Россия впервые за 10 лет применила право вето в оон

Урок 15

(Дальнейшее расширение Европейского союза –

Would be members of the EU)


Упражнение I.Переведите тексты 1 – 4 с листа со зрительной опорой. выделенные словосочетания и фразеологические единицы переведите письменно:

Текст 1

TURKEY, ankara

The writer is deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs of Turkey.

It is indeed gratifying to see that there is a growing awareness within Europe of the strategic, economic and cultural depth and breadth that Turkey would bring to the EU with its membership. Turkey’s economic potential and human resources are increasingly regarded as the assets that they are, rather than a burden, by a great number of European statesmen, businessmen and intellectuals. It is also widely acknowledged that Turkey has contributed to the development of the European Security and Defense Policy.

* * *

The upcoming European Council meeting in Brussels will represent an important milestone on the way to the decisive rendezvous in December 2004. My government rightly anticipates a clear and positive message from Brussels that will offer further encouragement for Turkey.

Next year, the European Council is expected to adopt a decision to commence accession negotiations with Turkey without delay. The initiation of negotiations will represent the beginning of a next phase in the process of accession.

* * *        

Turkey is the living proof that a Muslim society can be governed in a democratic, accountable and transparent manner in accordance with European norms, including rule of law and gender equality, scend geography, religions and cultures. The accomplishments of the Turkish government are a call to both the West and the East.

Herald Tribune,

February 20, 2004

* * *

The Turkish question threatens to become one of the most I explosive in the EU. Advocates of Turkey point to the advantages of embracing a secular Muslim nation that plays a strategic role for the West.

Opponents talk, like M Giscard, of the obstacles to absorbing a big, poor Muslim nation from outside the European tradition.

Financial Times,

March 12, 2004

Текст 2

Cyprus Peace Plan

NICOSIA, Cyprus (Reuters) – The UN’s new Cyprus peace plan was thrown into confusion Saturday when Turkey’s leader said a reunited island of Greek and Turkish Cypriots should not join the European Union until Turkey was admitted.

The diplomats saw this surprise comment as a hard ball ployto speed up Turkey’s own EU entry.

Herald Tribune,

March 12, 2004

* * *

eu denies "ethnic cleansing" over cyprus

By Judy Dempsey in Brussels

European Union diplomats involved in reaching a settlement over the divided island of Cyprus have rejected suggestions by Greek Cypriot leaders that the United Nations plan to unify the country amounts to "ethnic cleansing".

Financial Times,

April 19, 2004

Текст 3

EU may open membership talks with Croatia

As reward for reform

By George Parker and Judy Dempsey in Brussels

Croatia will be told today that it could start talks as early as next year to join the European Union, as long as it improves its record on war crimes and the treatment of refugees.

A decision on Croatian membership of the EU could be taken by government leaders in June 2004, with final negotiations expected to take a further four years.

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Günter Verheugen, EU enlargement commissioner, believes Croatian membership could send a powerful signal to Serbia and other western Balkan countries that democratic reforms will be rewarded.

But Mr Verheugen says the EU must first be convinced that Croatia has made a definitive break from its turbulent recent past, and fully complied with the Union’s entry criteria.

* * *

His comments raise the possibility of Croatia joining the EU as early as 2008, a year afterRomania and Bulgaria.

Croatia has long resented being lumped together as part of the western Balkans, insisting its cultural and religious identity – it is predominately Catholic and was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire – gives it a special place in Europe. The rest of the western Balkans is largely Orthodox or Muslim.

Human rights organizations have repeatedly argued that the EU should not give Croatia any dates for possible membership until it co-operates completely with the Hague tribunal in sending alleged war criminals to the court for atrocities committed against the Serb minority living in Croatia and against Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

December 9, 2003

Текст 4

Russia Too Big for EU

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (Reuters) — Former Soviet republics such as Ukraine have no place in an enlarged European Union, and Russia is just too big to join, European Commission President Romano Prodi said in an interview published Wednesday.

"It is important that we now ask ourselves what will happen after this big expansion. Where does Europe end? The Balkan countries will join, they belong. Turkey is officially a candidate, that is clear. But Morocco or Ukraine or Moldova? I see no reason for that," Prodi told the Dutch daily dl Volkskrant.

"We need to talk about our criteria. The fact Ukrainians or Armenians feel European means nothing to me, because New Zealanders feel European too," he said.

Prodi said President Vladimir Putin had asked him about potential Russian membership of the union.

"I told him straight away clearly: 'No, you are too big," Prodi said.

Moscow Times,

November 22, 2003

Упражнение II. Прочтите тексты 5 и 6. Кратко передайте их содержание на английском языке:

Текст 5

россия впервые за 10 лет применила право вето в оон

На повестке дня стоял, казалось бы, безобидный вопрос – референдум об объединении Кипра, который пройдет 24 апреля 2004 года.


* * *

США и Великобритания внесли на обсуждение коллег по Совбезу проект резолюции, призывавшей киприотов проголосовать за ооновский план воссоединения острова. Ни у кого из членов СБ такая формулировка возражений не вызвала. Кроме России.

* * *

 как следует из разъяснений исполняющего обязанности постоянного представителя России при ООН Геннадия Гатилова, Москву смутили два обстоятельства. Во-первых, то, что ООН пытается оказать давление на жителей острова, подсказать им, как следует голосовать. Во-вторых, "технология" принятия решения. Россиянам не понравилось, что англичане и американцы, ни с кем не посоветовавшись, составили текст документа, а затем – практически без обсуждения – вынесли его на голосование.

(acting ambassador)

Москва в итоге оказалась в гордом одиночестве. Редчайший случай – четырнадцать членов Совбеза голосуют "за", один – против.

Можно предположить, что демарш рассчитан на западных союзников – в первую очередь на США. Москва дает понять: она не будет впредь покорно штамповать ооновские резолюции, подготовленные другими – без ее привлечения.

(to rubber-stamp)


23 апреля, 2004

Текст 6

У Калининграда есть неплохие шансы

стать международной информационной столицей

 На международном информационном форуме

Шесть стран – Россия, Белоруссия, Литва, Польша, Германия и Финляндия – направили своих представителей в Калининград. Они собрались вчера в Музее Мирового океана, чтобы обсудить проблемы информационного взаимодействия. Время и место проведения первого международного форума "Россия и Европа: информационное сотрудничество в условиях глобализации" было выбрано не случайно. С 1 мая Калининградская область окажется внутри ЕС, так что самое время налаживать контакты с соседями, от благожелательности которых будет зависеть будущая связь области с Россией и миром.


23 апреля, 2004

Упражнение III. Переведите и прочтите несколько раз:

Croatia, Brussels, Serbia, Balkan countries, criteria, Romania, Bulgaria, catholic, empire, orthodox, the Hague tribunal, Bosnia, Morocco, Herzegovina, Amsterdam, Ukraine, Moldova, the Netherlands.


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