A polysemantic word – its contextual meaning – its translation into Russian

Task 7. Give 3 examples of transliteration and 3 examples of transcription of proper names from the text.

Task 8. Make up a list of translation difficulties with examples for each of these categories:

a. vocabulary

b.  grammar

c. syntactic

d. cultural

Comment on the translation transformations you used for each example.

Task 9. Compare the style in texts on the topic you’ve found in Russian with your own translation and answer the questions:

· Are there any differences?

· What are they?

· What is the main communicative task of this text?

· Have you conveyed the message of the text in your translation?

Task 10. What is the best way of translating these phrases from the text according to the text’s style?

· to set sail from… -

· to step ashore on the beach of … -

· to be scattered across the grasslands and forests -

· For food they grew crops of maize and beans... -

· irrigation made them successful as farmers –

· to build networks of canals across the deserts to bring water to their fields –

· For food, for shelter and for clothing they depended upon the buffalo –

· This abundance of food gave the tribes of the Pacific coast time for feasting, for carving and for building -

· to develop widely varied ways of life –

· to gain respect –

· to avoid disgrace –

Task 11. As is known punctuation rules of English are not the same as those in Russian. Find examples in the text illustrating the differences and comment upon them. Complete the chart.

Sentence in English Its translation into Russian
1. At daybreak on the morning of Friday, August 3d, 1492, an Italian adventurer named Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain to find a new way from Europe to Asia. На рассвете утром в пятницу 3 августа 1492 года итальянский мореплаватель Христофор Колумб покинул порт Испании на парусном судне с целью найти новый путь из Европы в Азию.
2. People living in highland areas of what is now Mexico found a wild grass with tiny seeds that were good to eat. Люди, населяющие высокогорные долины, которые сейчас являются территорией Мексики, обнаружили дикую траву, крошечные семена которой оказались съедобными.

Task 12. Compare the passage from the original text with its translation into Russian and perform the tasks given below.

The Pueblo people of present day Arizona and New Mexico were the best organized of the Amerindian farming peoples. They lived in groups of villages or in towns which were built for safety on the sides and tops of cliffs. They shared terraced buildings made of adobe (mud and straw) bricks, dried in the sun. Some of these buildings contained as many as 800 rooms, crowded together on top of one another. The Pueblo made clothing and blankets from cotton which grew wild in the surrounding deserts. On their feet they wore boot-shaped leather moccasins to protect their legs against the sharp rocks and cactus plants of the desert. For food they grew crops of maize and beans. Irrigation made them successful as farmers. Long before Europeans came to America the Pueblo were building networks of canals across the deserts to bring water to their fields. In one desert valley modern archaeologists have traced canals and ditches which enabled the Pueblo to irrigate 250,000 acres of farmland. ,

A people called the Apache were the neighbors of the Pueblo. The Apache never became settled farmers. They wandered the deserts and mountains in small bands, hunting deer and gathering wild plants, nuts and roots. They also obtained food by raiding their Pueblo neighbors and stealing it. The Apache were fierce and warlike, and they were much feared by the Pueblo.

Народ Пуэбло, живший на территории Аризоны и Нью-Мексико, были самыми хорошо организованными народамисреди фермерских народов американских индейцев. Они жили в нескольких селах или в городах, которые были построены в целях безопасности на склонах и вершинах утесов. Они жили в зданиях на террасах, сделанных из сырцового кирпича, высушенного на солнце. Некоторые из этих зданий вмещали в себя 800 комнат, построенных друг на друге. Народ Пуэбло делали одежду и одеяла из хлопка, который вырос в дикой природе окружающих пустынь. На ногах они носили кожаные мокасины в форме ботинка, чтобы защитить ноги от острых камней и кактусов пустыни. Для пищи они выращивали урожай маиса и бобов. Орошение сделало их успешными фермерами. Задолго до того, как европейцы пришли в Америку, народ Пуэбло создавалводопроводные сети через пустыни, чтобы провести воду на свои поля. В одной пустынной долине современные археологи обнаружили каналы и канавы, которые позволили народу Пуэбло орошать 250 000 акров сельскохозяйственных угодий.

Люди называлинарод Апачи соседями народа Пуэбло. Апачи никогда не были постоянными фермерами. Они странствовали по пустыням и горам маленькими группами, охотясь на оленей и собирая дикие растения, орехи и корни. Они также добывали еду, нападая и грабя своих соседей, народ Пуэбло. Апачи были жестокими и воинственными, народ Пуэбло страшились их.

Дата добавления: 2018-04-04; просмотров: 73; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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