Библиография отдельных публикаций по Гештальту на других языках

На английском


Enright G. Enlightening Gestalt. Mill Valley. Pro Telos. 1980.

Fagan J. & Shepherd 1. Gestalt Therapy Now. New York. Harper & Row. 1970.

Fagan J. & Shepherd 1. What is Gestalt? New York. Harper & Row. 1970.

FederB. & Ronall R. Beyond the Hot Seat. New York. Brunner/Mazel. 1980.

Games G. Fritz Peris Here and Now. Milbrae. Celestial Arts. 1979.

Hatcher С . & Himelstein P. The Handbook of Gestalt Therapy. N.Y. Aronson. 1976.

Kempler W. Principles of Gestalt Family Therapy. Salt Lake City. Deseret Press. 1974.

Latner J. The Gestalt Therapy Book. New York. Bantam Books. 1972.

Levitsky & Peris. Group Therapy Today: styles, methodes and techniques. N.Y. Atherton. 1969. Merry U. & Brown G. The neurotic behavior of Organisations. New York. Cleveland Press. 1988. Naranjo C. The Technics of Gestalt Therapy. Berkley. SAT Press. 1973.

Nevis E. Organisational Consulting: a Gestalt Approach. New York. Cleveland Press. 1988. Oaklander V. Windows to Our Children. Moab. Real People Press. 1978.

Peris F., Hefferline R., Goodman P. Gestalt Therapy. N.Y., Julian Press. 1951.

Peris F. Ego, Hunger and Agression: a revision of Freud's theory and method. Durban, 1942;                                                                                                                                  London, 1947.

Peris F. Gestalt Therapy Verbatim. Moab. Real People Press. 1969.

Peris F. In and out the Garbage pail. La Fayette. Real People Press. 1969.

Peris F. Legacy from Fritz. Palo Alto. Sc. & Behavior Books. 1975. 

Peris F. The Gestalt Approach & Eye Witness to Therapy. New York. Bantam Books. 1973. Polster E. & M. Gestalt Therapy integrated. New York. Vintage Books. 1975.

Rosenblatt D. Opening Doors. What happens in G. T. New York. Harper & Row. 1975.

Shepard M. Fritz: an intimate portrait of Fritz Peris and Gestalt Therapy. N.Y. Saturday Review                                                                                                                            Press. 1975.

Shub N. Gestalt Therapy: Applications and Perspectives. New York. Cleveland Press. 1988. Simkin J. Gestalt Therapy Mini-lectures. Milbrae. Celestial Arts. 1976.

Simkin J. Mini-lectures in Gestalt Therapy. Albany. Word Press. 1974.

Smith E. The growing edge of Gestalt Therapy. N.Y. Brunner/Mazel. 1976. 

Smuts 1. С . Holism and evolution. N.Y. Viking. 1961.

Stevens B. Don't push the river. Moab. Real People Press. 1970.

Stevens G. Awareness: exploring, experimenting, experiencing. Real People Press. 1971. Stevens J. Gestalt is. N.Y. Bantam Books. 1975. The Gestalt Journal: по 2 тома в год (с 1978).                                                                                                                           Highland. N.Y. 

Wheeler G. Gestalt reconsidered: a new approach to Contact and Resistance. N.Y. Cleveland                                                                                                                                      Press. 1991.

linker J. Creative Process in Gestalt therapy. N.Y. Brunner/Mazel. 1977.


На испанском


Castanedo С . Terapia Gestalt: Enfoque del Aqui el Ahora. San Jose. Universidad de Costa Rica.                                                                                                                                         1983.

Fagan J. Las tareas del Terapeuta. in Teoria у Tecnicas de la Terapia Ges-taltica. Buenos Aires.                                                                                                            Amororrtu editors. 1973.

Kepner J. Proceso corporal: un enfoque Guestalt para trabajar con el cuerpo en psicoterapia.                                                                                              Mexico, ed. Manual Moderno. 1991.

Naranjo C. La Focalizacion en el Presente: tecnica, Prescripcion e Ideal. in Teoria у Tecnicas de                                             la Terapia gestaltica. Buenos Aires. Amororrtu editores. 1970.

Penarubia, Rams, Villegas. Gestalt Hoy. Borma. AETG. 1982.

Peris F. El Enfoque Gestaltico. Testimonies de Terapia. Santiago de Chile. ed. Quatro Vientos.                                                                                                                                             1982.

Peris F. Suenos у existencia. Santiago de Chile, ed Quatro Vientos. 1982.

Peris F. Yo, Hambre у Agresion. Mexico. FCE. 1947.

Peris F. у Levitsky A. La Reglas у Juegos de la Terapia Gestaltica, in Teoria у Tecnicas de la                                                      terapia Gestaltica. Buenos Aires. Amororrtu editores. 1970. 

Rams A. Desarollos en Sexoterapia Gestaltica, in PenarubiaP. La Terapia Gestalt. Alicante.                                                                                                                                    SEPTG. 1984.

Salama H. El enfoque Gestalt: una psicoterapia humanista. Mexico, ed Manual Moderno. 1987. Zinker J. El Proceso creative en la Terapia Gestaltica. Buenos-Aires. Pai-dos. 1977.


На итальянском


Costantini R. L'integrazione e lo sviluppo del se nella terapia della Gestalt. Tesi. Universit^ di                                                                                                                                      Roma. 1987.

Crispino S. Riflessi (Rivista). La Gestalt analitica. 1991. 

Donadio G., Carta S. La Gestalt analitica. 1991.

Ginger S. & A. La Gestalt. Roma. ed.Mediterranee. 1990.

Giusti E. La Gestalt: la terapia del «Con-tatto» emotivo. Ed. Riza Scienze. №23. 1989.

Houston G. Psicoterapia Gestalt. Como. Red. 1985.

Juston D., Giusti E. La Clinica del Transfert in Psicoanalisi e in Psicoterapia della Gestalt.                                                                                                                        Roma. Kappa. 1991.

Peris F. L'approccio della Gestalt & testimone oculare della terapia. Roma. Astrolabio. 1977. Peris F. La terapia della Gestalt parola per parola. Roma. Astrolabio. 1980. 

Peris F. Qui & Ora. Psicoterapia autobiografica. (pref. & epilogo a cura di Giusti E.). Roma.                                                                                                                                    Sovera. 1991. 

Peris F., Baumgardner P. Doni dal lago Cowichan: l'eredit^ di Peris. Roma. Astrolabio. 1980. Peris F., Hefferline R., Goodman P. Teoria e pratica della teoria della Gestalt. Roma.                                                                                                                              Astrolabio. 1971.

Roister E. Ogni vita vale un romanzo. Roma. Astrolabio. 1988. 

Roister E. & M. Terapia della Gestalt integrata. Milano. Giuffre. 1986. 

Purgslove P. Esperienze della terapia della Gestalt. Roma. Astrolabio. 1970. 

Rametta F. Caleidoscopo. Gestalt psicosociale (Rivista semestrale).

Schiffman M. L'Autoterapia Gestaltica. Roma. Astrolabio. 1987. 

Simkin J. Brevi lezioni di Gestalt. Roma. Boria. 1978. 

Spagnolo Lobb M., Salonia G. Quaderni di Gestalt. (Rivista semestrale sin dal 1985). Ragusa.                                                                                                                                           HCC. 

На немецком


Blankert?. S. Der kritische Pragmatismus Paul Goodmans. K61n. Humanistische Psychologie.                                                                                                                                              1988.

Collen M. Lass uns fur die liebe kampfen. Gestaittherapie mit Paaren. Munchen. K6sel. 1985. Davis B. Ursprung und bedeutung des Awareness-Konzeptes in der Gestaittherapie. Padeborn.                                                                                                                            Junfermann. 1986. 

Fleigener B. Bibliografie der Gestaittherapie (1630 работ на нем. и англ.). Koln. Humanist.                                                                                                                         Psychologie. 1991. 

Goodman P. Natur heilt. K51n. Humanistische Psychologie. 1989. 

Hartmann — Kottek — Schroder L. Gestaittherapie, in Corsini R. Handbuch der                                                                                                                       Psychotherapie. Weinheim. 1983.

Kepner J. Korperprozesse: ein gestaittherapeutischer Ansatz. Koln. Humanistische Psychologie.                                                                                                                                        1987.

Nevis E. Organisationsberatung. Ein gestaittherapeutischer Ansatz. Koln. Humanistische                                                                                                                                Psychologie. 1987.

Peris F. Das Ich, der Hunger und die Agression. Stuttgart. Klett-Cotta. 1974.

Peris F. Gestalt, Wachstum, Integration, Aufsatze, Vortrage, Sitzungen. Pa-deborn. Junfermann.                                                                                                                                          1980.

Peris F. Gestalt, Wachstum, Integration. Padeborn. Junfermann.

Peris F. Gestaittherapie in Action. Stuttgart. Klett-Cotta. 1974. 

Peris F. Grundlagen der Gestaittherapie. Munchen. Pfeiffer. 1977. 

Peris F., Hefferline R., Goodman P. Gestaittherapie. Stuttgart. Klett-Cotta. 1979.

Pekold H. Gestalt.therapie und psychodrama. Kassel. Nicol. 1973. 

Petiold H. Psychotherapie, Meditation, Gestalt. Padeborn. Junfermann. 1983.

Petwld H., Brown G. Gestaltpadagogik. Munchen. Pfeiffer. 1977. 

Petiold H., Schmidt C. Gestaittherapie, Wege und Horizonte. Padeborn. Junfermann. 1985.

Roister E. Jedes Menschenleben ist einen Roman Wert. Koln. Humanistisc-he Psychologie. 1990.

Polster E. & M. Gestaittherapie. Theorie und Praxis der integrativen Gestaittherapie. Munchen.                                                                                                                          Kindler. 1975. 

Rahm D. Gestaitberatung. Padeborn. Junfermann.

Ronall R., Feder B. Gestaitgruppen. Stuttgart. Klett. 1983. 

Rosenblatt D. Turen ofnen: was geschieht in der Gestaittherapie. K61n. Hu-manistische                                                                                                                                 Psychologie. 1990. 

Schneider K. Grenzerlebnisse. Zur Praxis der Gestaltanalyse. Koln. Huma-nistische Psychologie.                             1989. Stevens J. Die Klinst der Wahrnehmung. Mlinchen. Kaiser. 1975. 

Strumpfel U. Forschungsergebnisse zur Gestaittherapie. Koln. Humani-stische Psychologie.                                 1990. linker J. Gestaittherapie als kreativer Prozess. Padeborn. Junfemann.


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