The home of Jack Woltz looked like an implausible movie set. There was a

Plantation-type mansion, huge grounds girdled by a rich black-dirt bridle path,

Stables and pasture for a herd of horses. The hedges, flower beds and grasses

Were as carefully manicured as a movie star's nails.

Woltz greeted Hagen on a glass-panel air-conditioned porch. The producer

Was informally dressed in blue silk shirt open at the neck, mustard-colored slacks,

Soft leather sandals. Framed in all this color and rich fabric his seamed, tough

Face was startling. He handed Hagen an outsized martini glass and took one for

Himself from the prepared tray. He seemed more friendly than he had been earlier

in the day. He put his arm over Hagen's shoulder and said, "We have a little time

before dinner, let's go look at my horses." As they walked toward the stables he

said, "I checked you out, Tom; you should have told me your boss is Corleone. I

Thought you were just some third-rate hustler Johnny was running in to bluff me.





And I don't bluff. Not that I want to make enemies, I never believed in that. But

let's just enjoy ourselves now. We can talk business after dinner."


Surprisingly Woltz proved to be a truly considerate host. He explained his new

Methods, innovations that he hoped would make his stable the most successful

In America. The stables were all fire-proofed, sanitized to the highest degree, and

Guarded by a special security detail of private detectives. Finally Woltz led him to

A stall which had a huge bronze plaque attached to its outside wall. On the plaque

was the name "Khartoum."

The horse inside the stall was, even to Hagen's inexperienced eyes, a beautiful

Animal. Khartoum's skin was jet black except for a diamond-shaped white patch

On his huge forehead. The great brown eyes glinted like golden apples, the black

skin over the taut body was silk. Woltz said with childish pride, "The greatest

Racehorse in the world. I bought him in England last year for six hundred grand. I

Bet even the Russian Czars never paid that much for a single horse. But I'm not

Going to race him, I'm going to put him to stud. I'm going to build the greatest

racing stable this country has ever known." He stroked the horse's mane and

called out softly, "Khartoum, Khartoum." There was real love in his voice and the

animal responded. Woltz said to Hagen, "I'm a good horseman, you know, and the

first time I ever rode I was fifty years old." He laughed. "Maybe one of my

grandmothers in Russia got raped by a Cossack and I got his blood." He tickled

Khartoum's belly and said with sincere admiration, "Look at that cock on him. I

should have such a cock."



1 They went back to the mansion to have dinner. It was served by three waiters

(официантами) under the command of a butler («под командованием» дворецкого),

the table linen (салфетки и скатерти; linen [‘lının] – полотно, холст) and ware

(приборы; ware [wε∂] – изделия) were all gold thread (золотая нить [θred]) and silver,

but Hagen found the food mediocre (нашел посредственной ['mi:dı∂uk∂]). Woltz

obviously lived alone, and just as obviously (и точно также очевидно) was not a man

who cared about food. Hagen waited until they had both lit up (зажгли; to light up) huge

Havana cigars before he asked Woltz, "Does Johnny get it or not?" 

2 "I can't," Woltz said. "I can't put Johnny into that picture even if I wanted to. The

contracts are all signed for all the performers (подписаны для всех исполнителей) and

the cameras roll (завертятся) next week. There's no way I can swing it («качнуть это»

= что-либо в этом изменить)."




3 Hagen said impatiently, "Mr. Woltz, the big advantage of dealing with a man at the

top (большое преимущество того, что имеешь дело с руководителем; advantage

[∂d’vα:ntıdG]) is that such an excuse is not valid (как раз то, что такая отговорка

недействительна = невозможна; valid ['vжlıd] – имеющий силу, правомерный). You

can do anything you want to do." He puffed on his cigar (подымил, пустил дым; to puff

– дуть порывами /о ветре/; резко выдыхать). "Don't you believe my client can keep

his promises?" 

4  Woltz said dryly, "I believe that I'm going to have labor trouble. Goff called me up on

that, the son of a bitch, and the way he talked to me you'd never guess (никогда не

догадаешься = как будто бы я ему не ...) I pay him a hundred grand a year under the

table. And I believe you can get that fag he-man star of mine off heroin (что сможете

заставить отказаться от героина эту мою звезду-шестерку, щенка, играющую

настоящего мужчину; he-man – настоящий мужчина; fag – младший ученик,

оказывающий услуги старшему /в английских школах/; человек, выполняющий

тяжелую, нудную работу). But I don't care about that and I can finance my own

pictures. Because I hate that bastard Fontane. Tell your boss this is one favor I can't

give but that he should try me again on anything else (пусть попробует что-нибудь

другое). Anything at all (все что угодно)."

5 Hagen thought, you sneaky bastard (подлый, хитрый ублюдок; to sneak –

подкрадываться; делать что-либо украдкой), then why the hell did you bring me all

the way out here (заставил меня тащиться в такую даль)? The producer had

something on his mind (что-то на уме). Hagen said coldly, "I don't think you understand

the situation. Mr. Corleone is Johnny Fontane's godfather. That is a very close, a very

sacred religious relationship (очень тесная = близкая, очень святая связь; sacred

[‘seıkrıd] – священный)." Woltz bowed his head in respect at this reference to religion

(склонил голову в знак уважения при этом упоминании религии). Hagen went on.

"Italians have a little joke, that the world is so hard a man must have two fathers to look

after him (чтобы следить, заботиться о нем), and that's why they have godfathers.

Since Johnny's father died, Mr. Corleone feels his responsibility even more deeply

(чувствет свою ответственность еще более глубоко [rıspons∂’bılıtı]; responsible

[rıs’pons∂bl] – ответственный). As for trying you again, Mr. Corleone is much too

sensitive (слишком чувствителен = обидчив). He never asks a second favor where he

has been refused the first."

6 Woltz shrugged. "I'm sorry. The answer is still no (все же: «все еще» нет). But since

you're here, what will it cost me to have that labor trouble cleared up (сколько мне




будет стоить, чтобы уладить: «прояснить» эту профсоюзную проблему; to clear up

– прибрать/ся/; прояснить)? In cash (наличными). Right now (прямо сейчас)."



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