Where are the Skripals? Questions mount as ex-spy leaves hospital

- https://youtu.be/X8ZFOpqRMMo



Ex-Spy Skripal's Mother Asks UK on Russian TV to Let Her Talk to Son - https://sputniknews.com/europe/201805221064688349-skripal-mother-tv-appearance/


The Royal Wedding and the Silly Season
See more at http://www.pravdareport.com/opinion/columnists/20-05-2018/140976-silly_season-0/


EP meets Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg in Brussels

- https://youtu.be/Cz8YJcVgXns


US holding EU hostage over Iran – ex-EU commissioner

- https://youtu.be/kemT-RsBd0s

The start of justice? Grenfell Tower fire inquiry begins

- https://youtu.be/NLdJA9iMVFI

Poll: 68% of Britons dissatisfied with actions taken since Grenfell tragedy as inquiry starts

- https://youtu.be/ePMYRwvLWfU

CrossTalk Bullhorns: Always Defiant (Extended Version)

- https://youtu.be/NCmwMkC1z_A

Anti-Semitic? Cartoonist depicts Netanyahu as Netta, fired by German newspaper

- https://youtu.be/3REyEV3zorE


Keiser Report: Lotus of Perpetual Knowledge (E1230)

- https://youtu.be/gBL6LPV-RVE



Selfish US diktats could push Europe to develop ties with Russia, China & Iran

- https://www.rt.com/op-ed/427323-putin-merkel-flowers-us-orders/


Checkmate: Russia's Hypersonic Missile Ready for War by 2020 -



Natural beauty ❤ ❤ ❤ ... Queen of Bling | Snog Marry Avoid - https://youtu.be/6tveL0NFInw



Trump: Mi mundo, mis reglas - El Zoom de RT - https://youtu.be/2JK2BeCa9i4


North Korea: Is Trump Trying to Back Out of the Singapore Summit in Mid-June 2018?

Transcript of the interview with Press TV - https://www.globalresearch.ca/north-korea-is-trump-trying-to-back-out-of-the-singapore-summit-in-mid-june-2018/5641547


UHF - Vernáculo (para um homem comum) Vídeo Oficial - https://youtu.be/VYdQqWgl2C0


Trump cancels June meeting with Kim - White House - https://www.rt.com/usa/427665-trump-cancels-june-meeting-kim/


Korea and the United States: Negotiating a Peace Treaty - https://www.globalresearch.ca/korea-and-the-united-states-negotiating-a-peace-treaty/5639816


DPRK 'dismantles' Punggye-ri nuclear test site - https://news.cgtn.com/news/3d3d514e30636a4e77457a6333566d54/share_p.html


The Strategies of Global Warfare: War with China and Russia? Washington’s Military Design in the Asia-Pacific - https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-strategies-of-global-warfare-war-with-china-and-russia-washingtons-military-design-in-the-asia-pacific-2/5541976


- https://www.globalresearch.ca/region/asia


How US Middle East strategy has failed to win over hearts and minds - https://youtu.be/CJRIuoGg8Fw


Iran in the crosshairs as the Empire enters its mad dog days - https://www.rt.com/op-ed/427449-iran-europe-us-empire/


Petro-Euro? Tensions between EU & US grow over sanctions against Iran - https://youtu.be/MGPB7KeDhEg


N.Korea summit, Xi the poker player & making Kim happy: Trump’s extensive comment on Korea - https://youtu.be/u8yWaJtRYNs


US-North Korea Summit: Hold the Cheers. Inter-Korean Summit to Precede Trump-Kim Meeting? - https://www.globalresearch.ca/us-north-korea-summit-hold-the-cheers-inter-korean-summit-to-precede-trump-kim-meeting/5636870


Pompeo: EE.UU. debe seguir presionando a Pionyang para lograr la desnuclearización - https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/272772-pompeo-eeuu-debe-presionar-corea-norte-desnuclearizacion


"La intención de los EE.UU. es derrocar al gobierno norcoreano" - https://youtu.be/lmtQSLRYZR8


‘Eruptions of earth & rock’: RT witnesses N. Korea’s dismantling of Punggye-ri nuke test site - https://www.rt.com/news/427627-pyongyang-dismantling-nuclear-site/


Desmantelan el polígono nuclear norcoreano - https://youtu.be/OZQelZJbnPs


CrossTalk: Anti-Trump Crusade - https://youtu.be/FhbDqYCD3uw


Trump calls off Singapore summit with Kim Jong Un - https://news.cgtn.com/news/3d3d774e35636a4e77457a6333566d54/share_p.html


US tries to bully the world into attacking Iran - https://www.rt.com/op-ed/427541-iran-trump-war-sanctions/


"EE.UU. siempre busca excusas para frenar el diálogo con Pionyang" - https://youtu.be/OZV09bew7h8


Who would benefit from jeopardizing US-N.Korea peace summit? - https://youtu.be/AoGm6Uqm4m4


Washington confuses negotiation with surrender - Daniel McAdams on N.Korea talks - https://youtu.be/tDafGLCpkiE


La Corée du Nord insiste sur sa «volonté de discuter avec les Etats-Unis à tout moment» - https://francais.rt.com/international/50995-coree-nord-dit-avoir-fait-plus-grands-efforts-pour-sentendre-avec-washington


Newly-released Pentagon report says Pyongyang sees nukes as key to its survival - https://www.rt.com/usa/427621-pentagon-report-north-korea/


N. Korea says it's still ready to talk to US 'at any time, in any way' - https://www.rt.com/news/427714-north-korea-summit-cancellation/


Russian Foreign Ministry news briefing (Streamed Live) - https://youtu.be/bzETkSplpQs


Rich Man's World (1%) - Immortal Technique - https://youtu.be/TOu33P7swVo


Lavrov: Canciller de Países Bajos no pudo probar la involucración rusa en el derribo del MH17 - https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/272895-lavrov-canciller-neerlandes-mh17


US has largest debt in world history, dollar to lose status as No.1 currency – Investor J. Rogers - https://youtu.be/VJ5m4v8AXw0


Sanctions forgotten in St. Petersburg as Putin attracts global big-hitters to his hometown - https://www.rt.com/news/427715-spief-sanctions-forum-putin-petersburg/


~196~ The Huge Fraud Behind Our Stock Market - https://youtu.be/eVUyBR_MM6Y

Keiser Report: Lotus of Perpetual Knowledge (E1230) - https://youtu.be/gBL6LPV-RVE


~194~ Wall St. A Ponzi Scheme, Air Pollution Frenzy & more - https://youtu.be/6s5U30LGZbA


Balle Doble H FT Valtonyc - Kalashnikov (Videoclip) - https://youtu.be/Vce8aUzy60M


Valtonyc - La Sexta Columna 31/3/17 - https://youtu.be/SfbaM42AOzA


Not One Step Back – Order 227

- http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/world-war-two/world-war-two-and-eastern-europe/not-one-step-back-order-227/

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_No._227



How can someone that does not know anything and because of that does nothing...58... that perhaps was always blocked, used abused mentally and morally fucked up - https://1drv.ms/w/s!AiqJfzYut37PgQouPsmcTdJirf4e


'Thank you very much Mr. Putin': Monson awarded Russian citizenship

- https://youtu.be/qsyenCScV5w


How can someone that does not know anything and because of that does nothing...61...

that perhaps was always blocked, used abused, mentally and morally fucked up . - https://1drv.ms/w/s!AiqJfzYut37PgQyUUkWI89vH__PJ


CrossTalk: 'Spygate' - https://youtu.be/g4frKLYk8ps


Medics initially treated Skripals for opioid overdose until Porton Down gave 'advice'

- https://youtu.be/oFQhtNHptFg


Matteo Renzi: Italy’s a kingdom of beauty, wine & food, but not No. 1 for political organization

- https://youtu.be/e6BFhs8DjH0


‘Elites decide, not people’: Italian Euroskeptic coalition angry over pro-EU interim PM

- https://youtu.be/YziuqJu8DDw


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