Выберите притяжательное местоимение в зависимой или абсолютной форме.

1. They offer reasonable prices, but I am not sure about their/ theirs quality.

2. Excuse me, is this report your/ yours?

3. Excuse me, is this your/ yours report?

4. My/ mine boss reads all customers’ letters.

5. It’s not really her/ hers decision.

6. Their/ theirs companies get more profits than our/ ours.


4. Вставьте местоимения some или any.

1. There are... applied fields of economics in which specialists are interested.

2. Does this developing country require... help in order to build new plants and factories?

3. It is important for... enterprise to have... markets for its goods.

4. For the last five years the plant hasn't bought... newequipment.

5. As the firm doesn't spend... money on new technologies it isn't a successful competitor in the market.

6. Do we have... fuel to drive to the nearest petrol station?

7. People require... time to find new sources of energy.

8. Is there... rise in the consumption of this new good?

9. This good doesn't have... characteristics which distinguish it from other goods in the market.

10. OPEC hasn't made... decisions on oil prices this month yet.

11. Many European countries don't have... sources of energy and import them from other countries.


5. Вставьте вместо пропусков следующие местоимения: something, someone, anything, anybody, nothing, nobody.

1. The office is empty. There is … here except me.

2. You can buy … you like in our shop.

3. … seems to be wrong with the equipment. It is not working.

4. Sales dropped greatly. … could be done.

5. Have you seen … in our office?

6. … called for you, but I don’t know who.


6. Вставьте вместо пропусков следующие местоимения: many, much, few, a few, little, a little.

1.... gas products are used now in manufacturing and agriculture.

2. The UK does not produce as... coal as in the past.

3. Are... industries developing rapidly?

4. They work very... but they haven't made any progress yet.

5. There are... countries that are highly industrialized.

6. There are... differences between these two factories.

7. There is... modern equipment in the factory and it doesn't work efficiently.

8. Very... developing countries have low living standards.

9. There was... growth in labour efficiency last year but it is not enough.

10. The success of the firm depends... on market conditions but the workers have done... to make progress.


Дата добавления: 2016-01-03; просмотров: 28; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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