Indicate one of the meanings in which the given word is used in the Text. The paragraph number is given in brackets.

1. to stretch - растягиваться, удлиняться, простираться
2. plain - ясный, равнина, простой
3. to possess - удерживать, овладевать, обладать, владеть
4. variety - множество, сорт, разнообразие
5. plant - завод, сажать, основывать
6. to raise - поднимать, воздвигать, выращивать
7. to provide - обеспечивать, предоставлять, снабжать
8. to adopt - усыновлять, перенимать, принимать
9. to set - класть, устанавливать, затвердевать
10. to settle - регулировать, оседать, поселиться
11. a mouth - рот, горлышко, устье, вход
12. headquarters  - главное управление, штаб, центр
13. to lay out - выкладывать, планировать, выставлять
14. busy - занятой, деятельный, оживленный
15. a store -запас, склад, имущество, магазин, универмаг
16. to carry on - продолжать, вести, совершать
17. to produce - предъявлять, представлять, производить

Choose the synonyms from the right column to the phrases given in the left one.

1. a seaboard 2. densely populated 3. including 4. broad 5. cattle 6. to be famous for 7. a wealth 8. to be founded 9. an amendment 10. to operate 11. urban 12. approximately 13. somewhat 14. pronunciation 15. metropolitan 16. a harbour 17. a movie 18. nearby 19. a suburb 20. as well as a) to be well-known b) city c) a change d) a little e) a film f) of or in capital city g) about h) a coast region i) saying j) wide k) a port l) close by m) outskirts n) having as a part o) riches p) in addition of q) livestock, cows r) to work s) thickly inhabited t)to be established 

Finish up the sentences of the Text.

1. America is a land of … .

2. American farmers plant … .

3. The Constitution operates … .

4. About two-thirds of the population live … .

5. The USA is called … .

6. The language of Americans is … .

7. New York is a financial … .

8. Washington was laid out by … .

9. Chicago is famous for … .

10. San Francisco is considered to be … .

11. Los Angeles in southwestern California is famous …

12. Movie and TV shows are produced in … .

13.    Philadelphia is the centre of culture, education and science …

14. The United States of America became … .


What would you say if you took part in the following dialogue? Act it.

A.: Where is the United States of America situated?

B.: … .

A.: What is the climate in the USA?

B.: … .

A.: What are the main rivers and lakes in the USA?

B.: … .

A.: What do American farmers grow?

B.: … .

A.: What are Florida, California and the northern states famous for?

B.: … .

A.: What provides a solid base for American industry?

B.: … .

A.: When was the United States founded?

B.: … .

A.: When was the Constitution adopted?

B.: … .

A.: How many states are there in the USA?

B.: … .

A.: What is the political system of the USA?

B.: … .

A.: What is the population in the USA?

B.: … .

A.: Why is the USA called “the nation of immigrants”?

B: … .

A.: Is there any difference between British and American English?

B.: … .

A.: What are big cities in the USA?

B.: … .

A.: What can you say about New York, Washington and Chicago?

B.: … .

A.: What can you say about San Francisco, Los Angeles and Philadelphia? What are they famous for?

B.: … .


Reproduce the topic “The United States of America” in English according to the plan made up.

Make up the presentation of culture, geography or history facts of the USA. Use different sources of information.




Text 1. Learning foreign languages


Active vocabulary to remember

a foreign language the national language a mother tongue mass entertainment science scientific technology important necessary иностранный языкгосударственный языкродной языкмассовая культура (развлечения)науканаучныйтехникаважныйнеобходимый


Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and effort. Nowadays it is especially important to know foreign languages.

English is one of the most speaking languages in the world. Over 300 million people speak English as a mother tongue. It is the national language of Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. It is also one of the official languages in Canada, the Irish Republic and the Republic of South Africa. As a second language it is spoken in India, Singapore, Pakistan and many other former British and US colonies in Africa and Asia.

Millions of people speak English as a foreign language. It is the major international language of communication in politics, science, business, education, mass entertainment and international tourism. Half of the world’s scientific literature is in English. It is also the language of computer technology.

English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization.

English is a wonderful language. It is the language of William Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens. The great German poet Goethe said, “He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one”. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.



1. Match the pairs of synonyms:

1) foreign 2) important 3) national 4) official 5) communication 6) education 7) necessary 8) specialist   a) exchange of information b) formal c) inevitable d) learning e) professional f) significant g) state h) strange

2. Write a word to each definition:

effort language process business literature mother tongue

a) a series of actions that produce a change or development

b) a system for the expression of thoughts, feelings, etc., by the use of spoken sounds or conventional symbols

c) an industrial, commercial, or professional operation

d) physical or mental exertion, usually considerable when unqualified

e) the language first learned by a child

f) written material such as poetry, novels, essays, etc.

3. Read the text ‘Learning Foreign Languages’ and answer the questions:

1. Is it easy for you to learn a foreign language?

2. Why do people learn foreign languages?

3. Why do you learn exactly English?

4. Do many people in the world speak English as a mother tongue?

5. What language is used by scientists ?

6. Do you like English ? (Are you fond of English?)


4. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Begin you answer with:

You are right (wrong, mistaken) …,

How could you say that …,

That’s true (not true) …,

I agree with you here …,

I can’t (don’t) agree with you …,

Excuse my interrupting you but …

To my mind …, in my opinion …,

It goes without saying, (There is) nothing to argue about …

a) As a second language English is spoken only in India, Singapore and Pakistan.

b) English is a wonderful language.

c) Half of the world’s math literature is in English.

d) English is the national language of Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand.

e) Learning a foreign language is a very easy thing.

f) The great German poet Goethe said, “He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one”.

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