Put the sentences in the right order. 1)He hurried away and walked till he almost dropped upon the ground

1)He hurried away and walked till he almost dropped upon the ground.

2) The dog advanced, retreated, paused an instant, and ran away at his hardest speed.

3) Sikes called the dog again.

4) He decided to drown the dog, and walked on, looking about for a pond: picking up a heavy stone and tying it to his handkerchief as he went.

5) When Sikes entered the public-house, all the people he met seemed to view him with suspicion.

6) When Sikes called the dog, the animal came up from the force of habit; but as Sikes stooped to attach the handkerchief to his throat, he uttered a low growl and started back.

7) He realized that the dog might attract attention to him as he passed along the streets.

Say whether the statement is true or false. If it is false, give the right variant.

1)The loss of his revenge on Nancy bitterly disappointed Fagin.

2) The spy rubbed his eyes, and, giving a heavy yawn, begged for mercy.

3) The housebreaker grasped his pistol and shot at Nancy twice.

4) Of all bad deeds, committed by Bill Sikes under cover of the darkness, that was the worst and most cruel.

5) When his master stopped near a pool and looked round to call him, he stopped, too.


4 Fill in prepositions: about, with, by, at, in, into, up, on, upon, to, over, for, from, of.

1)Fagin looked hard ______ the robber and stooped ______ the bed ______ the floor.

2) The robber grasped her ______ the head and throat, dragged her ______ the middle ______ the room, and looking once towards the door, placed his heavy hand ______ her mouth.

3) Even ______ the midst ______ his fury Sikes realized that shooting would be heard, so he hit the girl twice ______ all his force ______ her head.

4) Sikes decided to drown the dog, and walked _____, looking __________ a pond: picking _____ a heavy stone and tying it _____ his handkerchief as he went.

5) The animal came ______ ______ the force ______ habit; but as Sikes stooped to attach the handkerchief ______ his throat, he uttered a low growl and started back.

5 Insert articles a, an, the where necessary.

1)Fagin's face was so pale and ______ his eyes were so red, that he looked less like ______ man, than like ______ phantom, worried by ______ evil spirit.

2) ______ girl rose to undraw ______ curtain.

3) ______ housebreaker freed one arm, and grasped ______ his pistol.

4) Suddenly, he decided to go back to ______London.

5) He decided to drown ______ dog, and walked on, looking about for ______ pond:  picking up ______ heavy stone and tying it to ______ his handkerchief as he went.

Complete the sentences.

1)Fagin hated Nancy who dared to …

2) It is never too late …

3) The robber grasped the poor girl her by the head and …

4) The murderer decided to drown the dog because …

5) As Sikes stooped to attach the handkerchief to the dog's throat, he …

What do you think?

1)Why was Fagin bitterly disappointed?

2) Why did Nancy beg Sikes to let her meet the old gentleman and the young lady once again?

3) Why didn't Sikes shoot at Nancy?

4) Why was Sikes very hungry and thirsty?

5) Why do you think the dog ran away from his master?




Monks and Mr. Brownlow at Length Meet. Their Conversation, and the Information That Interrupts It


It was evening when a coach stopped at the door of Mr. Brownlow's house. A stout man got out of the coach and stood on one side of the steps, while another man stood upon the other side. At a sign from Mr. Brownlow they helped out a man, took him between them, and hurried him into the house. This man was Monks.

They walked in the same manner up the stairs without speaking, and Mr. Brownlow led the way into a backroom. At the door of this apartment, Monks stopped. The two men looked at the old gentleman for instructions.

'He knows the alternative,' said Mr. Brownlow. 'If he hesitates or moves a finger, drag him into the street, and call for the aidof the police.'

'How dare you say this of me?' asked Monks. 'By what authority am Ikidnappedin the street, and brought here by these dogs?' asked Monks, looking from one to the other of the men who stood beside him.

'By mine,' replied Mr. Brownlow. 'You will decide quickly. If you wish me to prefer my charges publicly, you know that you will get a punishment the extent of which Ican foreseewith a shudder. If not, and you appeal to the mercy of those you have deeply injured, seat yourself, without a word, in that chair. It has waited for you two whole days.'

Monks still hesitated.

'A word from me, and the alternative has gone for ever,' said the old gentleman.

'Is there —' asked Monks, 'is there any middle course?'


Monks looked at the old gentleman, walked into the room, and, shrugging his shoulders, sat down.

'Lock the door on the outside,' said Mr. Brownlow to the attendants, 'and come when I ring.'

The men obeyed, and the two were left alone together.

'This is pretty treatment, sir,' said Monks, throwing down his hat and cloak, 'from my father's oldest friend.'

'It is because I was your father's oldest friend, young man,' returned Mr. Brownlow; 'it is because the hopes and wishes of young and happy years; it is because your father knelt with me beside his only sisters' death-bed on the morning when she could become — but Heaven willed otherwise — my young wife; it is because my heart clung to him, from that time forth till he died; it is because old recollections and associations filled my heart, and even the sight of you brings with it old thoughts of him; it is because of all these things that I am moved to treat you gently now — yes, Edward Leeford, even now — and blush for your unworthiness of the name.'

'What has the name to do with it?'asked the other. 'What is the name to me?'

'Nothing,' replied Mr. Brownlow, 'nothing to you. But it was hers, and even at this distance of time brings back to me, an old man, the glow and thrillwhich I once felt, only to hear it repeated. I am very glad you have changed it.'

'This is all mighty fine,' said Monks after a long silence. 'But what do you want with me?'

'You have a brother,' said Mr. Brownlow.

'I have no brother,' replied Monks. 'You know I was the only child. Why do you talk to me of brothers? You know that, as well as I.'

'I know about your unhappy father, about the wretched marriage of your parents. I know how indifference gave place to dislike, dislike to hate, and hate to loathing, until at last they were separated,' said Mr. Brownlow. 'Soon your mother forgot the young husband ten good years her junior. Your father got acquainted with a retired naval officer, whose wife died and left him with two children. They were both daughters; one a beautiful creature of nineteen, and the other a child of two or three years old.'

'What's this to me?' asked Monks.

'Your father was gifted as few men are,' said Mr. Brownlow, without seeming to hear the interruption. 'The two men became friends, and his oldest daughter and your father fell in love with each other.'

The old gentleman paused; Monks was biting his lips, with his eyes fixed upon the floor.

'Your tale is too long,' observed Monks, moving restlessly in his chair.

'It is a true tale of grief and sorrow, young man, and such tales usually are,' returned Mr. Brownlow. 'At that time, as you know, your father had to go to Rome. He went and was seized with mortal illness there. The moment the information reached your mother, she went to Rome and carried you with her. Your father died the day after your arrival, leaving his affairs in great confusion, so that the whole his property fell to her and you.'

As Mr. Brownlow paused, Monks changed his position with the air of one who has experienced a sudden relief, and wiped his hot face and hands.

'Before he went abroad, and as he passed through London on his way,' continued Mr. Brownlow, slowly, and fixing his eyes upon the other's face, 'he came to me.'

'I never heard of that,' interrupted Monks.

'He came to me, and left with me, among some other things, a picture — a portrait painted by himself — of this poor girl, whom he could not carry on his hasty journey. He told me that he was going to convert his whole property into money, give a portion of it to your mother and you and then leave this country with the girl whom he loved so much. He promised to write and tell me all and after that to see me again. Alas! That was the last time. I had no letter, and I never saw him again.'

'I went,' said Mr. Brownlow, after a short pause, 'I went, when all was over, to look for the girl. Alas! The girl's family left the place. Why, or where, none could tell.'

Monks drew his breath yet more freely, and looked round with a smile of triumph.

'When your brother,' said Mr. Brownlow, drawing nearer to the other's chair, 'when your brother, a feeble, ragged, neglected child, was cast in my way by a stronger hand than chance, and rescued by me from a life of vice—'

'What?' cried Monks.

'By me,' said Mr. Brownlow. 'When he was rescued by me, then, and lay recovering from sickness in my house, his strong resemblance to this picture I have spoken of, struck me with astonishment. I need not tell you he was kidnapped before I could know his history.'

'You can't prove anything against me,' stammered Monks.

'We shall see,' returned the old gentleman with a searching glance. 'I knew that after your mother's death you alone could solve the mystery. And when I last heard of you, you were on your own estate in the West Indies.

I made the voyage. But when I came there you were already in London. I returned. Nobody had any clue to your residence. And until two hours ago, all my efforts were fruitless.'

'And now you do see me,' said Monks, rising boldly, 'what then? You don't even know that a child was born of this pair; you don't even know that.'

'I did not,' replied Mr. Brownlow, rising too; 'but within the last fortnight I have learnt it all. You have a brother, and you know it. There was a will, which your mother destroyed. It had a referenceto some child likely to be the result of this sad connection. There existed proofs of his birth and parentage. Those proofs were destroyed by you, and now, in your own words to your accomplice "...the only proofs of the boy's identity lie at the bottom of the river..."

'Edward Leeford, you are an unworthy son, a coward, a liar! Every word!' cried the gentleman, 'every word that has passed between you and this villain, is known to me. Shadows on the wall have caught your whispers. Murder has been done, to which you were morally if not really a party.'

'No, no,' interposed Monks. 'I knew nothing of that. I thought it was a common quarrel.'

'It was the partial disclosureof your secrets,' replied Mr. Brownlow. 'Will you disclose the whole?'

'Yes, I will.'

'Will you sign a statement of truth and facts, and repeat it before witnesses?'

'That I promise too.'

'Remain quietly here, until such a document is drawn up.'

'If you insist upon that, I'll do that also,' replied Monks.

'You must do more than that,' said Mr. Brownlow. 'Make restitutionto an innocent child, for such he is, although the offspring of a guilty and most miserable love. You have not forgotten the provisionsof the will, have you? Carry them into execution so far as your brother is concerned,and then go where you please.'

While Monks was pacing up and down, meditating with dark and evil looks on this proposal and the possibilities of evading it, the door was hurriedly unlocked, and a gentleman entered the room in violent agitation. It was Mr. Losberne.

'The man will be taken,' he cried. 'He will be taken to-night!'

'The murderer?' asked Mr. Brownlow.

'Yes, yes,' replied the other. 'His dog has been seen, and there seems little doubt that his master either is, or will be, there, under cover of the darkness. Spies are looking for him in every direction. I have spoken to the men who are charged with his capture, and they tell me he cannot escape. A reward of a hundred pounds is proclaimed by Government to-night.'

'I will give fifty more,' said Mr. Brownlow. 'Fagin,' said Mr. Brownlow; 'what of him? Has he been taken?'

'He will be, or is, by this time. They're sure of him.'

'Have you made up your mind?' asked Mr. Brownlow, in a low voice, of Monks.

'Yes,' he replied.

'Then remain here till I return. It is your only hope.'

Mr. Brownlow left the room, and the door was again locked.

'What have you done?' asked the doctor in a whisper.

'All that I could hope to do, and even more. The poor girl's information together with my previous knowledge left him no chance. Write and appoint the evening after to-morrow, at seven, for the meeting.'

The two gentlemen hastily separated; each in a fever of excitement wholly uncontrollable.


Helpful Words & Notes

aidn — помощь, поддержка

kidnapv — похищать (человека), насильно увозить

foreseev — предвидеть

What has the name to do with it?— Какое отношение к этому имеет имя?

thrilln — возбуждение, сильное волнение

vice n — зло, порок

referencen — отношение, касательство

parentagen — отцовство, материнство

disclosuren — разоблачение

restitutionn — возвращение, возврат (утраченного)

provisionn — условие (договора, завещания)

Carry them into execution so far as your brother is concerned— Выполните условия (завещания), касающиеся вашего брата



1 Answer the questions.

1) Who came out of the coach that stopped at the door of Mr. Brownlow's house?

2) What could Mr. Brownlow foresee with a shudder?

3) Who was Edward Leeford?

4) Who was Mr. Brownlow to marry and why didn't he do it?

5) Where did Edward's father go and what happened to him there?

6) Who was Edward's younger brother?

7) Who saved Edward's brother form the life of vice?

8) What did Edward's father leave with Mr. Brownlow and what did he say to Mr. Brownlow?

9) What struck Mr. Brownlow with astonishment?

10) Who destroyed the will?

11) Who got the whole property?

12) What did Mr. Brownlow want Monks to do?

13) What information was brought by Mr. Losberne?

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