How reading fiction renewed my love

Распределение по вариантам! (как и в прошлом семестре)


 фамилия студента на букву А, В, Д, Ж, И\Й, Л, Н, П, С, У, Х, Ч, Щ, Ю,



фамилия студента на букву Б, Г, Е\Ё, З, К, М, О, Р, Т, Ф, Ц, Ш, Э, Я


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- дисциплина Иностранный язык (английский)

- тема: Вариант 1(2)

- к.ф.н., доц. И.С. Попова

- кафедра общего и германского языкознания


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Все, что написано выше, НЕ ВКЛЮЧАТЬ В ТЕКСТ РАБОТЫ!!!


С уважением, Ирина Сергеевна


Контрольная работа № 2 по английскому языку


Вариант 1

Ex. 1. Translate the article from English into Russian!

Potter`s magic spell turns boys into bookworms

    The Harry Potter books boost children`s reading ability and encourage them to read more widely, according to both pupils and their teachers. Indeed, many teachers cite J.K. Rowling`s work as being a valuable educational resource, and consider that it is more effective than the government`s National Literacy Strategy.

    The recent research found that 59 % of children feel that the Potter books have helped them enhance their reading skills, made them want to read more books. Teachers are convinced of Potter`s magic effect on children`s literacy. The professionals say that the boy wizard has had an unquestionable impact on children`s reading abilities and even admit that they have been surprised that some of the children who were hopelessly deficient in their command of English have managed to read Potter. Potter had helped turn non-reading pupils into readers. “With PlayStations, football and television it`s difficult to encourage the children to read but with Harry Potter frenzy today there is no doubt at all that Harry Potter will help in the classroom. Reading books is now cool and boys want to have read the latest thing.”

    Harry Potter became a good role model for children and the global popularity of books, films, games and merchandise has made the harry Potter brand worth an estimated $1 billion. The “Harry Potter Report” also examines how the books have triggered an entire cultural shift towards children`s literature in media coverage and retail space.

    But J.K. Rowling really deserves her success because she gave children the magic back. We were in danger of ruining childhood altogether, breeding a generation of knowing mini-adults. The invisible world was disappearing. J.K. did a good deed. Now, there are plenty of books out there not claiming to be art. The entertainment industry, as the Americans have taught us to call it, is a money-making machine, and some of its products are fun and high quality. Nothing wrong with any of that. What`s wrong is when the entertainment industry`s core value – money – is taken as the core value of art.

    Well, it`s the usual problem with the modern world. We have decided that only money matters, and that getting rich matters more than anything. Art – whether books, pictures, music, theatre – has always stood for other values. Art is like a green space in a city filling with concrete. It is a place to breathe, to walk slowly, to meditate on life and its meaning, to find new understanding about oneself and others, to be surprised by beauty. Art is a place to think. Above all, art is a place to feel. We live in a world suspicious of emotion. Art is emotion.

    Harry Potter can be re-read as a huge need in the world for life that is more than facts and figures. Why are we focusing on the money, when what J.K. has done is to show us how impoverished we have become? Grown-ups read HP because they are as needy as their kids for a bit of that invisible world. We need to protect the place that is not money – and we need that place in all our lives. It is a place where love is, where imagination grows, where we can feel and respond without being ashamed. It is a place of free exchange, forgiveness, and something that might be called happiness. It is the place where we are at our best. I believe that art helps us inhabit that place.

Abridged from avid.smith


Ex. 2. Match the Russian expressions with their English equivalents from the text.

1. культурный сдвиг a. bookworm
2. истинная ценность b. a role model
3. торговое пространство c. a cultural shift
4. индустрия развлечений d. media coverage
5. образец для подражания e. entertainment industry
6. игровая приставка f. core value
7. колдовство, чары g. retail space
8. ажиотаж, безумие h. PlayStation
9. книголюб i. wizard
10. маг, волшебник j. magic spell
11.  освещение в прессе k. frenzy


Ex. 3. Paraphrase or explain (in English!).

1) reading books is now cool

2) The books have triggered an entire cultural shift towards children`s literature.

3) media coverage and retail space

4) the entertainment industry is a money-making machine

5) We live in a world suspicious of emotion


Ex. 4. Answer the questions.

1) What is the main idea of the article?

2) How did the boy wizard influence children?

3) Why are J.K. Rowling`s books inspiring children to read again?

4) How have her books become a valuable educational resource?

5) What is the core value of art according to the author?

6) Do you agree with the author? Why/ Why not?

7) Have you read any of J.K. Rowling`s books?

8) Do you share the author`s view on her achievements?


Ex. 5. Write about the last book you have read recently! (about 10 sentences)



Ex. 1. Translate the article from English into Russian!

How reading fiction renewed my love

Дата добавления: 2018-05-12; просмотров: 227; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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