Abandon Oneself to Someone or Something

(to give up and accept a situation; to yield to a person)

Ann gave up and abandoned herself to the flue.

This time he had no alternative. He had to abandon himself to doctors.

All in Good Time

(at some future time; in good time; soon)

This phrase is used to encourage people to be patient and wait quietly.

When will the baby be born? All in good time.

I am sick and tired of lying in bed. When can I get up at last? – Don’t be in a

hurry, you are still weak. All in good time, dear.

Keep pay attack give invite use ask

Cuts No Ice

(has no effect; makes no sense; has no influence)

That idea cuts no ice. It won’t help at all.

It cuts no ice that you were ill. You might have phoned at least.


To treat somebody for his illness.

To treat pneumonia.

To diagnose the illness as pneumonia.

To strip to the waist.

You must have your chest X-rayed.

You must have your blood examined.

This medicine will cure you soon.

You must take these pills/drops/tablets for the flue.

When you are ill

Where’s the clinic?

How do I get to the hospital?

How do I call the doctor?

Please, give me the doctor’s phone number.

I’d like to make an appointment to see the doctor.

Can I make an appointment to see the doctor?

That time would be fine.

What are the doctor’s hours?

Can the doctor see me today?

Can it be sooner?

On what days does the eye doctor have office hours?

I need to consult a neurologist.

I’d like to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

Please, call a doctor.

It’s an emergency.

I’d like to arrange for a doctor to make a house call.

What’s the doctor’s charge for a house call?

I have an appointment with the doctor at 11:30.

At the doctor’s office

I need an interpreter.

Is there a doctor who speaks Russian?

I feel sick.

I feel completely exhausted.

I have a cold.

I must have caught a cold.

I have a head cold.

I think I have a temperature.

I have a cough.

I sneeze.

I have a headache.

I have a splitting headache.

My throat is sore.

I have a fever.

My stomach hurts. I have a stomach ache.

My stomach is upset. I have indigestion.

I have diarrhea.

I’m constipated.

I’ve lost my appetite.

I have a stiff neck.

I feel sick. I feel nauseous.

What diet should I follow?

I feel a heaviness in my stomach after a meal.

I’m having a heart attack.

I have a pain in my chest.

I had a fainting spell.

My pulse is irregular.

I have arrhythmia.

I have a pain in the back of my head.

I have a pain in the small of my back.

I have a bad backache.

I can’t move my arm.

I feel dizzy.

I feel lightheaded.

I have high blood pressure.

My blood pressure is always normal.

My blood pressure is sometimes slightly above normal.

Please, check my blood pressure.

I’m bleeding.

I haven’t been sleeping well.

I have (suffer from) insomnia.

My leg hurts.

I banged my knee.

I have a sore foot.

I cut my hand.

I hurt my elbow.

I have dislocated my arm.

It hurts here.

I’ve got a splinter in my hand.

I think that a fish bone is stuck in my throat.

I have cramps in my hands in the morning.

I have an earache.

I have shooting pains in my ear.

My hearing has become worse.

I have a buzzing in my ears.

My eyes have become worse.

I think I’ve hurt my eyes.

I have something in my eye.

I have pains in my eyes and they are watering.

I feel worse.

I’m taking this medicine.

I’ve been taking this medicine, but I’m not getting better.

What is your diagnosis?

Is it serious?

How long should I take this medicine?

I’m allergic to antibiotics.

How much is the fee?

When should I come back?


appendicitis аппендицит

bronchitis бронхит

conclude заключить; прийти к заключению

cups банки

cure лечить

dermatologist дерматолог;

специалист по кожным болезням

diagnose ставить диагноз

diet диета

dislocate вывихнуть

drops капли

examine осматривать

extract извлекать; удалять

indigestion несварение; расстройство желудка

instruction указание; инструкция

intestines кишечник

lungs лёгкие

malaria малярия

mend чинить

mumps свинка

mustard plaster горчичник

neurologist невропатолог

oculist окулист

ointment мазь

pain боль

patient пациент

pediatrist педиатр; детский врач

physician терапевт

plaster пластырь; накладывать пластырь

plaster of Paris гипс

prescription предписание; рецепт

quinsy ангина

recover выздоравливать

remedy средство; лекарство

rheumatism ревматизм

scarlet fever скарлатина

scratch царапина; царапать

shoulder плечо

sick-list бюллетень

stomach желудок

strip раздеваться

suffer from страдать от

surgeon хирург

treat лечить

trouble беспокойство; болезнь

urgent срочный

wrist запястье; кисть (руки)

x-ray рентген; сделать рентгеноскопию

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