Прочитайте диалог, в котором Сью жалуется своей подруге Ким на студентов из ее общежития. Выполните задания после диалога .

Sue, who is living in a dormitory, is calling her friend Kim, who is living in a nearby dormitory. Sue is complaining to Kim about the students on her floor.

Sue: Hi, Kim! This is Sue.

Kim: Hi, Sue. How are things going?

Sue: Oh, I’m very upset.

Kim: Why?

Sue: The students in my dorm are really noisy.

Kim: That’s too bad.

Sue: My roommate, Diana, is playing her new CD. The students in the next room are watching a basketball game and they are shouting and cheering. The student across the hall is practicing her French with her new MP3 player. The students on the upper floor are having a party. I’m going crazy with all this noise!

Kim: Well, I’m going to the library because I’m having the same problems. Let’s go together, okay?

Sue: Good idea! I’m so upset that I am not thinking straight.

А) Определите, соответствуют ли данные утверждения содержанию диалога ( True or False ?). Исправьте неверные утверждения.

1) Both Kim and Sue are having problems with their neighbours.

2) Kim’s roommate is Diana.

3) Sue is upset because the students are playing ball in the hall.

4) Some students on Sue’s floor are watching a basketball game.

5) The student across the hall is singing.

6) Both Kim and Sue are going to the library.

Б) Ответьте на вопросы о том, кто что делает в общежитии в данный момент.

Образец: Is Mary reading? – No, she isn’t. She isn’t reading. She is singing.

1)  Is Kim calling Sue?

2) Are Kim and Sue living in the same dormitory?

3) Is Sue complaining about the people in the street?

4) Is Diana listening to her new MP3 player?

5) Are the students in the next room watching a volleyball game?

6) Is the student across the hall practicing her Spanish?

7) Are the students on the upper floor studying?

8) Is Kim going shopping?

GRAMMAR PRACTICE . Действия, происходящие в момент речи

Поставьте глаголы в формы настоящего длительного или простого времени, чтобы показать, что действия происходят в момент речи или происходят регулярно.

Steve: Hello?

Henry: Hi, Steve. This is Henry.

Steve: Oh, hi, Henry. What’s up?

Henry: Not much. What (happen) over there?

Steve: Well, let’s see… Peter (wash) his clothes, and, from the noise that I hear upstairs, I know that Jim and Dave (vacuum) their room. They usually (vacuum) it in the evening. I can hear Ann downstairs. She (listen) to music and (sing).

Henry: How about Sam and Mike? What (they/ do)?

Steve: Oh, I think they (play) cards.

Henry: They always (play) cards when I call you… OK. Well, I’m kind of bored here, so maybe I’ll see you later.

Steve: OK. See you.

Henry: Bye.


GRAMMAR PRACTICE . Действия в прошлом

Предложения в упражнении 2.1. описывают регулярные, повторяющиеся действия. Измените предложения так, чтобы выразить действие в прошлом.

ОБРАЗЕЦ: Tom wakes up at 7 o ’ clock .Yesterday Tom woke up at 7 o ’ clock.


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после него.

I am Sally. I am a nurse at the in-patient department of a children’s hospital.

My working day starts at 6.30 a.m. I get up and brush my teeth. I have a quick breakfast. I usually have a piece of toast with jam and butter and a cup of coffee and some biscuits. At half past seven I catch a bus and I get to work at 8.00. I start seeing patients at 9.00 and finish at 12.00. Then I have a short coffee break. After the break I do some paper work. From 1.00 to 3.30 I see up to 7 patients during home visits. I arrive home at about 4.00. I eat my dinner at home, because I enjoy cooking and hate fast food. Then I have some rest with a book and surf the Internet. I check my e-mail and do some social networking. Today is Thursday, so at 6.00 I’m going to the swimming pool just across the road. I usually go to sleep early – at about 10.00 p.m.

а) Задайте 10 вопросов по содержанию текста, используя разные вопросительные слова. Запишите вопросы в таблицу. Образец:

Вопросительное слово Вспомогательный глагол Подлежащее Смысловой глагол Оставшаяся часть вопроса
What time does Sally’s working day start?  

Б) Перепишите текст, начиная со второго абзаца, в прошедшем времени.

5.3. Задайте своему другу 10 вопросов о том, что он делал вчера (позавчера, несколько дней назад, на прошлой неделе…). Предварительно запишите вопросы в таблицу. ОБРАЗЕЦ:

Дата добавления: 2018-11-24; просмотров: 384; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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