Find a loan-word not completely assimilated with the English language grammatically:

1. figure 3. datum

2. army 4. cage


Find a Greek loan-word:

1. fruit 3. capital

2. scheme 4. Table

12. Find a French loan-word:

1. a)  ox       1. b) army

2. meat         2. archer

3. pig            3. arrow

4. sausage    4. Foe

Find an Italian loan-word:

1. article 3. question

2. balcony 4. fish


Find a Russian loan-word:

1. sister 3. minute

2. Kremlin 4. Club


Find a Turkish loan-word:

1. café 3. chess

2. coffee 4. tomato

Find a Japanese loan-word:

1. judge 3. chairman

2. geisha 4. student

Find a word borrowed from the language of American Indians:

1. maid 3. madam

2. girl 4. squaw

Find a word with a borrowed suffix:

1. greenish 3. stony

2. active 4. Hopeless


Вопросы к экзамену


I. Consider your answers to the following.

1.How can you account for the fact that English vocabulary contains such an immense number of words of foreign origin?

2. What is the earliest group of English borrowings? Date it.

3. What Celtic borrowings are there in English? Date them.

4. Which words were introduced into English vocabulary during the period of Christianization?

5. What are the characteristic features of Scandinavian borrowings?

6. When and under what circumstances did England become a bi-lingual country? What imprint features were left in English vocabulary by this period?

7. What are the characteristic features of words borrowed into English during the Renaissance?

8. What suffixes and prefixes can help you to recognize words of Latin and French origin?

9. What is meant by the native element of English vocabulary?

II. Subdivide all the following words of native origin into: a) Indo-european, b) Germanic, c) English proper.

Daughter, woman, room, land, cow, moon, sea, red, spring, three, I, lady, always, goose, bear, fox, lord, tree, nose, birch, grey, old, glad, daisy, heart, hand, night, to eat, to see, to make.

III. Read the following jokes. Explain the etymology of the italicized words. If necessary consult a dictionary.1

1. He dropped around to the girl's house and as he ran up the steps he was confronted by her little brother.

"Hi, Billy."

"Hi,"said the brat.

"Is your sister expecting me?"


"How do you know that?"

"She's gone out."

2. A man was at a theatre. He was sitting behind two women whose continuous chatter became more than he could bear. Leaning forward, he tapped one of them on the shoulder.

"Pardon me, madam," he said, "but I can't hear." "You are not supposed to — this is a private conversation," she hit back.

3. Sonny: Father, what do they make asphalt roads of?

Father: That makes a thousand question you've asked today. Do give me a little peace. What do you think would happen if I had asked my father so many questions?

Sonny: You might have learnt how to answer some of mine.

1 Skeat W. A Concise Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. Oxford, 1961; Weckley E. An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English. V. I—II. No 4, 19.

Вопросы к экзамену

I.  Consider your answers to the following.

1.Which conditions stimulate the borrowing process?

2. Why are words borrowed?

3. What stages of assimilation do borrowings go through?

4. In what spheres of communication do international words frequently occur?

5. What do we understand by etymological doublets?

6. What are the characteristic features of translation-loans?

7. How are the etymological and stylistic characteristics of words interrelated?

II. Explain the etymology of the following words. Write them out in three columns: a) fully assimilated words; b) partially assimilated words; c) unassimilated words. Explain the reasons for your choice in each case.

Pen, hors d'oeuvre, ballet, beet, butter, skin, take, cup, police, distance, monk, garage, phenomenon,

1 Also see Supplementary Material, p.p. 276.


Etymology  By etymology of words their origin is understood. English vocabulary which is one of the most extensive in the world contains a lot of words of foreign origin.  In the first century B.C. the Romans brought the names of milk products and planes. For example, cherry, pear, plum, beet, pepper, cup, kitchen.  The fifth century A.D. the Angles and Saxons assimilated such Celtic words as down, druid, bard, cradle, London.  The seventh century A.D. brought such Latin borrowings as priest, bishop, monk, nun, candle and educational terms (school, magister). Then the 8th-11th century are characterized by Scandinavian borrowings such as take, call, cast, die, husband. It is easy to recognize Scandinavian borrowings by the initial sk: sky, skill, skin, ski, skirt.  In 1066 England was defeated by William the Conqueror and the English language borrowed administrative words (state, government, parliament, council), legal terms (court, judge, justice, crime), military terms (army, war, soldier, officer, battle), educational terms (pupil, lesson, library, science), everyday life words (table, plate, dinner, supper).  The Renaissance Period was marked by Greek and Latin borrowings. They were abstract words (major, minor, intelligent), then scientific and artistic words (datum, status, phenomena, philosophy). Some borrowings came from so-called Parisian dialect (regime, routine, police, machine, ballet).  Reasons for borrowings are contact, wars, invasions, conquest, trade, cultural relations. Sometimes it is done to fill the gap in the vocabulary. It may be a word that expresses more peculiar concept. This type of borrowings enlarges the group of synonyms. For example, Latin “cordial” – Native “friendly”; Latin “admire” – French “adore”.  Borrowed words are adjusted in 3 main areas of the new language system: the phonetic, the grammatical, the semantic. Ph:  > ‘ > ‘ Gram: datum (pl. data), criterion (pl. criteria) Sem: large (Fr. Has the meaning of “wide”), nice (Fr. – silly)  Some words are borrowed by many languages. They are so-called international words. Many of them are of Latin and Greek origin (democracy).  Etymological doublets are words that originated from one and the same etymological source, but are different in phonetic shape and in meaning (Native “shirt” – Scand. “skirt”; Lat. “senior” – Fr. “sir”; Lat. “canal” – Fr. “channel”).  A doublet may consist of a shortened word and the one from which it is derived (history-story, fantasy-fancy, fanatic-fan). Этимология  Этимологией слов их происхождение понято. Английский словарь, который является одним из самых обширных в мире, содержит много слов иностранного происхождения.  В первом столетии до н.э. римляне принесли названия молочных продуктов и самолетов. Например, вишня, груша, слива, свекла, перец, чашка, кухня.  Пятое столетие нашей эры Углы и Саксы ассимилировало такие кельтские слова как вниз, друид, бард, колыбель, Лондон.  Седьмое столетие нашей эры принесло такие латинские заимствования как священник, епископ, монах, монахиня, свеча и образовательные термины (школа, магистр). Тогда 8-ое - 11-ое столетие характеризуется скандинавскими заимствованиями теми, которые берут, называют, бросают, умирают, муж. Легко признать скандинавские заимствования начальной буквой sk: небо, умение, кожа, лыжа, юбка.  В 1066 Англии был побежден Уильямом, Завоеватель и английский язык заимствовали административные слова (государство, правительство, парламент, совет), юридические условия (суд, судья, судья, преступление), военные термины (армия, война, солдат, чиновник, сражение), образовательные термины (ученик, урок, библиотека, наука), слова повседневной жизни (стол, пластина, обед, ужин).  Относящийся к эпохе Возрождения Период был отмечен греческими и латинскими заимствованиями. Они были абстрактными словами (главный, незначительный, интеллектуальный), тогда научные и артистические слова (данная величина, статус, явления, философия). Некоторые заимствования прибыли из так называемого Парижского диалекта (режим, рутина, полиция, машина, балет).  Причины заимствований - контакт, войны, вторжения, завоевание, торговля, культурные отношения. Иногда это сделано, чтобы заполнить промежуток в словаре. Это может быть слово, которое выражает более специфическое понятие. Этот тип заимствований увеличивает группу синонимов. Например, латинский "ликер" – родная "товарищеская встреча"; латынь "восхищается" – французы "обожают".  Заимствованные слова приспособлены в 3 главных областях новой языковой системы: фонетическое, грамматическое, семантическое. Ph:  > ‘ > ‘ Грамм: данная величина (мн данные), критерий (мн критерии) Sem: большой (франк. Имеет значение "широких"), хороший (франк – глупый)  Некоторые слова заимствованы многими языками. Они - так называемые международные слова. Многие из них имеют латинское и греческое происхождение (демократия).  Этимологические копии - слова, которые произошли из одного и того же этимологического источника, но отличаются в фонетической форме и в значении (родная "рубашка" – Scand. "юбка"; Lat. "старший" – франк "сэр"; Lat. "канал" – франк "канал").  Копия может состоять из сокращенного слова и того, из которого она получена (история истории, фэнтезийное воображение, фанатический поклонник).


Вопросы для итогового контроля студентов



1. Explain the reasons of immense number of foreign origin words in English.

2. What is the earliest group of English borrowings? Date it.

3. What Celtic borrowings are there in English? Date them.

4. Which words were introduced into English vocabulary during the period of Christianization?

5. What are the characteristic features of Scandinavian borrowings?

6. What are the characteristic features of words borrowed into English during the Renaissance?

7. What suffixes and prefixes can help you to recognize words of Latin and French origin?

8. Why are words borrowed and which conditions stimulate the borrowing process?

9. What stages of assimilation do borrowings go through?

10. In what spheres of communication do international words frequently occur?

11. What do we understand by etymological doublets?

12. What are the characteristic features of translation loans?




1. Define the country where the following words were borrowed from: wine, street, wall, pepper :

a) Roman Empire b) Greece     c) Minor Asia      d) Persia


2. Define the period of the following borrowings : Resurrection, nun, bishop, candle:

a) 7th century A.D. b) 7th century B.C. c) 1st century B.C. d) 8-11th centuries A.D.


3) The words starting with sk- are borrowed from:

a) Scandinavian languages b) German c) Celtic       d) Anglo-Saxon languages


4) The words like : moderate, intelligent, permanent are borrowed from French starting from:

a) Renaissance Period    b) 1066      c) 5th century d) Christianization


5) The suffixes : –ment    and –ance are of :

a) French origin             b) Latin origin c) Greek origin d) Indo-European origin


6)Which of the following elements are borrowed:

a) Celtic(5th-6th c.A.D.) b) Germanic elements c) Indo-European d) English proper


7) What kind of elementary concepts was particularly Indo-European :

a) family relations       b) animals      c) plants      d) parts of the human body 


8) The branch of linguistics which specialises in the study of meaning is called :

a) semantics                b) etymology  c) phraseology d) morphology


9) Which component can’t be called a semantic one:

a) structural                b) denotative    c) connotative


10) Which reason does not cause development of a new meaning of a word :

a) scientific                 b) linguistic       c) historical        


11) The process of development of a new meaning is called:

a) transference           b) resemblance   c) semantic change d) semantic shift


12) Which process does not belong to transference:

a)based on homonymia          b)based on similarity c) based on contiguity

d) based on broadening of meaning


13)How is the following process called : boy – any young person of the male sex > servant of the male sex :

a) narrowing of meaning b) broadening of meaning c) degradation of meaning d) elevation of meaning


14)What way of word-building is considered to be a least productive one:

a) shortening           b) conversion  c) derivation  d) composition



15)Affixes, which take part in deriving new words in this (nowadays) particular period of time are called :

a) productive          b) native        c) borrowed     d) noun-forming



16)One of the following suffixes of nouns is the native one:

a) -ness                   b) -tion          c) -age              d) -ess



17)One of the following suffixes of nouns is the non-productive one:

a) –th                      b) –ing           c) –ism             d) –er





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