Ex. 6. Give both comparative and superlative forms where possible.

1. His brother is talented.

(than he)- His brother is more than he.

(person I have ever met)- His brother is the most talented person I have ever met.

1.His work was careless.

(than mine)

(in the class)

2.Basketball is popular.

(than tennis)

(in the USA)

3.This watch is expensive.

(than that one)

(in the shop)

4.Tuesday is convenient for me.

(than Friday)

(of all week-days) 


Ex. 7. Choose the right forms in these sentences. In some cases both forms are right.

1. Is this station is much (farther/further)? 2. You’ll find the explanation (farther/further) on.

3. Your record is (worse/worst) than mine. 4. It is the (less/lesser) of two evils.

5. She always wears the (last/latest) fashion. 6. We have no (farther/further) information.

7. Nick skates (good/well). 8. His (last/latest) words were: “The end”. 9. She is the (oldest/eldest) member of our family. 10. My flat is (little/smaller) than yours. 11. I’ve got (less/lesser) patience than you. 12. He is much (older/elder) than his wife. 13. This is the (more/most) beautiful picture I’ve ever seen. 14. His English is (best/better) than mine. 15. She is (best/better) now. 16. It is the (farthest/furthest) point west.


Ex. 8. Translate into English

1.Купите обои посветлее для вашей комнаты.

2.Сегодня холоднее чем вчера.

3.Суп хорошо пахнет, а на вкус еще лучше.

4.Он становится все слабее и слабее.

5.Грамматика русского языка сложнее грамматики английского.

6.Это самое красивое здание в нашем городе.

7.Эта комната лучшая в квартире.

8.Она на пять лет младше меня.

9.Это кратчайший путь до театра.

CPC П 4.


Практические цели: Развитие устной и письменной речи, а также умений и навыков аудирования, просмотрового чтения, закрепление лексического материала.


Ex. 1. Read, translate and give the title to the text.

 The colonel is a fine – looking man. His hair is white. So is his moustache. His face is cleanly shaven showing a bronzed complexion. The expression of his face is kind.

The colonel has three sons. Basil, the eldest of the boys, is seventeen years of age. He is a fine looking lad though not handsome. He looks very brave and strong. His hair straight and black. He is, in fact, the son of his father.

How very unlike him is Lucien, the second of age. Lucien is delicate, with a light complexion and very fair hair. He is more like what his mother was, for she was a blonde. The colonel’s youngest son is a quick- witted, curly- haired boy- cheerful at all times.

Ex. 2. Answer the questions

1. Do you think the appearance is important when you want to get a job? Why?

2. In what jobs do you think the appearance is essential? Why?

3. Do you think that the saying "A beauty lives an easier life" is correct?

Prove your point.  

4. What is your ideal of male/female beauty?        

5. What do you think is more important: beauty or character?

6. Name 10 likes and dislikes in a person's appearance.


Ex. 3. Render in English close to the text.

       Ее глаза под густыми ресницами казались совсем темными. Цвет ее глаз поражал еще и потому, что был совершенно необычен для блондинки. Веки были полуопущены, что было характерным для нее, когда она поглощена своими мыслями. У нее были четко очерченные, довольно густые брови.

       С первого взгляда ее лицо с чуть выступающими скулами и мягкими линиями казалось классически правильным. Но стоило присмотреться и оказывалось, что нос у нее несколько неправильной формы, рот большой, а губы полные и крепкие. Лицо ее было удивительно женственно и вместе с тем энергично. Волосы она гладко зачесывала назад и повязывала вокруг головы черную ленточку.


Ex. 4. Correct the video image synthesized by the polish artist.

Example 1: Make the face thinner (more round)....

Example 2: Try to add bushy eyebrows....

Example 3: He was wearing a cap / eyeglasses / a beard....


Ex. 5.Topics for oral compositions.

  1.Describe your mother\ father.

  2.You have never met your uncle before. Your father tells you about him.

  3.You were in France. Your colleaques are eager to know your opinion of French             


   4.Talk to a detective. You think you saw the people who've robbed your

neighbor’s flat.

 5.You came home on holiday and tell your mother about your roommate.


Ex. 6. Translate these dialogue from Russian into English.

В гостях у подруги

А: Привет! Как поживаешь?

В: Привет, Галя. Рада тебя видеть. Можешь повесить пальто здесь, и пройдём в мою комнату. Проходи, пожалуйста.

А: Какая уютная комната! А кто эта славная женщина, которую я встретила в коридоре?

В: Это моя мама.

А: А твоей маме лет 35?

В: Нет, ей 45.

А: Но она не выглядит на свой возраст. У неё фигура женщины, которой нет и тридцати.

В: Ты права. Иногда люди думают, что она моя подруга или старшая сестра.

А: У тебя есть брат, не правда ли? Почему ты не рассказывала мне о нём?

В: Ты хотела бы что-нибудь узнать о нём?

А: Конечно.

В: Хорошо. Ему 23 года, он закончил наш институт в прошлом году.

А: Он работает сейчас?

В: Он работает на совместном предприятии. И ему там очень нравится

А: Замечательно.

Learning recommendations:

Class activity: In this unit of the course book students are supposed to get introduced with the new material: read the text, translate into their native language, summarize in English, complete post-reading tasks and grammar exercises, discuss new speech topics, compose monologues and dialogues in the class.

Home task: Students are assigned to find out additional short information about specific topic of the unit, complete grammar exercises, prepare reports given by the teacher.


1. Учебно-методический комплекс для студентов 1 курса неязыковых специальностей, М.Ж. Тусупбекова, А.М. Мухтарханова, 2008, Астана, _____стр.

Unit 5.


Text: The Brothers.

“Come along, boys, this is Emma Harte. Mrs. Harte”. She led them to Emma, her face radiant. “This is David,” she said, introducing the taller boy, “and this is Victor.” The Kallinski boys shook hands with Emma, extended their greetings, and thanked her for coming to their father’s aid. They crossed the room to the sofa and sat down together.

David and Victor Kallinski were as different in every way as two brothers could be. David, who was the elder at nineteen, was tall like his mother and well built. He had been blessed with her lovely blue eyes, and his face, handsome and open, had a suggestion of her Slavic bone structure. He had the same black wavy hair his father’s had once been and he had also inherited the older man’s outward – going manner. David was a mover, a doer, ambitious, clever and driven. If there was a faint hint of cynicism in his alert blue eyes it was counteracted by generosity of his wide mouth and his friendly demeanor. David was intelligent, intuitive, and excessively motivated towards one goal: success. He lived by one rule and one rule alone – the survival of the fittest. He not only intended to survive, but to survive in style and with wealth.

Victor, who was sixteen, was small, almost birdlike, and this he resembled his father to some extent. He had his mother’s straight shiny black hair, but otherwise he did not appear to physically favor either of them. His large eyes were soft and hazel in color and his face was smooth and bland without any emphatic features, but he was pleasant – looking. His sober face mirrored his character, for Victor Kallinski was a gentle and reflective boy; and in one way his temperament was similar to his father’s, he had a great forbearance and a deep understanding of human frailties, an understanding that was mature and remarkable in one so young. He was a thinker and a dreamer, and he had the soul of a poet. Victor was happiest when he was alone reading, or gazing at great paintings in the museum, or listening to the music of Mahler and Beethoven. He was reserved of nature to a point of shyness and not given to conversing easily with anyone, especially strangers. Victor was looking at Emma from under his long dark lashes, a quiet smile playing around his mouth, thinking what a compassionate girl she must be, and how her actions today only reinforced his inherent belief that essentially mankind was good. Like his father, Victor was utterly without bitterness.

Topical vocabulary.

1.Radiant                                        сияющий, лучистый                              

2.to be well built                            быть хорошо сложенным

3.to be blessed with                       быть наделенным

4.to inherit                                     наследовать

5.outward-going manner               внешняя манера

6.faint hint of cinicism                  легкий оттенок цинизма

7.alert eyes                                    бдительный, живой

8.generosity                                  великодушие, благородство

9.friendly demeanour                    дружеская манера вести себя                  

10.intelligent                                 умный, понятливый

11.intuitive                                    интуитивный

12.to be motivated                        побужденный

13.to survive                                 выжить

14.to resemble                               напоминать

15.to some extent                          в какой-то степени

16.emhpatic features                     эмфатические черты

17.pleasant-looking                       приятный

18.to mirror one's character           отражать характер

19.reflective                                   задумчивый

20.forbearance                               воздержанность, терпимость

21.human frailties                         человеческая моральная 


22.mature                                      зрелый

23.to gaze at                                  пристально глядеть

24.shyness                                     скромность

25.compassionate                          сострадательный, сочувствующий 

26.inherent belief                          врожденная вера  

27.bitterness                                  горечь

28. to reinforce                               усиливать, укреплять

Ex.1. Answer the questions.

1.Whom did Mrs Kallinski introduce her sons to?

2.Why were they glad to meet Emma Harte?

3.Were the brothers alike?

4.How old were David and Victor?

5.Whom did David take after?

6.Whose manner did David inherit?

7.Towards what goal was David motivated?

8.How did he act to achieve his goal?

9.Did Victor in any way resemble his brother?

10.What was Victor’s most outstanding trait?

11.What did he think of Emma Harte?


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