Порядок выполнения работы

Задание №1. Работа с журналами как средством массовой информации.


1). For those people who prefer food for thought there are very many museums, exhibition halls and picture galleries.

2). There are different kinds of museums. 3). Those who are interested in history can find a lot of useful and unusual information in history museums. 4). There they can get acquainted with a number of documents, photographs, books, personal belongings of well-known people of the past. 5). In museums of local lore, history and economy one can better understand how people lived in this region, how they worked. 6). They can also learn a lot of interesting things about flora and fauna of the locality. 7). To understand arts and to enjoy masterpieces of art one should visit picture galleries and exhibition halls.

8). There are a great number of museums all over the world. 9). The most famous of them in Russia are the Museum of Fine Arts named after Pushkin and the State Tretyakov Arts Gallery in Moscow, the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, and others. 10). The State Hermitage is one of the largest and most famous museums in the world. 11). The arts of all the peoples in the world are represented here. 12). The Hermitage Museum was founded in 1764 as a pavilion called the Hermitage. 13). Today it has over 350 exhibition halls, which house a very rich collection of works of art.

14). One of the largest museums in Great Britain is the British Museum, which is the best known national museum of antiquities and ethnography. 15). It is situated in London. 16). The British Museum is a huge beautiful building with a high round reading hall in it.

17). It is famous for its greatest library. 18). The library has more than six million books that occupy more than 80 miles of shelves. 19). Here you can find everything you want: English Chronicles, autographs of great writers, Greek and Latin manuscripts, books and magazines from all parts of the world. 20). There are also lots of other memorials in the museum: the Hall of Mummies, the Ethnography Department, the Arts of Par East and so on. 21). There are always many visitors from all countries in the British Museum.




- Have you been to the Tretyakov Gallery?

- No, I haven't. For some years it was closed for capital repairs. It goes without saying, I would like to visit this gallery and I hope to do it in the future.

- What museums have you visited?

- Some years ago I had a chance of visiting the Moscow Museum of Fine Arts. I was greatly impressed by its galleries, especially by the Greek Hall, Egyptian Mummies, and of course by all masterpieces of painting and sculpture.

- What picture galleries or arts museums in other countries do you know?

- Well, first of all, it is the national Gallery in London. The Building itself was built in 1838. It housed the collection of Old Masters Paintings (38 paintings). This Collection was given to the nation by an English private collector, Sir George Beamount.

- And what collection does it house at the present time?

- Today the National Gallery exhibits works of all the European schools of painting of the 13th - 19th centuries. There you can see the most famous works, such as pictures by Velasguez, Rembrandt, Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough and others.


- Вы бывали в Третьяковской галерее?

- Нет, не был. В течение нескольких лет она была закрыта на капитальный ремонт. Само собой разумеется, я бы хотел посетить эту галерею и надеюсь, это сделать в будущем.

- А в каких музеях Вы побывали?

- Несколько лет назад мне случилось посетить Московский музей изобразительных искусств. Его галереи произвели на меня большое впечатление, в частности, Греческий зал, Египетские мумии, и, конечно же, все шедевры живописи и скульптуры.

- Какие картинные галереи и музеи искусств в других странах Вам известны?

- Ну, во-первых, это Национальная галерея в Лондоне. Само здание было построено в 1838 году. В нём была помещена коллекция картин старых мастеров (38 полотен). Эта коллекция была подарена нации английским частным коллекционером сэром Джорджем Бомонтом.

- А какая коллекция размещается там в настоящее время?

- Сегодня Национальная галерея выставляет работы всех европейских школ живописи XIII-XIX веков. Там можно видеть наиболее знаменитые работы, такие как картины Веласкеса, Рембрандта, Джошуа Рейнольдса, Томаса Гейнсборо и других.



Инструкция по выполнению:

- прочитайте текст, переведите.

- прочитайте диалог;

- запишите 10-12 предложений в тетрадь и расскажите об известных вам музеях.

Форма отчетности: письменная работа в тетради и устный отчёт.

Практическая работа № 19

Тема: Theatres.

Цель: распознавать лексические единицы по теме при работе с текстом.

Литература: практикум, англо-русские словари


Время выполнения: 2 часа


Дата добавления: 2016-01-04; просмотров: 11; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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