Cloth , providing plant growth -

A. Education

B. Main

C. conductive

D. Manual

E. side


Cells which tissues contain chloroplasts ?

A. mesophyll

B. pericycle

C. sclerenchyma

D. xylem

E. phloem


Square , the developing embryo of the spine -

A. main

B. side

C. subordinate

D. modified

E. conductive


Which area provides root growth in length ?

A. Zone dividing

B. tension zone

C. Case consists of the root

D. area of

E. around


Endoderm function...

A. selective transport

B. conductive

C. support

D. garner

E. generative

Which kidney contains no growth cone ?

A. generative

B. lateral

C. autonomic

D. apical

E. selective

Which of the following is contained in the pollen tube ?

A. two sperm

B. egg

C. pollen

D. ovules

E. ovary

Which structure develops from a zygote ?

A. embryo

B. endosperm

C. seed

D. fruit

E. flower

When self-pollinating plants pollination occurs most often ?

A. to the blossoming of

B. after leafing

C. in the kidney

D. night

E. after selective transport

Gain fabric which is called annual rings ?

A. only wood

B. Only wood and cork

C. wood, cork and cork

D. cork

E. cambium


The composition of the flowering plant which includes vessels ?

A. wood

B. bast

C. cambium

D. bark

E. ring


Which term refers to the bast perennial branches and trunks of woody plants

A. phloem

B. parenchyma

C. xylem

D. fellema

E. sclerenchyma

Specify the scientific definition of FLOWER

A. a specialized reproductive Escape

B. a collection of pistils and stamens surrounded by auxiliary structures

C. is a modified vegetative leafy escape

D. a collection of reproductive organs of reproduction

E. carriers of hereditary information

Name the flower structure , part of which is the stigma , ovary and column

A. pistil

B. stamen

C. perianth

D. peduncle

E. anther

Name the plant that flowers are formed under

A. peanuts

B. potatoes

C. Sweet

D. wheatgrass

E. Achene

Name the main indication for the presence of flowering plants which belong to the group of higher plants.

A. dismembered body organs

B. multicellularity

C. there flower

D. Availability of sexual reproduction

E. investing tissue

Name the group of organisms , which include representatives to the lower plant .

A. green algae

B. spread Moss family

C. Ferny

D. angiosperms

E. ceases


What is a chromosome ?

A. Carriers of hereditary information

B. endosperm

C. rudiment of the stem

D. sheet

E. all of these plants


Place spore formation ?

A. Sporangia

B. sunflower

C. leaves

D. Spirogyra

E. zygote


The body of the fungus ?

A. Mycelium

B. zygote

C. sheet

D. Large

E. Pods


Structural and functional unit of living ?

A. Cage

B. Spirogyra

C. flax

D. radish

E. rhizomes


Organisms that live at the expense of others?

A. Parasite

B. organ

C. Viruses

D. zygota

E. pericycle


What methods of food do you know?

A. Autotrophic , heterotrophic

B. gynoecium, androecium

C. generative, procambium

D. ovary, ovary

E. hemp, poplar


Name the structure that forms a pollen tube

A. vegetative cell

B. pollen

C. pollen grain

D. generative cell

E. pollen


Call feature, which is considered a sign of wind-pollinated plants.

A. bloom before leafing

B. large single flowers

C. the bright colors of the perianth

D. nectar and fragrance

E. column pestle


Name the structure of the flower, which grows inside the pollen tube.

A. column pestle

B. anther stamen

C. stamen thread

D. peduncle

E. pollen


Name the group of plants, which are characterized by cross-pollination with the help of insects.

A. poppy, snapdragon, sweet tobacco

B. wheat, peas, beans, potatoes

C. birch, hazel, rye, corn, poplar

D. wheat, peas, corn, poplar

E. no right answer


Which of the following is NOT for generative propagation characteristic?

A. newly formed organisms genetically different from the parent individuals

B. it is based on meiosis

C. comprising the step of fertilization

D. specialized sex cells are formed

E. it is based on the sexual process


Name the scientist who discovered the double fertilization in flowering plants

A. S.G. Navashin

B. I.V. Michuryn

C. G.D. Karpechenko

D. N.I. Vavilov

E. A.A. Tihomirov


Which structure develops from a zygote?

A. embryo

B. seed

C. endosperm

D. fruit

E. flower


When self-pollinating plants pollination occurs most often?

A. to the blossoming of

B. after leafing

C. in the kidney

D. at night

E. at day


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