Approach to fabricating at the nano scale

Министерство образования и науки Украины Севастопольский национальный технический университет    





к практическим занятиям по дисциплине

«Английский язык» для студентов I-II курсов

факультета «Радиотехника»

дневной и заочной форм обучения





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Нанотехнология. Методические указания к практическим занятиям по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов I-II курсов факультета «Радиотехника» дневной и заочной форм обучения / Сост. В.В. Лысенко, Е.В. Никитина. – Севастополь: Изд-во СевНТУ, 2009. - 48с.


Методические указания предназначены для практических занятий студентов специальностей факультета «Радиотехника» дневной и заочной форм обучения. В каждом уроке представлен текст, лексико-грамматические упражнения на закрепление материала урока и задания, развивающие коммуникативные навыки.


Методические указания утверждены на заседании кафедры Практики романских и германских языков (протокол № 7  от 25.02.2010 г. ).


Допущено учебно-методическим центром и научно-методическим Советом СевНТУ в качестве методических указаний.


Рецензент: кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры ПРГЯ Скидан О.Г.





Введение …………………………………………………………………..4

1. Lesson I. Nanotechnology.Introduction………………………………….5

2. Lesson II.Smaller Computers! Faster Internet!…………………………..11

3. Lesson III. Nano-optics instead of Electronics ………………………....17

4. Lesson IV. Stronger Materials. Smarter Devices…………………………21

5. Lesson V. Cheaper Energy ………………………………..…..…………30

6. Lesson VI. Environment with Nanotech…………………………………36

7. Lesson VII. Industries Going Small………………………………………40

Библиографический список ………………………………….……………48






Данные методические указания предназначены для студентов 1-го и 2-го курса специальностей факультета «Радиотехники».

Основная цель практических занятий – совершенствовать приобретенные ранее знания студентов, расширить словарный запас и научить вести беседу по профессиональной тематике.

Целью данных методических указания является привитие навыков чтения и понимания литературы по специальности, обучения активному владению языковым материалом, ведению беседы на английском языке в пределах рассматриваемых тем и специальности студентов, которые являются основой для дальнейшего совершенствования навыков беседы на профессиональные темы.

В каждом уроке даны тексты для просмотрового чтения, список слов и выражений для запоминания, которые рекомендуется использовать в своей речи, лексико-грамматические упражнения, цель которых отработать специальную лексику.

Система упражнений к урокам включает в себя упражнения, направленные на:

- развитие навыков различных видов чтения;

- усвоение специальной лексики;

- формирование навыков профессиональной устной речи (диалогической и монологической);

- развитие навыков письма.

    Данные методические указания состоят из 7 уроков, каждый из которых содержит текст, упражнения для закрепления лексики соответствующего урока, а также творческие задания коммуникативной направленности. Лексический материал содержит как новую терминологию, связанную с развитием и внедрением нанотехнологии, так и слова и словосочетания из общей лексики, которые студенты смогут использовать в разговоре на различные темы.



Pre-text exercise 1.These words you should know.

strand – волосок                          roughly – приблизительно, ориентировочно

realm – сфера, область                        stained-glass - витраж; цветное стекло

medieval – средневековый                  to incorporate – включать

current – текущий                                     definition - определение

to hammer out – сформулировать      straightforward – прямой, очевидный

brick – кирпич
Pre-text exercise 2.These notions you should learn by heart.

nanotechnology – нанотехнология         nanoscience – нанонаука

nanoscientist – наноученый               nanoparticles – наночастица

applied technology – прикладная технология
feature – функция, храктеристика, особенность

melting point – точка плавления        atomic scale - атомная шкала/масштаб

Pre-text exercise 3.Check your memory, try to guess the meanings of the following words and expressions: measurement, human hair, specific size, sugar molecule, glass worker, working definition



Nano, Greek for “dwarf,” means one billionth. Measurement at this level is in nanometers (abbreviated “nm”) — billionths of a meter. Just imagine a strand of human hair is roughly 75,000 nm across! 

Nanotechnology can be difficult to determine and define. For example, the realm of nanoscience is not new. This nanotechnology has been already known for hundreds of years. Stained-glass windows found in medieval churches contain different-size gold nanoparticles incorporated into the glass. It should be mentioned that the specific size of the particles creates orange, purple, red, or greenish colors. Einstein calculated the size of a sugar molecule as one nanometer. We can say both the medieval glass workers and Einstein were nanoscientists.

What’s new about current nanoscience? It focuses on developing applied technology. When faced with this term that can mean different things to different people, the best thing to do is to form a committee and charge it with drawing up a working definition. In fact, a committee wasformed (the National Nanotechnology Initiative) and the following defining features of nanotechnology were hammered out:

1. Nanotechnology involves research and technology development at the 1nm-to-100nm range.

2. Nanotechnology creates and uses structures that have novel properties because of their small size.

3. Nanotechnology builds on the ability to control or manipulate at the atomic scale.

Numbers 1 and 3 are pretty straightforward, but Number 2 uses the term “novel properties (новые свойства).” It means that we’ll speak about our common things in a way that is not common for us. In the nanoworld you see all kinds of unusual effects. For example, it is true that a gold nanoparticle has a color, melting point, and chemical property different from those that gold brick has.


ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. What is “nanotechnology”? 2. Is it a really new thing? 3. What are the goals of nowadays nanoscientists? 4. Why do you want nanotechnology in your life? Prove your opinion. 5. What does “applied technology” mean? 6. Nanoparticle has the same properties as all the particles, doesn’t it? 7. Why are there so many new materials with nanoparticles? 8. Is it good or bad changing common for us things with the help of nanotechnology? 9. What do you thin about the ability to contol and manipulate at the atomicscale?


Grammar exercises

Exercise 1. Choose the correct form of the verb in the brackets.

Approach to fabricating at the nano scale

There … (is, are, am) two approaches to fabricating at the nano scale: top-down and bottom-up. A top-down approach … (is, are, were) similar to a sculptor cutting away at a block of marble — we first … (works, work, working) at a large scale and then … (cut, cuts, cutting) away until we … (has, have, had) our nano-scale product. For example, the computer industry … (uses, use, used) this approach when creating their microprocessors.

The other approach … (will be, is, are) bottom-up manufacturing, which … (entailed, entail, entails) building our product one atom at a time. This can … (is, be, are) time-consuming, so a so-called self-assembly process is … (employ, employs, employed) under specific conditions, the atoms and molecules … (arranges, arrange, arranged) themselves into the final product.

Some science-fiction plots — they … (knows, knew, know) who they … (is, are, will) — revolve around this self-assembly concept, conjuring up plot lines infested with tiny self-replicating machines running amok (неконтролируемо). For the near-term, it … (look, looked, looks) like the top-down approach will be (favored, favor, favors) because it tends … (provides, provide, to provide) us with greater control and, more importantly, it uses some time-tested techniques of the computer industry. If we were betting men, we … (would ventured, would venture, will venture) that the top-down approach will be the fabrication method of choice for quite awhile.

Exercise 2. Translate the text paying attention to the words in italics.

What we have

Nano applications are already showing up in areas as diverse as computing, transportation safety, and medicine. The steps may seem modest by future standards, but they get big effects from tiny things. Three examples illustrate what we can do now:

· Computer transistors have broken below the 100nm barrier — transistors are officially nano-sized. Look for the devices that house them to shrink as well, and for devices that are already small (such as cellphones) to become more powerful.

· Airbag sensors although micro in size and bigger than nano, are used in most recent cars — some of them already saving lives. These sensors will continue to shrink, becoming more accurate and powerful.

Using an attachment called a force-feedback pen (attached to the scanning tip), you can touch the sample surface and manipulate objects on it, for example, carbon nanotubes, DNA, and even viruses. Sceintists can bend and rotate these objects, allowing researchers to find out more about the mechanical properties of said objects. The more you know about those properties, the better your chances of controlling the object.

Exercise 3. Translate the text paying attention to the underlined Participle I and Participle II.

Nano This and Nano That

We've all seen articles, papers, and predictions based on nanotubes - they seem to be everywhere these days. Here is just one prediction: "Nanofibers (nanotubes) may offer the potential for creating some very large and strong space structures." Over the past year or so, we have seen a myriad other varieites of nano-this and nano-that, from nanosprings and nanohorns, to nanorods and nanomesh. Why, on Google alone, there are 9,950,000 pages that contain, somewhere, the word "nano"!
That’s why it’s high time to define some of the most useful nano-things that you should be familiar with. Of course this is not an exhaustive list of nano-whatsits, or their possible uses. But nevertheless without knowing these items you could hardly speak about the nanotechnology in whole or about its impact.

Let’s leave out such well-known things as nanocontainers, nanocrystals, nanoshells and some others.

Nanohorns,so-called due to their irregular horn-like shape of nanotubes, may be a critical component of a new generation of fuel cells. It is easy for the gas and liquid to penetrate to the inside. Nanohorns are expected to become a low-cost raw material.

Nanosprings, a nanowire wrapped into a helix, may someday make highly sensitive magnetic field detectors. Perhaps nanosprings will find application in hard drive read heads.

Nanorod is a kind of nanowire that may cause improvements in high-density data storage, and allow for cheaper flexible solar cells.

Nanoporesare essentially itty-bitty tiny holes. Nanoscopic pores found in purpose-built filters, sensors, or diffraction gratings to make them function better. They may also be used as an alternative fuel storage medium, due to their massive internal surface area.

Nanoplotters combined with nanopipettes make up nanopens and nanopencils that allow for drawing electronic circuits a thousand times smaller than current ones. The "pen" is an atomic force microscope (AFM).

Nanoguitaristhe smallest guitar (about the size of a human blood cell),made for fun to illustrate the technology for nanosized electromechanical devices.
In conclusion, it should be mentioned that some things in nanotechnology get several names, for example nanomesh isn’t anything new but nanofibres or nanofibers, keep in mind American and British English. One more example,nanobeads (polymer beads) are also called nanodots, nanocrystals and quantum beads.

Vocabulary exercises

Exercise 1. Look through the abstracts about already available nanoproducts. Try to guess what particular industry gets benifit from them and why. Prove your opinion.

A. A plastic nanocomposite is being used in the GM Safari and Astro Vans. It is scratch-resistant, light-weight, and rust-proof material. Its high-level strength and light weight lead to fuel savings and increased longevity. And in 2001, Toyota started using nanocomposites in a bumper that makes it 60% lighter and twice as resistant to denting and scratching.

B. A tungsten-carbide-cobalt composite powder (grain size less than 15nm) is used to make a sintered alloy as hard as diamond, which is in turn used to make cutting tools, drill bits, armor plate, and jet engine parts.

C. Kodak is producing OLED color screens (made of nanostructured polymer films) for use in car stereos and cell phones. OLEDs (organic light emitting diodes) enable thinner, lighter, more flexible, less power consuming displays, and other consumer products such as cameras, PDAs, laptops, and televisions.

D. The utilizing nanoparticles sunscreens are extremely effective at absorbing light, especially in the ultra-violet (UV) range. Due to the particle size, they spread more easily, cover better, and save money since you use less. And they are transparent, unlike traditional screens which are white. These sunscreens are so successful that by 2001 they had captured 60% of the Australian sunscreen market.

E. Additional products, available today, that benefit from the unique properties of nanoscale materials, include: step assists on vans; bumpers on cars; paints and coatings to protect against corrosion, scratches and radiation; protective and glare-reducing coatings for eyeglasses and cars; metal-cutting tools; sunscreens and cosmetics; stain-free clothing and mattresses; ink and automobile catalytic converters.

Exercise 2. We have some fields where the nanotechnology impact is more likely to happen. Match these fields with the examples of the improvements.

a. superior, lightweight materials

b. advanced computing

c. increased situational awareness

d. powerful munitions

e. healthcare

f. resources

1. the composite nanomaterials ten times stronger than steel for airframes, spacecraft, skyscrapers, bridges, and body armor

2. new additives making fuel more efficient

3. efficient water purification techniques

4. chemical sensors based on nanotechnology will be incredibly sensitive, cheap and disposable

5. more powerful and smaller computers that will encrypt our data and provide round-the-clock security, cellphones with longer battery life

6. an energy-efficient, high resolution, wristwatch-sized display

7. just the right amount of medicine will be delivered by nanopills to the exact spots of the body that need it most

8. the nanometals of variable size in munitions for controling the explosion and minimizing collateral damage

9. the lab-on-a-chip and other faster, cheaper diagnostic equipment

10. house lighting with the help of quantum dots to transform electricity into light instead of wasting away into heat

11. biocompatible joint replacements that will last the life of the patient instead of having to be replaced every few years

12. cars with lighter and stronger engine blocks and frames

13. Global Positioning Systems that are smaller and more accurate

14. Memory storage that packs greater capacity into a smaller space and uses less energy

15. DNA fingerprinting that is quick and accurate

Exercise 3. Write an annotation to the text.

Дата добавления: 2018-06-01; просмотров: 181; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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