Task 4. Translate the following sentences into English.

Задания для самостоятельной работы

по учебнику Камяновой Т.Г. English. Практический курс английского языка,                   2005. ‒ 384 с.

(одинаковые для всех)

1. Unit 6 Ex. 6.27; 6.28; 6.29.


2. Unit 7 Ex. 7.6; 7.7; 7.8.


3. Unit 8 Ex. 8.11; 8.12; 8.15.


4. Unit 9 Ex. 9.3; 9.4 (1-15 предложений).


5. Работа с текстом (см. ниже). Предложенный текст перевести устно, а задания к      нему ‒ письменно выполнить.


Musical instruments can be divided into four main groups: strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion instruments.

String instruments make up the largest section of the orchestra. They consist of the violin, viola, cello and double bass. They each have the same basic shape, but are different in size. They each have four strings, are made of wood, and are played by drawing a bow across the strings or plucking the strings with the fingers. String instruments are also come in smaller size so children can learn to play them.

Other members of the string family include the harp, the piano and the harpsichord. The harp has 47 strings so it is considered to be a member of the string family. The strings of the harp are plucked or strummed by the harpist.

The piano is a member of both the string and percussion families of the orchestra. It has strings that are struck with felt covered hammers.

The harpsichord looks similar to the piano, but its sound is softer. The strings of the harpsichord are plucked when the musician plays on the keyboard.

Woodwind instruments are most commonly made of wood or metal, and are played by blowing air across an opening at one end or through a “reed”, and by covering and uncovering holes along the instrument with fingers or levers, keys, and pads. The members of this family are flute and piccolo, oboe and English horn, clarinet and bassoon and contra-bassoon.

Brass instruments are the loudest members of the orchestra. They include French horn, trumpet, trombone, and tuba. Brass instruments are long tubes of metal which the player blows into through a mouth-piece at one end. The player makes a buzzing sound with his or her lips, and the sound comes out the other end which is wider, like a bell.

Percussion instruments are the rhythm section of the orchestra. They make sounds when they are struck, scraped, or rattled with hands or special sticks. Some percussion instruments have a definite highness or lowness, a quality called pitch. And some do not have a definite pitch, xylophone, timpani, chimes, vibraphone, and celesta are examples of pitched percussion instruments, while bass drum, snare drum, triangle, cymbals, and tambourine are non-pitched percussion instruments. The percussion family has the most members, with new instruments added all the time.    



Task 1. Divide the following instruments into categories. Then say with which musical genres these instruments are typically associated.   


acoustic guitar, banjo, bodhran, cello, clarinet, double bass drums, electric guitar, flute, French horn, harp, maracas, marimba, organ, panpipes, piano, saxophone, sitar, trumpet, synthesizer, violin.  


strings woodwind brass percussion keyboard

Task 2. Match the name of the musical instrument with its definition.


1. Flute                      a. a curved musical instrument made  of metal  that  

                                  you play by blowing into and pressing buttons used

                                  especially in popular music and jazz


2. Oboe                     b. a musical instrument like a large violin that  you  hold

                                  between your knees and play by pulling a bow across the



3. Clarinet                 c. a wooden musical instrument that you play like a violin

                                  but that is larger and has a lower sound


4. Bassoon                d. a musical instrument with six strings that you play by

                                  pulling the strings with your fingers or with  a  plectrum


5. Saxophone           e. a musical instrument like a long black tube that you play

                                 by blowing into it and  pressing  keys  to  change  the notes


6. Violin                   f. a musical instrument that you blow into, which consists

                                 of a curved metal tube that is wide at  the  end,  and  three

                                 buttons you press to change the notes


7. Viola                    g. a musical instrument like a very long wooden tube that

                                 produces a low sound. You hold it upright and play  it  by

                                 blowing into a thin curved metal pipe.


8. Cello                    h. a large musical instrument that has a long row of black

                                 and white keys. You play it by sitting in  front  of  it  and

                                 pressing the keys


9. Harp                     i. a musical instrument like a thin pipe that you play by

                                 holding it across your lips, blowing  over  a  hole,  and

                                 pressing down buttons with your fingers


10. Guitar                    j. a large metal musical instrument that consists of a curved 

                                 tube  with   a   wide   opening   that  points   straight  up.  It

                                  produces very low sounds when you blow into it


11. Trumpet              k. a small wooden musical instrument that you hold under

                                  your chin and play  by  pulling  a  bow  across  the  strings


12. Tuba                    l. a musical instrument like a large box  that  you  hold  in

                                  both hands. You play it by pressing the sides together and

                                  pulling them out again, while you push  buttons  and  keys

13. French horn        m. a wooden musical instrument like a narrow tube, which

                                  you    can    play    by    blowing    air    through    a    reed


14. Piano                   n. a musical instrument made of brass that is curved round

                                  into    a    circle    with    a    wide    opening   at   one   end


15. Accordion           o. a large musical instrument with strings that are stretched

                                  across a vertical  frame  with  three  corners,  and  that  you

                                  play with your fingers



Task 3. Ask the questions:

а) Which instrument can you play?

          Which instrument would you like to learn?

            Which instrument has the most beautiful sound?

b) Choose three pieces of music that are especially important to you and note down why.



Task 4. Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Моцарт одним из первых начал активно использовать кларнет в камерной музыке.

2. Она пела, а он аккомпанировал ей на флейте.

3. Джек принёс свой саксофон и ноты, чтобы сыграть соло.

4. Помимо симфонического оркестра контрабас используется в камерной музыке, а также в джазе.

5. В симфоническом оркестре, как правило, применяется одна туба.

6. Научиться играть на арфе непросто.

7. Валторна звучит очень красиво, приковывая к себе внимание слушателей.

8. Мой любимый инструмент – электрогитара, которая может издавать мощные звуки.

9. Я могу показать вам мою коллекцию струнных инструментов.

10. Вивальди написал более 230 концертов для скрипки.



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