Cats and dogs living together with us


ARYA Saumya

6 class, International Linguistic School, Vladivostok, Russia

Country: India

Head: Ramesh Chand


Cat and dogs live with humans together during centuries. Why it is happening and why they still live with us? Historical data show to us ancient facts about dogs and cats living with humans. They make family and they make us happy when gives kids. Dogs has special smell power, cats “teach us to be clean”. Dogs can be helpful in very different branches. Even cats that seemingly are useless − it can affect the health of a person, improve his state of health, raise his spirits.



Differences in the composition of hydrobiont community in the bottom and at water surface on littoral site of Lake Baikal


Biritskaya Sofya, E.M. Dolinskaya, Karnaukhov Dmitriy

Students, Faculty of Biology and Soil Science , Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Irkutsk region

Country: Russia

Supervisor: Dr., Prof. E.A. Silow


Lake Baikal is a unique and one of a kind type of water bodies. It is included in the UNESCO List of the World Heritage Sites. Many endemic species inhabit the lake. One of the example is the only known freshwater pelagic amphipod species Macrohectopus branickii (Dyb.). That species is of interest because it participates together with benthic amphipods in daily vertical migrations as well as horizontal ones which is the topic of our studying.

The observation that is the basis for this abstract was conducted in November 2017 in the southern part of Lake Baikal near Listvyanka Village at 9 PM. The site under littoral platform with the depth 2 m was chosen. In our study we used both Juday plankton net (3 runs) and video recording with special underwater video system. The video system was initially put on the bottom for 15 minutes, and then it was raised to the surface where it was for another five minutes of recording. The samples that were obtained by Juday plankton net were processed according standard hydrobiology methodics. The obtained videos were processed as such: video was stopped every 5 seconds; all animals in the freeze frame were divided into groups (benthic amphipods, cottoid fishes, M. branickii) and counted collecting all data into tables.

It is clear from the obtained data that major composition of amphipod part of the migratory complex of hydrobionts both of the bottom and surface is identical and it is composed from different species of amphipods including M. branickii. However, the proportion of the habitats of the bottom and surface is slightly different. The number of benthic amphipods at the bottom is within 3 individuals per freeze frame for 15 minutes, while number of macrogeptopus is no more than 0.9 individuals per freeze frame for the same amount of time. At the surface the number of amphipods also does not exceed 3 individuals per freezing frame. The average number of M. branickii was 1.9 and the maximum registered number in one freeze frame was 10. The obtained data displayed that the structure of hydrobiont groups participating in night migrations in the particular water column at the bottom and at the surface is different (cottoid fishes were not detected at the surface). In addition, the specimens of M. branickii prefer the surface layer. The reasons for that is the subject of the following study of that phenomenon.

The study was supported by the Ministry of education and science of Russia 6.1387.2017/ПЧ and Grant of the Fund for Support of Applied Environmental Development and Research "Lake Baikal".



What factors facilitate plant growth?


CHO Sein

8 class, International Linguistic School, Vladivostok, Russia

Country: South Korea

Teacher: Tatyana S. Vshivkova


The purpose of my experiment on watering plants with different types of liquids (water, coffee, low-fat milk and whole milk) was to see which type would make a plant grow best. There are certain environmental factors which affect plant growth, and in this experiment, I decided to test out the factor of watering.

The standard for “best” was how tall it grew. For about two weeks, I gave water, coffee, low-fat milk, whole milk to lettuce plants, and measured them daily to see which one would grow best. My hypothesis was that the plants watered with water would grow best because there are certain nutrients that they need to absorb from the soil through water, and also from water.

All seeds did sprout, but as time passed coffee showed a significant difference with the others. The plants watered with coffee outgrew the other ones and showed rapid growth. Plants watered with the two types of milk started to smell, and the soil started to harden, which made it impossible for the plants to put down their roots. Milk contains protein, sugar and other nutrients which can be detrimental to plant growth by supplying bacteria and fungi. Also, there seemed to be no big difference between low-fat milk and whole milk.

Plants watered with water and coffee both grew very well, although coffee won in speed. However, at the end, the growth of the two plants became quite similar. The effect of caffeine on plant growth is still a subject under study. Using grounded coffee in garden lawns is a common practice to make plants grow faster. However, coffee also contains other ingredients like potassium and phosphorous, which are known to enhance plant growth. In addition, coffee is also high in nitrogen, an element essential to plant growth and a major ingredient in commercial fertilizer. I have concluded that these are the reasons why coffee accelerated plant growth.

Through my experiment, I realized that water after all wasn’t the only type of liquid that we could use to water a plant. It was really interesting and fascinating to discover that coffee plays a major role in facilitating plant growth.


Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 153; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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