Vocabulary Notes on the Dialogue

come along – ( произносится всегда с повышающейся мелодией) – проходите, пошли; зд.: идите сюда

 to feel (to be) hungry (thirsty) – хотеть есть (пить)

I could eat a horse – я мог бы съесть лошадь

Dish – блюдо (тарелка, миска; кушанье):

What is your favourite dish?

Who will wash the dishes after the meal?

Course – блюдо (часть обеда, ужина)

What are you going to have (take, order) for the first (second) course?

Help yourself to some salad – Возьми(те) салата

Have another helping of …- Возьми (те) еще…

What shall I help (treat) you to? – Чем вас угостить?

May I treat you to … - Разрешите вас угостить…

I want you to have a good meal – Я хочу, чтобы ты хорошо поел.

В данном предложении после глагола to want употреблена конструкция  «объектный падеж с инфинитивом». Эта конструкция образуется с помощью существительного в общем падеже (или местоимением и объективном падеже) и инфинитива. Конструкция «объектный падеж с инфинитивом» всегда переводится дополнительным придаточным предложением.

To forget – забывать

Не следует смешивать глаголы To forget «забывать» и to leave «оставлять, забывать»

I forgot to put the napkins out

I left your book in the tram!

Will two rissoles do? — Тебе достаточно двух котлет?

That's a good boy! — Молодец!

Additional Material to the Lesson

What kind of soup would you like? — Any kind. — Какой суп вы бы хотели взять? - Любой

How do you find the soup? — Как вам нравится этот суп?

The soup lacks salt. — В супе не хватает соли.

Menu, menu-card [ menju:ka:d] — меню

I prefer fruit to cakes. — Я предпочитаю фрукты пирожным

Appetizers — закуски

Tinned (Am. canned) fruit — консервированные фрукты , компот

Stewed fruit — компот из сухих или свежих фруктов

To go on a diet — сесть на диету

To keep to a diet — соблюдать диету


1. L.Diment, “Brush Up Your Talk”, Мoscow, 1972

2. В.Д. Аракин, «Практический курс английского языка», часть 1

3. I.I Koshmanova, N.A Sidorova, “Topics for discussions”, 1999 “Союз”, Санкт- Петербург

4. Т.И. Матюшкина-Герке, «Английский язык»;

5. Христорождественская Л.П., Минск «Харвест» 199 Англ язык. Практический курс

6. Голицынский «Грамматика английского языка»

7. LONGMAN “Dictionary of Contemporary English”, 2005

8. А.В. Кунин, Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь, 2006 г.

9. English-Russian Dictionary/ Russian-English Dictionary

Theme: What national dishes you may recommend to a foreigner


  1. Write down an essay on the given topic ” Whatnationaldishesyoumayrecommendtoaforeigner’

Recommendations: Read the given topic and make your essay. Rewrite the unknown words, look up them in the dictionary, read them correctly, translate them and try to understand the material. Pay attention to the content and grammar.

2. Answer the following questions.

What soup did you have yesterday? What soup does your mother like? What soup don’t you like? What is your favourite first course?

What dinner did you like to have when you were little? What do you like now?

Play the game “Which Team Asks More Questions?”, using the words and expressions given below:

buns, cakes, cream, macaroni, milk, omelette, pancakes, pastry, pies, porridge, semolina, sour cream, sour milk, sugar; to boil, to bring, to clear, to cook, to drink, to eat, to lay the table, to pour out the tea, to put, to stir, to wash up; hard- (soft-)boiled eggs, lump of sugar.

New Words

The first course – второе блюдо

Cabbage soup – щи

Beetroot soup – свекольник

Mushroom soup – грибной суп

Broth – бульон

Rice soup – рисовый суп

Noodle soup – суп с лапшой

Stewed [stju:d] - тушеный

Roasted [‘roustid] - жареный

Saucepan [‘sↄ:spәn] - кастрюля

Lid – крышка

Tender – мягкий

Tough [tΛf] - жесткий

Frying-pan [‘fraiiŋpæn] - сковорода

Roast beef – жареное мясо

3. Listen to the text and guess the meaning of the new words.

For dinner in the U.S.S.R. we usually have soup and the first course. Some people like cabbage soup, beetroot, beetroot soup or mushroom soup, the others prefer broth. Broth is made of meat or chicken. If we put some rice into broth, we call it rice soup. If we cook it with noodle, it is called noodle soup. After the soup comes the first course. English people call it the first course because having seldom soup they begin with it. For the first course we may have meat or fish, potatoes, macaroni or buckwheat porridge. Meat may be boiled, stewed or roasted. If we want to prepare boiled meat, we wash the meat, then pour much water into the saucepan, put the meat into it, cover with a lid and put the saucepan on to the gas range. The meat has to be boiled for three or four hours until it becomes tender. If meat is boiled for a little time, it is tough. Tough meat is not tasty. If we want to have stewed meat, we wash the meat, then put it into a saucepan or on a frying-pan, pour a little water, cover the saucepan or the frying-pan with a lid and leave the meat stew on the small fire, adding some water from time to time. Then we put some salt and butter. If we want to cook roast beef, we wash the meat, put it on the frying-pan, add some butter and let the meat roast on the fire until it is tender enough and tasty.

Fish may be boiled, stewed or fired. To fry is the synonym of the word to roast, but it is used when we speak about fish or vegetables. We use the word to roast only when we speak about meat.

4. Say it in Russian.

Stewed meat; fried potatoes; roast beef; boiled chicken; fried fish.

5. Answer the following questions.

What kinds of soup do you like best? What do we say about meat if it is put into the saucepan with much water? How will you cook roast beef? What do we say about meat if it isn’t ready?

What is your favourite first course?

Where do you have your breakfast, dinner and supper? Who cooks your meals? Are they tasty? What do you do about the house?

6. Use the following words in sentences of your own:

beetroot soup, broth, cabbage soup, mushroom soup, noodle soup, pancakes, pastry, semolina, tea; to bring, to cook, to help to smth., to like, to melt away, to pass, to pour out, to stir, to taste; strong (weak), tough (tender), soft (hard).

7. Make up dialogues, using the following expressions.

Cooking Breakfast:

It’s time to prepare breakfast;

To be going to;

And what about you?

to pour some water into the saucepan;

to put it on the gas range;

to let smth. Boil for;

to make tea (coffee);

to butter bread;

to make a sandwich.

At Dinner:

Pass me …;                    4) Where is …?

Help yourself to …;      5) Wait a minute;

Is it tasty?                     6) And what would you say about …?

Clearing Away:

I’m going to wash up …;

to dry the dishes;

Where do I have to put …?

to put smth. Into the sideboard;

And what about these things?

to spread [spred] a table-cloth after everything had been cleared away.

Read the joke and dramatize it.

Aunt : Here’s a good piece of bread and butter.

Johnny: Thank you, Auntie.

Aunt: That’s good, Johnny. I like polite children. I like to hear little boys say “thank you”.

Johnny: If you want to hear me say it again, then put some jam on that piece of bread.

Make up situations with the following words:

two days ago, tasty, to enjoy, to disappear.

8. Answer the following questions.

What vegetables (berries, fruits) do you know? What berries and fruits do you like most of all? What can people have for breakfast (dinner)? What did you have for breakfast (dinner) yesterday? How to cook boiled (stewed) meat?

Play the game “The Forbidden Word”.

9. Listen to the dialogue and tell it in indirect speech.

Awfully [‘ↄ:fuli] - ужасно

To be as hungry as a hunter – быть голодным как волк

Dessert [di’zә:t] – десерт                                               


Nick: Oh, Mummy. I’m awfully hungry. What do we have for dinner today?

Mother: Today we have beetroot soup and roast beef with boiled potatoes for the first course.

Lena: That’s fine. I like beetroot soup very much.

Nick: And I don’t like boiled potatoes, but I’ll eat up everything   

Mother will give me us I am as hungry as a hunter.

Father: There is a good boy! Lena, pass me the brown bread.

Lena: Here you are. And what shall we have for dessert, Mother?

Mother: Wait a minute, Lena. Eat up your meat first.

Father: Who is the best eater in our family? Pete is. Look! There is already nothing on his plate. You must give him the biggest piece of pie, dear.

Mother: Here is coffee and the apple-pie for dessert. Help yourself to the pie.

Nick and Lena: Oh, how tasty the pie is!

Dramatize the dialogue.

10. Complete the following sentences.

For breakfast Pete usually has semolina and I …

Meat may be …

If we want to drink sweet coffee …

What soup do you like best …?

For the first course I prefer …

We must stew meat until it becomes …

For supper Nell usually has sour milk and I …

When we want to boil meat we …

Play the game “Who Knows More Word Combinations?”             

Stewed fruit [‘stju:d ‘fru:t] – компот

Ice-cream – мороженое

To be thirsty [‘Ɵә:sti] – испытывать жажду

11. Listen to the text and guess the meaning of the new words.

You know that at dinner we first have soup, then the first course and after it comes the second course or dessert. For dessert we may have fruits, stewed fruit, or compote, tea, coffee or ice-cream. Children like ice-cream best of all. Some of them eat ice-cream at home, the others in the street and not only in summer but even in winter. It is better to buy it and bring home as ice-cream is very cold.

When people want to drink they say “We are thirsty”. When people are thirsty they drink tea or water.

Make up 5 sentences with the new words.

12. Listen to the joke and tell it in indirect speech.

Bob was given two apples and was told to give one to his brother. He kept the larger apple for himself. His brother was angry with him.

“Why are you angry with me?” asked Bob. “Well,” answered his brother. “If I had to divide apples, I should give you the big one.”

“Would you really keep the little one for yourself?” asked Bob.

“Of course,” was the answer.

“Well, you have got it, have you not?” cried Bob and ran away.

Speak about your brother (sister). Tell whether you are good friends with him (her). What do you do when you are together? How will you act if you are asked to divide sweets between your brother (sister) and yourself?


13. Listen to the text, look at the picture and guess the meaning of the new words.

Refreshment room – буфет

Service-counter – прилавок

Mashed [mæʃt] potatoes – пюре

To have a substantial [sәb’stænʃ] meal – плотно поесть

To have a bite – перекусить

Various [‘vɛriәs] – различный

Dairy [‘dɛәri] products – молочные продукты


A refreshment room is a room in a school, in a theatre or in a cinema where one can eat something. This is our school refreshment room. It is a large and clean room with walls painted light blue, with many small tables and chairs and a service-counter where the pupils get their meal.

Our pupils call at the refreshment room during breaks to have lunch or dinner after their classes.

Now we can see some pupils and parents-on-duty. They help to lay the tables and clear away the plates and cups. Lessons are over and we see many pupils are paying for their food, some are having dinner, others are taking food from the counter and those two over there are still looking at the menu.

Nick has come together with his best friends, Pete and Bob. They will have a three-course dinner as usual. Today it is cabbage soup with sour cream, roast beef with mashed potatoes and kissel. Not far from Nick, Pete and Bob we see two girls, Nell and Kate. As Nell’s mother comes home very late Nell must have a substantial meal. She will take not only a three-course dinner but some vegetable salad, a sandwich and an apple. Her friend Kate has come to the refreshment room to have a bite. She will take some sour cream and a bun. We can get various dairy products in our refreshment room, such as milk, sour milk, sour cream, butter and cheese. They are tasty and fresh.

14. Answer the following questions.

What is this refreshment room like? Whom do you see in the picture and what are the pupils doing? Why do parents-on-duty come to the refreshment room? What dairy products do you know? Where is your school refreshment room situated and what is it like? When do you call at it and what do you usually take?

15. Describe your school refreshment room.

Speak about your lunch there.

Ask your neighbor questions about breakfast.


1. L.Diment, “Brush Up Your Talk”, Мoscow, 1972

2. В.Д. Аракин, «Практический курс английского языка», часть 1

3. I.I Koshmanova, N.A Sidorova, “Topics for discussions”, 1999 “Союз”, Санкт- Петербург

4. Т.И. Матюшкина-Герке, «Английский язык»;

5. Христорождественская Л.П., Минск «Харвест» 199 Англ язык. Практический курс

6. Голицынский «Грамматика английского языка»

7. LONGMAN “Dictionary of Contemporary English”, 2005

8. А.В. Кунин, Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь, 2006 г.

9. English-Russian Dictionary/ Russian-English Dictionary

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