Факультет социально-гуманитарных и экономических наук

Кафедра экономики и менеджмента


к выпускной квалификационной работе


Студентки Марушкина Наталия Александровна

Фамилия, Имя, Отчество

Факультета СГиЭН 4 Курса Группы ЭУ-111

По теме Развитие Интернет-банкинга в современной России (на примере ОАО

«Сбербанк России» Волгоградское Отделение Дополнительный офис 8621/0558)

наименование темы


The analysis of the Bank allows to make the following conclusions that, for the period 2013-2014 the sum of all the Bank's income tends to increase. And the amount of all expenses of the Bank during the period has tended to increase. A comparison of the income and expenses of the Bank indicates that in the analyzed period the excess of income over expenditure Bank gives the Bank the profit, while in the dynamics of its growth.
It was also revealed that the use of the system "Internet-banking" the approximate cost savings for customers of the Bank in monetary terms is measured on the approximate 4224,57 of the ruble.

Having considered the efficiency of using the services of Internet banking in Novonikolaevskiy branch 8621/00558 of Sberbank of Russia on the part of the Bank, it was found that in the operation of Internet banking, the Bank will receive certain revenues and incur related costs.

Extra income to the Bank in an average month receives over Internet banking in size 9 275 rubles. Thus, the monthly income of the Bank for the provision of remote services in the system "iBank2 is 53275 rubles.

And the total monthly expenditure of the Bank for management and customer services of Internet banking is 36 250.

Thus, the Bank receives an amount equal to 204 300 rubles per year, from providing services to its customers remote maintenance.

Student Marushkino N. A.

Supervisor Domashenko A.A.

Дата добавления: 2015-12-21; просмотров: 15; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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