VI. translate the sentences from Russian into English


I. transcribe (произнесите и переведите) the following words.

receptionist, administrator, supplier, trader, wealthy, important, further, developer, receiver, cofounder, entrepreneur, success, rumours, industrialist, production, designer

II. read the transcription of the words and spell them.

['ɔ:dǝ], [fɪ'lanѲrǝpɪst], ['kʌrǝnt],['ɪndǝstrɪ], ['magneɪt], [kǝu'faundǝ], [ɪks'pensɪv], [dɪ'rektǝ], ['ʧɛǝmǝn]

III.Write the following numerals

38, 59, 45, 11, 167, 723, 1495681, 1532794326

IV. translate the word-combinations from Russian into English.

company car, company success, department head, chairman of the meeting, the director’s office, the Sales Manager’s report, the Advertising department’s samples, job opportunities, business plans, receiver of information, designer of cars

V. give the comparative and superlative degrees of the following adjectives.

good, fast, wealthy, influential, little, many, respected, important, bad, strong

VI. form nouns from the following verbs.

invent, create, produce, design, manage, program

VII. translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Он — влиятельный человек в мире бизнеса.

2. Это важная задача?

3. В каждом офисе есть программы от компании Майкрософт.

4. Билл Гейтс один из самых богатых людей мира.

5. Стив Джобс — компьютерный гений (маг).

6. Он — разработчик всемирно-известных смартфонов.




I. transcribe the following words.

encompass, cafe, potential, accessories, exquisite, island, own, century,

lounge, bi-level

II. read the transcription of the words and spell them.

 [rɪ′si:v], [sǝ′fɪstɪkeɪtɪd], [rɪ′sǝ:ʧ], [kleudz], [rɪspɔnsɪ′bɪlɪtɪ], [ɪs′teɪt], [ǝ′pα:tmǝnt], [′palɪs], [′pα:tnǝ], [′pǝ:sǝnǝl]

III. complete these sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. He (has/have) got exquisite furniture.

2. The designer (work/works) every day even at the weekend.

3. They (sell/sells) accessories in London.

4. Our General Manager (have/has) got a big office.

5. The Chief (ask/asks) me to come to work early. 6. I (goes/go) to the supermarket every Saturday.

7. My colleagues (own/owns) expensive cars.

8. She (work/works) in a furniture shop.

IV. put the adverbs of frequency given in brackets in the correct places.

1. He uses all the opportunities (always).

2. The Transport Manager asks his workers to wash their cars (usually).

3. We see her in our office (seldom).

4. Do you write reports (sometimes)?

5. He doesn’t buy expensive goods (often).

6. The company receives their partners at their employees’ homes (never).

V. translate the words and word-combinations from Russian into English.

загородный дом, вечеринка, напряженный день, влиятельный человек, изысканная одежда, знаменитый промышленник, модельер

VI. translate the sentences from Russian into English

1. Компания производит эксклюзивную одежду.

2. Он имеет роскошный особняк около моря.

3. Этот предприниматель иногда покупает аксессуары в дорогих магазинах. 4. Знаменитый дизайнер создает эксклюзивную мебель?

5. Это не его личные вещи.

6. Он иногда делает ошибки.



I. transcribe the following words.

sample, customer, consumer, talk, transaction, guest, supplier, increase, developer, important, identification, dean

II. read the transcription of the words below and spell them.

[kǝ labǝ′reɪʃn], [′waɪǝlɪs], [′vɛǝrɪd], [ɪ′fektɪvlɪ], [dɪ͵tǝ:mɪ′neɪʃǝn], [krɪ′eɪt]

III. make these sentences interrogative.

1. Students must receive comprehensive educational experience.

2. Their manager can lead and motivate the staff.

3. The dean must collaborate with other educational institutions.

4. A good manager must have administrative skills.

5. You can see our product on the information panel.

6. We must support creative people.

IV. make these sentences negative.

1. He can redesign the interior of Eurostar trains.

2. The secretary must stay in the office until 11 o’clock.

3. This person can design cars for the masses.

4. We must stop our research.

5. They must reduce the price.

6. The receptionist can type well.

V. correct the mistakes in these sentences. One sentence is correct.

1. Must he to determine the demand of the brand?

2. They not must stop the experiment.

3. Our new employee can no analyze competitors.

4. What job they can receive if they work effectively?

5. Must we raise the consuming demand?

6. Brand managers must have experience in marketing.

VI. translate the sentences from Russian into English

1. Наш новый менеджер по продажам может продвигать новые продукты.

2. Цена колеблется от 100 до 150 долларов.

3. Вам нужно реконструировать свой офис.

4. Он способен провести это исследование.

5. Наши розничные магазины должны открываться в 8 часов.

6. Качество нашей упаковки должно быть высоким.




Дата добавления: 2018-06-27; просмотров: 1413; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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