Кафедра государственно-правовых дисциплин

Методология правового анализа

Билет №____


1 Переведите текст: Branches of law Law can be divided into two main branches: (1) private law and (2) public law. Private law deals with the rights and obligations people have in their relations with one another. Public law concerns the rights and obligations people have as members of society and as citizens. Both private law and public law can be subdivided into several branches. However, the various branches of public and private law are closely related, and in many cases they overlap. Private law is also called civil law. It determines a person's legal rights and obligations in many kinds of activities that involve other people. Such activities include everything from borrowing or lending money to buying a home or signing a job contract. The great majority of lawyers and judges spend most of their time dealing with private-law matters which are handled out of court. But numerous situations arise in which a judge or jury must decide if a person's private-law rights have been violated. More than 10 million such cases are filed in United States courts each year. These cases are called lawsuits or civil suits. Private law can be divided into six major branches according to the kinds of legal rights and obligations involved. These branches are (1) contract and commercial law (deals with the rights and obligations of people who make contracts), (2) tort law (A tort is a wrong or injury that a person suffers because of someone else's action. The action may cause bodily harm; damage a person's property, business, or reputation; or make unauthorized use of a person's property. 35
2 Renderingof newspaper article 35
3 Summary of Tax Code 30


Билетті құрастырған PhD_________________________ Нұрмуханқызы Д.

Кафедра меңгерушісі _________________________С.С.Тинистанова

Кафедра отырысындабекітілген «___» __________ 2017 ж. хаттама № ___


Мемлекеттік құқықтық пәндер кафедрасы

Кәсіби бағытталған шет тілі

Билет №____


1 Переведите текст: Criminal and civil cases Crime is a violation of a law that forbids or commands an activity. Such as murder, rape, arson are on the books of every country. Because crime is a violation of public order, the government prosecutes criminal cases. Courts decide both criminal and civil cases. Civil cases stem from claims to something of value. Disputes arise from accidents, contract obligations, and divorce, for example. Most countries make a rather clear distinction between civil and criminal procedures. For example, an English criminal court may force a defendant to pay a fine as punishment for his crime, and he may sometimes have to pay the legal costs of the prosecution. But the victim of the crime pursuits his claim for compensation in a civil, not a criminal, action. Criminal and civil procedures are different. Although some systems, in the English law, allow a private citizen to bring a criminal prosecution to another citizen, criminal actions are nearly always started by the state. Civil procedures, on the other hand, are usually started by individuals. Some courts, such as the English Magistrates Courts and the Japanese Family Court, deal with both civil and criminal matters. Others, such as the English Crown Court, deal exclusively with one or the other. 35
2 Renderingof newspaper article 35
3 Summary of Criminal code 30



Билетті құрастырған PhD_________________________ Нұрмуханқызы Д.

Кафедра меңгерушісі _________________________С.С.Тинистанова

Кафедра отырысындабекітілген «___» __________ 2017 ж. хаттама № ___


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