Look through the following words and revise their meanings. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following words.

fossils clay to establish to deduce
gravel sedimentary rocks to settle to thin out
silt igneous rocks to accumulate to melt
compaction depositional basin to intrude (intruding) to figure out
cementation generalization to be disturbed to indicate
clue on the margin to interlope (interloping) to cut across
relative age overall to be perserved  
stuff bed=layer to deposit  
lithification molten rock to extend  
burial original feature to shovel (into)  
vice versa conversely to carry away  
variable   to affect  
    to penetrate  


3.2 While watching

1 Write T for TRUE and F for False for the following statements.

1. The Earth has changed before the past 4600 million years.

2. The Grand Canyon’s layered beds of rock contain information about the Earth and its life forms.

3. There are no marine fossils in the Canyon’s rock beds.

4. Sedimentary rocks are made form sediments-things like little pieces of gravel, sand, silt and clay, as well as, the remains of animals and plants.

5. Older buried sediments result in compaction and cementation.

6. The clues about the geological history of an area help geologists to establish the relative age of plants and animals.

7. As the sediments settle and accumulate on the sea floor, they are lying horizontally.



2 Insert the missing words

The magma moves very quickly making its way __________ (1) existing cracks, forming new cracks and __________ (2) some of the rock it’s traveling through. When the magma cools, the new ____________ (3) rock crosscut the old sedimentary rock. When you have a cross-cutting _________ (4) like this, you know the rock that was _________ (5) through is older than the ______ (6) igneous rock. Here is a picture of what a cross-cutting relationship looks ________ (7) in nature. The rock that cuts _________ (8) isn’t an original feature of the formation. The rocks on __________ (9) side of the intruding rock are exactly ____________ (10) and the interloping igneous rock, which looks different; obvious shoves its ______ (11) into the original bed. According to the _____ (12) of cross-cutting relationships, the intruding rock is younger than the rocks it ______ (13).


alike, either, intruding, like, law, igneous, penetrates, way, relationship, through, cut, melting, bed.



3 Find the mistakes in the following sentences (spelling mistakes\words)

1. Geologists are Earth detectors.

2. They collect glues from their observations of the geological record and other staff to figure out what happened in the Earth’s past.

3. Often plant and animal remains that were pleasant in the sediments are preserved in the sedimentary rocks.

4. For instance, the way the rock beds are situated in relation to each other and to the Earth tell a lot about how and when the rocks were formed.

5. A vertical sedimentary rock is the clue that something happened that was powerful enough to move the block from its original position.

6. You see, the layers of sedimentary rock pooled on each other.

7. The magma moves very quickly making it’s way through exiting cracks, forming new cracks and melting some of the rock it’s traveling through.


3.3. After watching

1. Complete the sentences using the above-mentioned words:

stuff, lithification, sequence, remains of, burial, intruding, was disturbed, on the margin, clues, succession (x 2), lateral continuity, interloping, are preserved, relative age, horizontally

1. Geologists as earth detectives collect ________from their observations of the geologic record and other _____to figure out what happened in the Earth's past.

2. Sedimentary rocks are made from sediments-things like little pieces of gravel, sand, silt and clay as well as, the __________animals and plants.

3. Most sedimentary rocks come from sediments deposited __________of the oceans.

4. This __________results in compaction and cementation.

5. This overall process is called ___________or the process of turning sediment into a sedimentary rock.

6. Often plant and animal remains that were present in the sediments _________________in the sedimentary rocks.

7. These clues help them to establish the ___________of sedimentary rocks.

8. Relative age shows the ___________of formation of a group of rocks.

9. As the sediments settle and accumulate on the sea floor, they are lying ______________.

10. If a rock bed ___________since it was formed, you know it is younger than the layer of rock below it.

11. According to the principle of ______________rock layers extend horizontally in all directions.

12. When you have a cross-cutting relationship like this, you know the rock that was cut through is older than the__________ igneous rock.

13. __________igneous rock which looks different, obvious shoved its way into the original bed.

14. It deals specifically with fossils and is called fossil_______ or sometimes it's called faunal and floral _______.



2. Fill in the gaps. The necessary words are under the dotted line.

A. Geologists collect _______from their observations of the geologic record and try ____________what happened in the Earth’s _______. __________ give geologists these clues. Sedimentary rocks are made from _________. Sediments are carried away and left behind by __________, ________and glaciers. Most sedimentary rocks are ____________on the margin of oceans. The__________ of sediments results in ___________and ___________. This process is called ___________.


lithification, deposited, burial, clues, water, cementation, sediments, wind, past, compaction, to figure out, sedimentary rocks



1. There are several _______________ that help geologists in determining the geologic history of an area. __________ is the age of rocks ___________ to other rocks. It shows the ________of _________of a group of rocks.


sequence, in relation, fundamental principles, formation, relative age


2. ____________ indicates that sediments settle and _____________on the sea floor and they lay ______________. This principle is the first clue to the geologic history of the area when the rock was formed.


horizontally, accumulate, original horizontality


3. The next principle is ____________. It states that if a rock bed hasn’t been _________since it was formed, you know it is _________than the layer of rock below. A good example of this is the _____________


Grand Canyon, superposition, younger, disturbed


 4. Next is the principle of_____________. A _________ extends horizontally in________. The area where sediments were deposited is called _____________.


depositional basin, layer, all directions, lateral continuity


5. When _____________cuts across another rock, it is the law of cross-___________. In this case, you know the rock that was______ through is _______than the ______________igneous rock.


cut, igneous rock, intruding, cutting relationships, older


6. Another generalization used to deduce facts is the idea of _____________. It is sometimes called _______ and __________ succession. So, if we know the age of fossils, we can figure out how old the rocks are.


floral, fossil succession, faunal


7. The last principle is ________________It states that you can understand geologic _________of the past by observing the ___________that are going on right now.


uniformitarianism, events, geologic events



3. Note down what you remember from the tape.

1. Relative age ………………………………..

2. Principle of original horizontality refers to……………………………

3. The principle of superposition is about………………………………

4. The principle of lateral continuity tells us about………………………

5. The law of cross-cutting relationships is …………………………

6. The two types of fossil succession are……………………………….

7. The principle of uniformitarianism is ………………………………



Discuss and comment on the following questions:

1. What does the word “geology” mean?

2. What does geology deal with?

3. How are the events in the past determined?

4. What is classical geology aimed at?

5. What forces affect the Earth’s crust?

6. How do endogenous forces affect the crust?

7. How is the balance between the endogenous and exogenous forces formed?

8. What are the obvious effects of the exogenous forces?

9. What is the principle difference between endogenous and exogenous forces?

10. What does stratigraphy deal with?

11. What is paleontology concerned with?

12. What is regional geology aimed at?

13. What does applied geology deal with?

14. Why is it possible to reconstruct the processes that happened many years ago?






agent агент
alga водоросль
crust (earth) кора (земли)
earthquake землетрясение
endogenous (force) эндогенная (сила)
erosion эрозия
exogenous (force) экзогенная (сила)
force сила
geological time геологическое время
inner core внутреннее ядро
layer пласт, слой
level уровень, горизонт
limit предел
mantle мантия
outer core внешнее ядро
remain (trace) остаток, след
sedimentary rock осадочная порода
transport (of rock material) перенос
velocity скорость
weathering выветривание


accessible доступный
available доступный, имеющийся в распоряжении
clay глина
cliff крутой склон, утес
completely полностью, совершенно
conservation сохранение
considerably значительно
constantly постоянно
constitution строение, состав
crack трещина, расселина
daily ежедневно
destructive разрушительный
effect результат
especially особенно, главным образом
essentially существенно, чрезвычайно
evidence доказательство, свидетельство
glacier ледник, глетчер
gravel гравий, галька, галечник
however однако, тем не менее
in particular в особенности, в частности
in terms of в выражении
it is possible to возможно
literally буквально, дословно
particularly особенно, чрезвычайно
predecessor предшественник
primarily в основном, главным образом
principally главным образом, в основном
relatively относительно
sand песок
sequence последовательность
silt ил, алеврит
site место, месторождение
stark (contrast) абсолютный, полный (контраст)
succession (of) последовательность
succinct краткий, сжатый
summing up подводя итог
thereby таким образом, в связи с этим
to be applicable быть применимым, подходящим к
to aim at стремиться
to attain достигать, добиваться
to attempt пытаться, стараться
to be concerned with касаться, иметь отношение
to be subjected to быть подверженным
to come from происходить
to correlate находиться в связи, соотноситься
to decipher открывать, расшифровывать
to derive from получать, извлекать
to determine определять, устанавливать
to draw on получить
to expose делать видным, обнажать, показывать
to interpret объяснять, толковать
to occur происходить, случаться, совершаться
to originate давать начало, порождать, происходить
to pertain to иметь отношение
to stand in оказаться
to tend иметь тенденцию, склоняться к
to trace следить
to yield давать


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