GP’s list, residents, call, free, general practitioner, the NHS, choose, gives, consultant

Занятие 8 Медицинское обслуживание в Великобритании

national insurance – социальное страхование, государственное страхование

mandatory – обязательный

taxation – налог, взимание налога

to supplement – дополнять

obligatory contribution – обязательный взнос

an employee – сотрудник, работник

an employer – наниматель, работодатель

to consult a doctor – проконсультироваться с врачом

urgent – срочный, неотложный

to call – пригласить, вызвать

to attend – посещать

acute – острый

preventive care - профилактика

conduct – проводить, выполнять

obstetric – родовспоможение

condition – состояние

to assess – определять, оценивать

life threatening – угрожающий жизни

voluntary staff – добровольный персонал


Healthcare in the UK

Healthcare in the UK is free to all citizens. The National Health Service (NHS) is in charge of healthcare in the UK. The service is financed from mandatory national insurance taxation paid by employees directly from their salaries and supplemented by an obligatory contribution from employers.

General practitioners provide basic general healthcare and are the first point of contact with the UK health system. GPs operate in practices, which consist of several other practitioners. They employ nurses to deal with routine vaccination, health education, preventive care and maternity. Citizens are free to register with the GP of their choice. If the patient needs to consult a doctor, he has to make an appointment at his practice. If the patient needs urgent attention, he can call the doctor to his home, attend the surgery, or visit the nearest emergency department. GP's prescribe drugs, treat acute and chronic illnesses, and provide preventive care and health education. Some GP's also care for hospitalized patients, conduct minor surgery and obstetrics.

Secondary care is provided by a consultant. Consultants are senior doctors who have completed a higher level of specialized training. GP refers patients to a Consultant if a patient needs specialist care. GP should make a referral. There are numerous specialist fields of medicine in the UK like gynecology, oncology, pediatrics and dermatology. There is often a waiting list to see Consultant doctors.

Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments provide emergency treatment to patients with a wide range of illness and injury, some of which may be life threatening and requiring immediate attention. Citizens do not pay to for treatment or use of the A&E service. Patients may use A&E services if they need immediate attention, or if the GP refers to them, or if there is no GP service available. Upon arrival at A&E, a nurse assess of the patient’s condition. Individuals with serious illnesses are seen immediately by a doctor. Once the patient has been assessed and treated, they may be admitted to the hospital, transferred to a different hospital or discharged. Emergency departments are located in main hospitals and are staffed by hospital doctors and nurses with specialized training in emergency care, emergency medical technicians, radiology technicians, healthcare assistants and voluntary staff who all work together to treat emergency patients and provide support to concerned family members.


Задание 1. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты:

Вызвать врача на дом; бесплатно для всех граждан; обязательный налог социального страхования; неотложный прием; высокий уровень специализированной подготовки; оказать поддержку всем членам семьи; предоставить неотложное лечение; оценить состояние пациента; пользоваться услугами; предоставлять профилактическую помощь и пропаганду здорового образа жизни; направить пациента к специалисту.


Задание 2. Прочтите и скажите, в каком значении используется слово surgery в тексте:

The noun surgery has three meanings:

1) The building where GPs work – The practice has moved to a new surgery on the High Street.

2) A time when GPs see patients – Morning surgery is from 8:30 to 12:30.

3) The work of surgeons – The patient needs urgent surgery on a burst appendix.


Задание 3. Дополните предложения по смыслу словами из списка:

GP’s list, residents, call, free, general practitioner, the NHS, choose, gives, consultant.

1) The National Health Service provides ______ medical treatment both in hospitals and outside. 2) To obtain the service the patient must be registered on a _________. 3) If the patient needs a medical attention he may go to _______ or ______ him to home. 4) Each person is free to ________ a general practitioner in the area where he lives and be registered. 5) The family doctor ______ treatment, prescribes medicine, and hospitalizes the patient. 6) If a patient under _____ needs a specialist or hospital treatment his GP will send him to a hospital. 7) The doctors in hospitals are in several grades, from ______ at the bottom to _____ at the top.


Задание 4. Исправьте следующие утверждения:

1) Specialist and hospital treatment is entirely free for the patients under the NHS. 2) Out-patients do not pay for treatment in hospitals, but patients who remain inside do. 3) A NHS patient is not able to choose a doctor or a surgeon. 4) The doctors in hospitals are of several grades. 5) The consultants are newly-qualified doctors who gain experience in hospitals under supervision.


Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы:

1) Who provides general basic healthcare?

2) Where does a GP work?

3) What does the GP deal with?

4) What is a nurse responsible for?

5) How do patients choose the GP?

6) What should the patient do if he need to consult a doctor?

7) When does a GP refer patients to a Consultant?

8) When may people use A&E services?


Грамматика. The Gerund.

Герундий – это неличная форма английского глагола с суффиксом -ing, соединяющая в себе черты существительного и глагола и несущая в себе оттенок значения некого процесса (reading – чтение).


Функции Gerund и способы его перевода

Герундий может быть в предложении:

1. подлежащим:      Reading is useful.     Чтение полезно. (Читать полезно.)

2. дополнением:      He enjoys reading.             Он любит читать (чтение).

3. именной частью сказуемого: His favourite occupation is reading.

                                              Его любимое занятие – чтение.

4. определением:              I like your idea of reading this book.

                           Мне нравится ваше намерение прочесть эту книгу.

5. обстоятельством времени:              After reading I began to write a letter.

                                              После чтения я начал писать письмо.

6. обстоятельством образа действия: We cannot gain knowledge without reading.

                                     Мы не можем получить знания без чтения (не читая).


Герундий отличается от Present Participle. Он может быть подлежащим, дополнением, именной частью составного сказуемого. Причастие в этих функциях не употребляется.

Герундий и причастие совпадают в функциях определение и обстоятельства. В этих функциях перед герундием всегда стоит предлог, что является одним из формальных признаков, отличающих его от причастия.

На русский язык герундий переводится существительным или инфинитивом (иногда деепричастием).

Герундий может определяться притяжательными местоимениями, существительными в форме родительного падежа или наречиями.

Задание 6. Прочтите, переведите предложения, определите функцию герундия:

1) Registering these symptoms is very important.

2) I like attending classes in Biology.

3) The local physician insists on your staying in bed for a few days.

4) You may find out the cause of the patient’s complaints after examining him.

5) There is no necessity of questioning the patient again.

6) He dislikes being asked such questions.

7) Your GP insists on your being taken to the hospital.

8) He has no hope of being invited to the party.


Задание 7. Просмотрите текст Healthcare in the UK и найдите причастия и герундии, определите их функции в предложении.


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