The job of a juror ... to decide the facts.

Most bills in Great Britain Parliament begin life in the House of ….  2. Members of the House of Lords are not …. They hold an aristocratic title.     3. Members of the House of Lords are known as …….    4. Members of the House of Commons are normally known as …. . 5. Members of the House of Lords hold an aristocratic …. .   6. Any members of the Senate may introduce a …. .     7. The Cabinet of Ministers and the Government represent …….. power. 8. Member of the USA Congress is called ……. . 9. The most severe punishment in GB is … 10. The … has found him innocent today.           11. Each member of Parliament … one of 650 constituencies in the UK. 12. Who signs Congress’s bills?        13. Соответствия между русскими и английскими словами: 1) government, 2) state,3) citizen, 4) member, 5) house    1) гражданин                 2) член      3) правительство           4) палата                          5) государство                  14. Соответствия между русскими и английскими словами: 1) to read, 2) to sign, 3) to introduce, 4) to reject, 5) to approve  1) отклонять  2) читать  3) одобрять 4) подписывать  5) вносить   15. Crime is a part of ... law. a) common b) case c) public d) statute e) civil 16. Соответствия между русскими и английскими словами: 1) to rule, 2) to elect,3) to vote, 4) to win, 5) to approve                                                                                                              1) выбирать  2) одобрять 3) побеждать  4) голосовать  5) править 17. Соответствие между русскими и английскими словами: 1)судья, 2) юрист, 3) адвокат, 4) поверенный в Англии, 5) поверенный в США  a) attorney                      b) barrister                      c) solicitor                       d) lawyer                         e) judge                            18. Правильно построенный общий вопрос:      a) has the British  b) a hereditary  c) parliamentary  d) system  e)element   19. Правильно построенный альтернативный вопрос:       a) parliament  b) is the British  c) two houses  d) divided into  e) or into three   20. Правильно построенное повествовательное предложение:     a) the  b) Parliament  c) laws  d) makes  e) new   21. Правильно построенный специальный вопрос:              a) does  b) where  c) the new  d) legislation  e) start   22.  to be является глаголом-связкой: a) The US Congress is the lawmaking branch of the government. b) The President of Russia is elected by the population. c) The President is to approve federal judges. d) Senators elected for a term of 6 years work hardly. e)We are to take 3 exams this term.   23.  to be выражает долженствование: a) We are taking exam now. b) Members of the House of Lords are not elected. c) Before voting every citizen is to register. d) Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. e) The power of the Sovereign are limited by Parliament.   24.  to be часть сказуемого: a) They are not elected. b) This committee is very important. c) We are to go the library. d) There is a many – party system in Great Britain. e) There were two policemen on the street.   25. The British Parliament works in a large building called the Palace of…. a) Lords   b) Commons   c) Representatives   d)Westminster e) Royal   26. Сравнительная степень образуется со словом more: a) big  b) beautiful    c) large   d) small   e) old   27. Превосходная степень образуется со словом most: a) high   b) warm   c) famous   d) short   e) old   28. Превосходная степень образуется с суффиксом – est: a) interesting   b) real   c) famous   d) large   e) different   29. Сравнительная степень образуется с cуффиксом -er: a) informal   b) small   c) formal   d) different   e) powerful   30. The legal system also includes juvenile courts. a) исполняет b) освобождает  c) включает d) обсуждает e) обвиняет   31.  –s является окончанием существительного множественного числа: a) makes  b) includes c) commons d) Majesty's e) numerous   32. –s является окончанием притяжательного падежа: a) electors b) consists c) functions d) gets e) President's   33.  I …. a student of jurisprudence now. a) is    b) am    c) are    d) be   e) aim   34. All bills must have the agreement of the Lords ……. they can become law. a) before b) after c) while d) by e) for   35. The power of Sovereign (ограничена) by Parliament. a) are limited b) unlimited c) limit d) is limited e) limits   36. The Senate ….of 100 members. a) is forming b) forms c) has formed d) is being formed e) is formed   37. The heads of department ( не являются) members of US Congress. a) do not b) are not c) have not d) did not e) does not   38. The Cabinet of Ministers ( работает) in the House of Parliament. a) work b)working c) works d) is being worked e) worked   39. … are heard by higher Courts. 1) Appointments 2) Amendments 3) Appeals 4) Assents 5) Allegations     40.  In November of the election year the … across the nation go to the polls. 1) voters 2) visitors 3) electors 4) members 5) congressmen   41. A criminal case ... by the state against a person accused of a crime. a) brings b) is brought c) are brought d) bring e) will bring   42. Правильно построенный специальный вопрос:  a) and Vice-President  b) When are  c) officially  d) the new President  e) announced   43. He was convicted of.... a) steal b) stealed c) stole d) stealing e) stolen   44. The members of the House of Commons … by the people. 1) elects 2) are elected 3) is elected 4) was elected 5) has elected     45. Голосование проходит, в день выборов. a) Voting takes place on Polling Day. b) Voting takes place on Elections Day. c) Elections take place on Polling Day. d) The General Election happens on Thursday. e) Elections take place on Voting Day.   46. The court... him innocent today. a) find b) finds c) will find d) is found e) has found   47. A jury consists of... people, who are ordinary persons. a) six b) one c) five d) twelve e) eleven   48. The head of Cabinet is the Prime ……. .   49. Debates rarely last more then one day. a) последний b) самый маленький c) длится d) меньше e) терять   50. He (также) exercises the Right of veto. a) too b) either c) also d) neither e) again   51. Any members of the Congress ….. introduce a bill. a) can b) may c) must d) have t) are   52. There … over 5000 barristers in England. 1) am 2) is 3) are 4) was 5) shall be   53.  The lawyers are trying to make sure that members of the jury do not have opinions. а) Юристы пытаются убедиться, что у присяжных нет особого мнения. b) Юристы пытаются убедиться, что присяжные свободны от мнений. c) Юристы гарантируют, что у присяжных нет мнений. d)У юристов не существует особых мнений. e)Юристы ставят под сомнение беспристрастность суда присяжных.   54. Выберете предложение с правильным порядком слов: a) Why is career in law so popular? b) Why career in law is so popular? c) Why so career is popular in law? d) Why in law is career so popular? e) Why so popular is career in law?   55. A lot of MP`s work has nothing to do with voting in Parliament. a) Члены принимают участие в процессе голосованиях на заседаниях. b) Рабочий день большинства членов парламента заключается в посещении заседаний. c) Большинство членов парламента не принимаю участия в процессе заседания. d) Работа большинства членов парламента заключается лишь в процессе голосования парламенте. e) Работа большинства членов парламента не заключается лишь в процессе голосования в  парламенте.   56. The Queen and her family are a symbol that people can identify with.  a) Королева и её семья являются символов для жителей Британии. b) Королевская семья - символ нации.       c) Королева и её семья являются символом, с которым люди себя отождествляют. d) Королева и её семья ассоциируются с духом королевского общества. e) Королева и её семья являются символом для людей   57. When the Constitution was written in 1787, there were only 13 states in the USA. a) Когда была написана конституция США, страна насчитывала 13 штатов. b) 13 штатов насчитывала страна в 1787 году. c) Когда в 1787 году была написана конституция, в США было только 13 штатов. d) Когда была принята конституция США, в стране было 13 штатов. e) Когда в 1787 году была написана конституция, в США было 13 штатов.   58. In civil cases only ten jurors need to agree upon a verdict if there … 12 jurors. a) are b) is c) will be d) was e) were   59. What is the currency of the USA? a) pound b) lire c) dollar d) crone e) ruble   60. The system of Checks and Balances ...... compromise necessary. 1)  make 2)  made 3)  makes 4)  is making 5) has made   61. A bill can become a law only passed by a two- thirds of … in each House.  62. They are …for a term of six year.     63. … many members are there in the House of Commons? 64. The US Congress consists of two Houses: the House of Representatives and the …. 65. The lawmaking branch of the federal government in the USA is ….   66. Множественное число от слова lady: … 67. The highest level of barristers is the title Queen’s ….  68. The legal … is based on common law. 69. The sentence is passed by the …. 70. The main instrument of the federal judiciary is the....... 71. A … is a very common form of punishment. 72. Where … litigation begin?   73. Соответствия между русскими и английскими словами: 1) The United States Congress, 2) The Congress consists, 3) The Us Congress functions, 4) Congress bills,5) House of Congress  1) палата Конгресса  2) задачи Конгресса  3) законопроекты Конгресса  4) Конгресс СШA  5) Конгресс состоит   74. Соответствия между русскими и английскими словами: 1) sign bill, 2) to be elected for, 3) the proposed bill, 4) legislative work, 5) make laws                      1) подписывать законопроекты  2) законотворческая деятельность  3) представленный на рассмотрение  4) создавать законы  5) выбрать на   75. Соответствия между русскими и английскими словами: 1) approve a bill, 2) amend a bill, 3) introduce a bill, 4) reject a bill, 5) sign a bill                                                                       1) одобрять законопроект  2) отклонять  3) поправлять  4) подписывать  5) представлять   76. Правильно построенный специальный вопрос:  a) way are  b) in what  c) the federal  d) organized  e) courts   77. Правильно построенное повествовательное предложение:  a) there are                         b) of Representatives          c) in the House                  d) 435                                e) members                       78. Правильно построенный общий вопрос:     a) a many –party        b) system  c) there  d) in Great Britain  e) is   79. Правильно построенный альтернативный вопрос:  a) does the  b) Magistrate  c) one case  d) describe  e) or two   80. Правильно построенное отрицательное предложение:  a) do not  b) out of  c) even go  d) the court  e) the judges   81. Правильно построенная фраза:  a) people  b) like  c) yourself  d) twelve  e) ordinary   82. The policeman who arrested you … evidence. a) give b) gives c) gave d) given e) will give   83. –s является окончанием 3-го лица ед. числа: a) elections b) gets c) laws d) president's e) pens   84.  –s является притяжательным падежом: a) minister's b) consists c) houses d) congress e)supporters   85.  Congressmen …time to study and shape bills. a) has b) have c) has had d) having e) to have   86.   –s является окончанием множественного числа: a) representatives b) president's c) votes d) party's e) elects   87.  Сравнительная степень с less образует слово: a) difficult b) small c) large d) warm e) big   88.  Превосходную степень с least образует слово: a) big b) young c) old d) expensive e) cold   89.  The right to trial by a jury is one of ... rights. a) most important b) more important c) the more important d) the most important e) a more important   90.  The right to trial by a jury ... by the Constitution of the United States. a) was guaranteed b) will be guaranteed c) is guaranteed d) has guaranteed e) guaranteed   91.  The job of a juror ... to decide the facts. a) can b) may c) must d) could e) is   92.  The judge ... decisions on legal issues. a) make b) shall make c) have made d) are making e) makes   93. A lawyer... ask a witness a certain question. a) ought to b) be to c) should d) need e) may    94.  Both the job of a juror and that of the judge ... be done well. a) could b) must c) is to d) has to e) might   95. The judge ... the lawyers and the people involved in the case. a) will introduce b) shall introduce c) are introducing d) have introduced e) introduce   96. Canada's capital is.... a) Ontario b) Quebec c) Manitoba d) Ottawa e) Melbourne   97. Предложение с правильным порядком слов: a) All judges are appointed by the Lord Chancellor b) All judges appointed are by the Lord Chancellor c) All judges by the Lord Chancellor are appointed d) All judges are by Lord Chancellor appointed e) Judges are appointed all by the Lord Chancellor   98.  A …. of MP's work has nothing to do with voting in Parliament. a) much b) many c) lot d) few e) any   99. Members of Parliament ……….. salaries since 1911.  a) have been paid b) have paid c) have been d) pay e) to pay   100. Вопрос к подчеркнутому слову: A jury consists of twelve people chosen to decide the facts. a) Who consists of twelve people to decide the facts? b) What consists of twelve people chosen to decide the facts? c) What consist of twelve people chosen to decide the facts? d)  What does consist of twelve people chosen to decide the facts? e) Who consist of twelve people chosen to decide the facts?   101. Разделительный вопрос к предложению: Certain criminals: murderers, terrorists and so on deserve to die. a) Certain criminals: murderers, terrorists and so on deserve to die, doesn' t it? b) Certain criminals: murderers, terrorists and so on deserve to die, isn' t it? c) Certain criminals: murderers, terrorists and so on deserve to die, don' t they? d) Certain criminals: murderers, terrorists and so on deserve to die, won' t they? e) Certain criminals: murders, terrorists and so on deserve to die, won' t they?   102 . ... are experts in the interpretation of the law.              a) Barristers b) Attorneys c) Advocates d) Jurors e) Solicitors   103. The US Supreme Court is.... a) an appellate court b) a Crown Court c) a juvenile court d) a magistrates' court e) a civil court   104. In the ... you may, if you choose, be given "a trial by jury". a) court of appeal b) Magistrates’ court c) county court d) Crown court e) state court   105. You do not have to speak in your ….. . a) damages b) defendant c) defence d) defender e) defensive   106. The policeman who arrested you … evidence  a) give b) gives c) gave d) given e) will give   107.  .... is advised by a Cabinet of about twenty other ministers. a) The Cabinet b) The Government c) The Queen d) The Prime Minister e) The President   108.  .... consists of the Lords Temporal and the Lords Spiritual. a) Parliament b) The House of Commons c) The House of Lords d) Shadow Cabinet e) Congress   109.  A ... deals with matters outside Court. a) lawyer b) barrister c) solicitor d) clerk of the court e) coroner   110. The most common type of law court in Great Britain is the.... a) county court b) crown court c) juvenile court d) magistrates’ court e) state court   111. The case … for appeal. a) send b) sends c) was sent d) sending e) sent   112. He was convicted of… a) steal b) stealed c) stole d) stealing e) stolen   113. The attorney said she... the pistol for self-defense. a) buys b) bought c) was buying d) would buy e) had bought   114. Выберите предложение с правильным порядком слов: a) All judges are appointed by the Lord Chancellor b) All judges appointed are by the Lord Chancellor  c) All judges by the Lord Chancellor are appointed d) All judges are by Lord Chancellor appointed e) Judges are appointed all by the Lord Chancellor   115. Аббревиатура соединенного королевства Великобритании: а) the USA b) UK c) the UNO d) the UT e) the GK    116. The federal courts are organized in three tiers, … a pyramid. a) how b) as c) like d) looks as e) look like   117. The Cabinet of ministers …in the Houses of Parliament. a) work b) works c) is working d) is worked e) has worked   118. The Prime Minister is the leader of the … party. a) majority b) main c) mach d) lot e) many   119.  … members of the government belong to different political parties. a) Any b) All c) Everybody d) Somebody e) Everyone   120.  … ministers are members of the House of Lords. a) Parliament b) Government c) Congress d) Commons e) Representatives   121. New… in Britain usually starts in the House of Lords. 122. The… race is a competition between members of the same party. 123. In each house a bill is considered in three stages, called…. 124. There is a US… in each federal judicial district. 125. A jury consists of twelve people, chosen at random from the Electoral…. 126. …is advised by a cabinet of about twenty other ministers. 127. Public and Private Bills are passed through… in much the same way. 128. …is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. 129. Within the Executive Branch, there are a number of executive…. 130. The system of checks and balances makes compromise and consensus…. 131. …specifies the powers and duties of each federal branch of government. 132. The British … is appointed for up to five years. 133. Соответствие между русским и английским словом: 1) bottom, 2) middle,3) top,4) litigation,5) appeal  1) тяжба           2) вершина  3) аппеляция                       4) основа                       5) середина                              134. Соответствие между русским и английским словом:1) litigation, 2) lawsuit, 3) evidence, 4) hearing, 5) petition  1) петиция                                2) слушание дела                     3) процесс                                   4) тяжбы                                      5) показания      135. The job of the juror is to listen to all the evidence ... at trial. 1) presented 2) presenting 3) having presented 4) presents 5) present  

The job of a juror ... to decide the facts.

1) can

2) may

3) must

4) could

5) is


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