Exercise 8 Write about habits using your list in exercise 7.

You see that good habits will get you much more good attention than bad habits. Write about your bad habits and how could you correct your bad habits in social situations.

  1. I _____ like a glass of beer, please.

a) shall

b) would

c) was

d) wasn`t


  1. I ______to give you a quiz today, but I’m afraid I’ll get strangled if I do.

a) was going

b) shall

c) would

d) going to

  1. Mother was going to say that she _____ bless our marriage.

a) was going

b) would

c)will be

d)was to

  1. David _____ to do the whole story on the hospital, but Marsha stopped him.

a) would

b) was going

c) will

d) going to



English Russian Kazakh
Exhaustion [ɪg'zɔːstʃən] истощение, изнеможение жүдеу, әлсіреу
Obsession [əb'seʃən] навязчивая идея, мысль қалмайтын ой, естен кетпеу
Collapse [kə'læps] падение, резкий упадок сил құлау, әлсіздену
Damage ['dæmɪdʒ] вред, повреждение зиян, зақым келтіру
Sucking [sʌ'kɪŋ] неопытный, начинающий тәжрібесіз, бастауыш
Addict [ə'dɪkɪt] увлекаться шұғылдану
Persuade [pə'sweɪd] убеждать сендіру
Frequent [friːkwənt] частый жекеменшік



SIW № 18   Think of any irritating habits, prepare your questions to get more information. [1; 2]

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