Give the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.



Section I


"A chemist of genius, first-class physicist, a fruitful researcher in the fields of hydrodynamics, meteorology, geology , certain branches of chemical technology ( explosives, petroleum, and fuels, for example) and other disciplines adjacent to chemistry and physics, a thorough expert of chemical industry and industry in general, and an original thinker in the field of economy."

L.A. Tchugayev



Who of the chemists in the photos do you know? What does their fame owe to?

Who do you think is described in the epigraph by L. A. Tchugayev?

What was D. I. Mendeleev's role in chemistry?

How was the Periodic Table invented?

Match the chemists' names with the discoveries:

1. Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin a) radioactivity
2. Alfred Nobel b) the law of conservation of mass
3. Antoine Lavoisier c) three-dimensional structures of many biomolecules, the structure of insulin
4. Antoine Henri Becquerel d) hydrogen
5. Henry Cavendish e) penicillin
6. Robert Boyle 7. Alexander Fleming f) dynamite g) the inverse relationship between volume and pressure of a gas    


Memorize the meaning of the following words and word combinations.

periodic, periodicity, predict, prediction, in advance, hypothesis, hypotheses, owe to smth., research, researcher, in honour of smb., lay the foundation, commemorate, explore, exploration, explorer, consider, deal with, discover, discovery, devote oneself to smth., bear smb's name, fission, contribute, contribution

Practise your pronunciation.

Mendelevium, mendeleevite, uranium, nucleus, nuclear, researcher, explorer, periodic, periodicity, chemical, meteorology, astronomy, pedagogical, genius, hypothesis, honour, colleague, effort.

3. Make pairs of the words and word combinations in column A and those in column B and make up the sentences with them.



1. the study of


2. to a considerable


3. outstanding


4. the fission of the


modern science  
5. to predict


uranium nucleus  
6. undiscovered


7. periodic


8. the foundation of the


9. laboratory


in advance  
10. history-making



Read and translate the text.



The periodic system of the chemical elements by Mendeleev has long since served as the greatest history-making contribution to the study of nature. As any work of genius it shows two characteristic features: it adds more to the present knowledge, and it fruitfully develops along different directions in future.

It allowed to predict in advance the existence and properties of yet undiscovered elements. Many outstanding researchers owe to it, to a considerable degree, the ideas of their experiments, calculations, hypotheses and theories. Take, for example, the German Otto Hahn, who discovered the fission of the uranium nucleus. Or the American Glenn Seaborg who led a group of researchers that obtained, in laboratory conditions, a number of elements, including mendelevium, named in honour of Mendeleev. That element bears the name of the great Russian scientist not only because Mendeleev laid the foundation of the modern science of atom, but also because he drew his colleagues' special attention to uranium (No. 92), which at the time had closed his periodic table. A long train of transuraniums followed the once "final" uranium.

"The Mendeleev system has served for almost 100 years as a key to discovering new elements," Seaborg wrote in 1955. It has retained its key capacity until now. То commemorate Mendeleev himself, researchers named many newly discovered things on the earth or in the outer space after him: a crater on the "back" side of the Moon, an underwater ridge in the Arctic Ocean and the mineral mendeleevite. Mendeleev, the explorer of nature, has found real immortality in his lasting heritage. The periodic system hasn't crumbled with time; on the contrary, its structure has expanded. At present it is the basis of modem teaching on substances, the structure of matter, atoms and nuclear energy.

"The greatest chemist of the world" ‑ this is Mendeleev's fame among modem chemists. Yes, he, the founder of modem Chemistry and, to a large degree, of modem Physics, considered Physical Chemistry his main subject, while he successfully dealt with problems in different areas, from Mathematics and Astronomy to Meteorology, from Philosophy to Economics, from Technology to Art. "He has penetrated everywhere," the great Russian poet Alexander Blok once said.

Mendeleev's notes on "three services to the Motherland" are quite interesting. He places work as an explorer of nature at the first place. He devoted himself to it. He tried to make his experimental and theoretical results serve society. He also devoted much of his effort to teaching, to the spread of knowledge. Finally, the third important task in Mendeleev's life was to do his best for the economic and industrial progress of Russia. Mendeleev's dreams have come true. As long as eighty years ago the British magazine Nature wrote that in Russia scientists like Mendeleev are valued and their works help to intensify the development of science, technology and industry.



Give the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

Изучение природы, свойства элементов, носить имя кого-либо, обратить внимание на что-либо, великий русский учёный, назвать чьим-либо именем, в настоящее время, мечты осуществились, основатель современной химии, основной предмет, значение периодического закона, заложить основы современной науки, внести вклад исторического значения, дополнить знание, в лабораторных условиях, заранее предсказать, привлечь внимание коллег, в значительной степени, расставить элементы, расщепление атома урана, недавно открытые элементы, наоборот, ускорить развитие, характерные черты, сделать всё возможное.

Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 501; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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