Информативное чтение Метод малых групп

Занятие 7. Медицинское обслуживание в США

well-equipped – хорошо оснащенный

blood pressure – артериальное давление

pulse – пульс

temperature - температура

respiratory rate – частота дыхания

to draw blood for laboratory tests – брать кровь на анализ

to insert an intravenous line – ставить систему

efficient – эффективный, успешно работающий, квалифицированный

to practice – вести прием, практиковать

admitting privileges – полномочия на госпитализацию

vital signs – основные показатели здоровья организма

to be affiliated with – сотрудничать, присоединяться

spinal immobilization – иммобилизация, фиксация позвоночника

administration of oxygen – применение кислорода (кислородной маски)

control of bleeding – остановка кровотечения


Medical Care in the USA

American hospitals are in general well-equipped and efficient with the latest technology and high level of treatment in different medical fields.

Many doctors practice at hospitals, and at clinics where patients are seen outpatient. Others may see patients at their own office (which may be shared with other doctors in a group practice). Most doctors also have admitting privileges at a local hospital they are affiliated with, and can help admit a very ill patient.

Nurses and medical assistants help doctors provide health care in hospitals, clinics, and private offices. They see a patient when they first come in, and ask questions to take a case history. They will also check vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and respiratory rate) and alert the doctor of any unusual symptoms or problems that they notice. They draw blood for laboratory tests and perform minor procedures such as inserting an intravenous line.

Most hospitals have an Emergency room which quickly admits very ill people for emergency medical care. Emergency medical care is usually quite expensive, and should be reserved for true emergencies. Paramedics are emergency medical technicians (EMT) come with the ambulance. They provide emergency care on the way to the closest medical center. This may include spinal immobilization, administration of oxygen, and control of bleeding.


Задание 1. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты словосочетаний:

Хорошо оснащенная больница; высокий уровень лечения; предоставлять мед.помощь в больнице; проверять основные показатели здоровья организма; госпитализировать больного пациента; присоединяться; сотрудничать; вести прием; полномочия на госпитализацию; принимать пациентов в собственном офисе; брать кровь на анализ; мерить давление (температуру); измерять частоту дыхания.


Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1) Are hospitals well-equipped and efficient?

2) Where do doctors work?

3) What do admitting privileges mean?

4) What do nurses do? What are they responsible for?

5) What hospitals have Emergency room?

6) What kind of care is provided in the Emergency Room?

7) What is EMT? What is his duty?



Задание 3. Переведите предложения, определите функцию причастий I, II:

1) Examining coagulating blood upon a slide by means of the ultra microscope, it is possible to see small masses of coagulum. 2) Lymphocytes fight disease producing antibodies and thus destroying foreign material. 3) Methoxamine and phenylephrine are vasopressors that, when given intravenously, elevate systemic vascular resistance. 4) The contraction and relaxation processes in vascular smooth muscle display more differences than similarities when compared with those in skeletal and cardiac muscle. 5) The patient examined complained of severe headache. 6) Successful angiography depends on the amount of contrast material injected. 7) Present evidence indicates that the power levels used for routine diagnostic studies with ultrasound cause no adverse effects, even in pregnancy. 8) Equipment can easily be moved to the bedside, thus offering special advantages in emergencies, involving trauma to the spleen, aorta, liver, or kidney. 9) Patients using estrogens, thyroid products, or other common drugs for long period may not think to mention them without careful questioning. 10) The gynecological examination should include physical examination covering such points as the patient’s height, weight, blood pressure, auscultation of the heart and lungs, and abdominal palpation.


Задание 4. Закончите предложения, сделав перевод причастных оборотов, данных в скобках:

1) The patients (имеющие инфекционные заболевания) are admitted to this department. 2) Doctors (лечащие кожные заболевания) are called dermatologists. 3) The surgeon (делающий эту операцию) graduated from the medical school two years ago. 4) The drugs (выписанные пациенту) may be ordered at the chemist’s shop. 5) The famous surgeon (приглашенный, чтобы выполнить эту операцию) could not come. 6) His article (опубликованная в прошлом месяце) dealt with the use of antibiotics. 7) There are many departments in the new hospital (построенной в прошлом году). 8) The instruments (используемые хирургами) are lancets, scalpels surgical knives. 9) Patients (страдающие хроническими заболеваниями легких) are treated in this hospital.


Задание 5. Прочтите и переведите предложения на русский язык, определите функцию причастий:

1) The recovering patient’s temperature and blood pressure were normal. 2) The wound infected with bacteria has become inflamed. 3) Saturated with the disinfectant, the bandage prevents an inflammation of the wound. 4) The patients recovering from heart diseases are staying in the rehabilitation center. 5) When examining a patient, a doctor asks a lot of questions. 6) When treating a bodily disease, a doctor shouldn’t forget about the physiological state of his patient. 7) Injured in the traffic accident, the man had to undergo an operation. 8) Discussing a complicated case of pneumonia, the doctor has changed the treatment.

Информативное чтение Метод малых групп

Задание 6. Прочтите текст:

To span – связывать

Ailment – заболевание, недомогание

Tentative – предварительный диагноз

Дата добавления: 2018-04-05; просмотров: 240; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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