Theme: The war for Independence (1775-1783)

Seminar 1

Theme: Discovery and colonization of America
Indian Civilizations
Identify: culture, cultural area, civilization, and empire.
Why did Indians in different parts of the Americas develop different ways of life?
Describe some of the accomplishments of the Mayes, Aztecs and Incas.
Reading a map. Locate: Tenochtitian, Cuzco.
Prepare an oral report on:
a) the Mayes, b) the Aztecs, c) the Incas, d) North American Indian tribes.
Work with a map. Draw the map of North and South America. Identify location of major Indian civilizations.

 Columbus’s discovery

a) the main outlines of Columbus’s life;
b) circumstances under which Columbus made his discovery;
c) the impact of Columbus’s discovery on the development of the world history.
. Reading a map. Locate: Canary Islands, Bahamas Islands, San Salvador, and West Indies.
 Prepare an oral report on Ferdinand Magellan.

Colonization of the Americas by the Spaniards

1. What territories did Spain add to its possessions in the Americas?
2. Hernando Cortes: be ready to speak about the following:
a) What is known about Cortes’s life?
b) How did Cortes defeat the powerful Aztecs?
c) The importance of Cortes’s achievement.
3. Francisco Pizarro:  be ready to answer the questions:
a) What is known about Pizarro’s life?
b) How did Pizarro defeat the Incas?
c) What are the consequences of Pizarro’s conquest?

4. On what explorations did Spain base its claim to territory in Florida?
5. What ways of living did the Spanish bring to the Americas?
What ways of living did they learn from Indians?
6. Reading a map. Locate: New Spain, Mexico City, Peru, Lima, Bogotá, Santiago, Buenos Aires, Florida.

The French explore North American lands

7. On what explorations did France base its claim to land in North America?
8. Why did the French treat the Indians well?
9. Reading a map. Locate: St. Lawrence River, Quebec, Montreal, Great Lakes, Mississippi River, New Orleans, New York Harbor.

Establishing the English colonies

The Southern Colonies (Virginia, Maryland, Carolinas, Georgia)
10. Identify: joint-stock companies, investing, investor, indenture, indentured servant.
11. What happened to the colony on Roanoke Island? (The Lost colony)
12. How did the first Englishmen come to Virginia?
Why did the settlers in Jamestown have a difficult time at first?
What events eventually helped Jamestown to prosper?
What two significant events occurred in Jamestown?
13. Why did the Calvert family start a colony in North America?
14. How was the Carolina founded?
15. Why was the colony of Georgia founded?

The New England Colonies (Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire)

16. Identify: the Puritans, the Separatist, and the Pilgrims.
17. Why was the Mayflower Compact important for the Pilgrims?
18. What was life of the Pilgrims like at Plymouth?
19. How was Rhode Island founded?
20. What other New England Colonies were founded? How?

The Middle Colonies (New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey)

21. Name the groups of people who settled in the Middle Colonies.
22. Why did the English want to take over the colony of New Netherlands?
23. How was Pennsylvania founded?
24. What other Middle Colonies were founded? How?
25. Describe how methods of government differed in:
a) royal colonies, b) self-governing colonies, c) proprietary colonies.
26. What important ideas of American democracy were born in the English colonies?

Life in the English Colonies

27. What ways of life developed in the three groups of the English colonies?
28. How might you have viewed the mercantile system if you had been
a) an English merchant, b) a colonial manufacturer?
29. Work with a map of North and South America. Use different colors to identify
territories claimed by:
a) Spain, b) Portugal, c) France, d) England.
30. Draw the map of North America. Identify location of:
a) the Southern colonies, b) the Middle colonies, c) the New England colonies.


1. Boyer S. Paul. United States History. Oxford University Press, 2001. - p. 143 - 146

  1. Kalilova L. The USA: History and the Present. – M., 1999. - p. 52 - 56
  2. Kirshon J.W. Chronicle of America. – N.Y., 1998. - p. 22 - 43
  3. Nesterchuk G.V., Ivanova V.M. The USA and the Americans. – Minsk, 1998.- p. 52-53
  4. O’Callaghan B. An Illustrated History of the USA. – Longman, 2004. - p. 10 - 23
  5. Tokareva N., Peppard V. What it is like in the USA. – M., 2003. - p. 51 - 52
  6. Wood L.C., Gabriel R.M. America, its People and Values. – USA, 2001. - p.27 – 115



Seminar 2

Theme: The war for Independence (1775-1783)

Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 233; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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