Ex. 4. Look at the list of the prepositions in the box. How can use them in the sentences below?
in | among | to | with |
by | of | on | since |
into | between | for | from |
1. The legal system … a country refers … the system of rules or laws.
2. International law can be divided … two categories.
3. Legal system can vary … countries.
4. The relations … Ukraine and Great Britain are improving now.
5. The UN Convention … Contracts … International Sale of Goods was adopted … 1980.
6. The laws enacted … governments … democratic states tend to be pro-private enterprise.
7. They have an important impact … the attractiveness … a country as an investment site.
8. Some legal entities have already placed many orders … them.
9. The laws governing property rights … particular reference … patents, copyrights and trademark have been debated … 1995.
10. Different national legal system may compete … jurisdiction.
Ex. 5. List A contains some basic terms in the field of international law. Choose a term in A to fit each definition in B.
A | B |
1. law | a. as it exists in practice. |
2. de jure | b. possessions, things owned, unrestricted and exclusive right to a thing. |
3. property | c. exclusive right of authors of original writing and artistic work to sell or reproduce their work for their life time plus fifty years. |
4. de facto | d. special designs, names or unique symbols that identify a product, service or company. |
5. trade mark | e. according to legal requirements. |
6. copyright | f. rule of conduct formally recognized as binding or enforced by authority. |
Ex. 6. Match the key terms in Line A with their English equivalents in Line B.
A | B |
1. trade practices | а) иметь приоритет |
2. commercial cases | б) контрактное соглашение |
3. applicable legal system | в) Международное Коммерческое Соглашение |
4. to take priority | г) торговые обычаи |
5. provision | д) решающая правовая система |
6. mandatory provisions | е) стороны контракта |
7. to depart from | ж) статья |
8. contractual agreement | з) Торговая палата |
9. parties to the contract | и) обязательные нормы |
10. interpretive rules | й) толковые правила |
11. International Commercial Terms (INCOTERMS) | к) коммерческие отношения |
12. Chamber of Commerce | л) уклонятся от |
Ex. 7. Translate the text into English using the key terms given in Ex. 6.
Торговые обычаи – правила некоторой отрасли, которые не кодифицируются. Обычаи могут быть разными, соответственно их вида товара, вида коммерческих отношений и т.д. Всегда необходимо выяснять, признаёт ли решающая правовая система некоторые торговые обычаи, и за каких условий.
Правовые системы, а также Конвенция Организации Объединенных Наций «О контрактах и международной продаже товаров», содержат похожие статьи. Торговые обычаи всегда имеют приоритет перед обязательными нормами решающей правовой системы, от выполнение которых стороны не могут уклониться путём составления контрактного соглашения.
Стороны контракта могут сговориться об уклонении от некоторых толкованных правил.
Международные Коммерческие соглашения являются системой определенных толковых правил, впервые опубликованных Парижской международной Торговой палатой в 1936 г.
Modal Verbs and their Equivalents
Verbs | Present | Past | Future |
can | can be able to | could was } able to were | will be able to |
may | may be allowed to | might was } allowed to were | will be allowed to |
must | must have to be to | had to was } to were | will have to will be to |
Modal Verbs “Shall” and “Will”
I. The modal verb “Shall” (past: should) is used to express compulsion, obligation in commands, regulations, proclamations, pacts, treaties contracts, charters, etc:
You shall do it immediately. – Ты должен сделать это немедленно.
The award of the Arbitration Court shall be final and binding upon the both parties. –Решением Арбитражного суда является обязательным к исполнению для обеих сторон.
Shall is used with all persons in question when asking for instructions:
What shall be done with this document? –Что нужно сделать с этими документами?
Shall I sign the contract? –Я должен подписать контракт?
The verb “Shall”is used to express promise, warning or threat:
You shall be responsible for the delay of payment. –Ты несёшь ответственность за задержку оплаты.
II. The modal verb “Will”(past: would) is used to express will, intention or insistence:
We will never agree to these terms. –Мы никогда не согласимся на эти условия.
Will (would) is used to express polite requests and inquiries:
Will you inform us about the reasonable prices? –Сообщите нам, пожалуйста, об умеренных ценах.
Will (would) is used to express habit and is commonly used in literary descriptions:
They will (would) meet and discuss news. –Они (бывало) встречались и обсуждали новости.
The verb“will”(would) may be used to express insistence or resistance:
The judge will not accept the objection. –Судья не принимал протест.
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