9) вид земли со спутника; 10) в основном; 11) психологическое / физическое бремя; 12) болезнь; 13) вдыхать канцерогенные пары керосиновых фонарей / ламп; 14) основные виды рутинной работы, направленные на обеспечение выживания; 15) калечить; 16) существенные улучшения; 17) электрифицировать, подавать электричество; 18) фотоэлектрический; 19) солнечная панель; 20) ячейка; 21) разряжать, заново заряжать, заряжать; 22) щёлкнуть выключателем; 23) лампочка (= лампа накаливания); 24) жить в грязных соломенных домах; 25) зелёные островки в пустыне; 26) мечеть; 27) система водоснабжения; 28) освещение улиц; 29) безграмотный; 30) недостижимая, но жизненно важная часть; 31) облегчать / способствовать; 32) круглосуточный; 33) поливать, полив, капельное орошение; 34) медленный процесс, требующий больших трудовых затрат; 35) предложить идею; 36) инновационный метод; 37) гравитация; 38) наполнять резервуар водой; 39) экологически чистый; 40) дамба; 41) дизельный двигатель (= дизель), дизель-генератор, дизельное топливо; 42) авансовые расходы, стоимость эксплуатации; 43) запасные части; 44) устанавливать (напр., оборудование); 45) правовая и финансовая среда; 46) с радостью принять идею; 47) широкомасштабный

B. Word building

1. renew (v)                                      (adj)
2. sustain (v)                                      (adj)
3. survive (v)                                       (n)
4.                                             (v) revolution (n)
5. maintain (v)                                       (n)
6. .................................................(v) irrigation (n)
7. electric (adj)                                       (n)
8.                                                 (v) electrification (n)
9.                                             (n) village (n)
10                                            (v) equipment (n)
11.                                           (v) installation (n)
12. technical (adj)                                       (n)
13. patient (adj)                                       (adj)


C. Answer the questions to Part 1

1. What is the problem in many countries across Africa?

2. What three spheres were they investing in to solve it? What were the problems with those three solutions?

3. What alternative solution do environmentalists offer? What are its advantages?

4. What problem with conventional power projects does Bob Freling mention?

5. What is Bob Freling? What do his responsibilities include? How many people in how many countries has he already helped?

6. What is Bob's conviction?

7. How detrimental is the lack of electricity for children and families?

8. What are the economic consequences of the lack of electricity?

9. What is the principle of stand-alone photovoltaic systems' work?

10. What are Bob's feelings about the effectiveness of his project?

11. What are the advantages of a solar panel compared to kerosine and candles?

12. What did Bob and his fund do for northern Nigeria?

13. How positive was the electrification effect on the country's economy?

14. What was the contribution into the health service?

15. What original idea concerning irrigation did one African come up with? Did it work? How?

16. How does «Solar Market Garden» work? What is its effect on agriculture and life standards in Benin?

17. What are the disadvantages of using traditional diesel generators in Africa?

18. What kind of help do SELF experts provide?

19. Can SELF change the energy situation alone? What must be done in that area?

20. How important is solving energy problems in Africa for the international community?


Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 224; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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