Read the text and comment on the CFX SWOT profile.
CFX financial and strategic SWOT analysis review
CFS Retail Property Trust (CFX) is a Real Estate Investment Trust, based in Australia. The Company invests in high standard regional and sub-regional shopping centres and retail outlet centers across Australia. CFXs portfolio comprises of a variety of retail properties such as supermarkets, discount department stores, department stores, and specialty shops. CFX is headquartered in Sydney, Australia.
This comprehensive SWOT profile of CFS Retail Property Trust provides you an in-depth strategic analysis of the company’s businesses and operations. The profile has been compiled by Global Data to bring to you a clear and an unbiased view of the company’s key strengths and weaknesses and the potential opportunities and threats.
Once purchased, highly qualified team of company analysts will comprehensively research and author a full financial and strategic analysis of CFS Retail Property Trust including a detailed SWOT analysis. You get detailed information about the company and its operations to identify potential customers and suppliers. The profile analyzes the company’s business structure, operations, major products and services, prospects, locations and subsidiaries, key executives and key competitors.
The company’s core strengths and weaknesses and areas of development or decline are analyzed and presented in the profile objectively. Recent developments in the company covered in the profile help you track important events. Equip yourself with information that enables you to sharpen your strategies and transform your operations profitably. Key elements such as SWOT analysis, corporate strategy and financial ratios and charts are incorporated in the profile to assist your academic or business research needs.
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Render the text in English. Suggest a title to the text.
В наши дни мировое сообщество сталкивается с трансформацией мировых рынков, а также с необходимостью обеспечения баланса в решении макроэкономических проблем и безотлагательного реагирования на изменения климата. В этой сложной обстановке международные стандарты являются эффективным инструментом осуществления положительных изменений путем установления требований, которые позволяют осваивать новые мировые рынки, создавать благоприятные условия для ведения бизнеса, ускорять экономический рост, а также смягчать негативные последствия изменения климата.
Международные стандарты представляют собой согласованную точку зрения ведущих мировых экспертов в различных областях экономики: от энергетики и энергетической эффективности до транспорта, систем управления, изменения климата, здравоохранения, обеспечения безопасности и др.
Добровольно передавая свои знания и опыт в интересах общества, специалисты во многих областях объединяют свои усилия для разработки стандартов, которые позволяют осуществлять обмен инновациями, и тем самым предоставляют бизнесу, правительствам и обществу надежную основу для осуществления положительных изменений.
Сегодня принципы, лежащие в основе международной стандартизации, актуальны как никогда. Стандарты продолжают оставаться инструментами положительных изменений, устраняя препятствия для обмена информацией и сотрудничества.
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Read the text and speak on the strategic tasks of the FCS.
Strategic aspects of FCS development
Today the Federal Customs Service has to solve the following strategic tasks:
- to enhance the quality of state services in customs business;
- to promote the state’s interests in the foreign trade sphere;
- to bolster domestic production;
- to effectively counteract the threats to the Russian Federation’s economic security;
- to combat crime and administrative violations;
- to address issues involving federal budget revenue collection;
- to create favorable conditions for development and intensification of foreign trade activities by promoting cost minimization for participants in foreign trade activities and interested parties by reducing the time needed for the completion of customs operations;
Currently, the Russian FCS is actively engaged in interacting with the customs services of the Republic of Byelorussia and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Simultaneously, it continues to bolster integration processes with the CIS and the EuroAsion Economic Community (EurAsEC). The Russian FCS continues its cooperation with the customs services of European states within the frameworks of the Russia-EU cooperation projects.
The Federal Customs Service has concentrated its main efforts on developing its customs infrastructure to promote the infrastructural development and to minimize the transport load on big cities due to increased foreign trade.
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Дата добавления: 2018-11-24; просмотров: 3507; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы! |

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