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Запишите число в своих рабочих тетрадях. Вспомните, как вы это делали на уроках английского языка (пример:

Wednesday, the third of November)

Если вы забыли, как пишутся дни недели, порядковые числительные и названия месяцев, вот вам памятки. Занесите их в свои тетради для правил или словарики.




Тема: Алгоритм краткого пересказа текста. Итоговый урок по модулю

1. Изучите предложенные схемы пересказа текста. Вспомните изученные ранее Linking words (слова\выражения для связки)

Схема пересказа текста на английском очень проста:

· 1. прочитать текст

· 2. посчитать количество логических частей

· 3. составить план

Итак, план пересказа текста на английском будет состоять из следующих пунктов:

· a. запишите название текста (как правило — это и есть основная мысль текста)

· b. из каждого абзаца, начиная с первого выберите по одному (только по одному) предложению. Это предложение должно нести смысловую нагрузку всего абзаца на ваш взгляд.

· c. перечитайте получившийся скелет

· d. еще раз прочитайте текст, теперь это можно сделать, просто просмотрев его

· e. выявите соответствие прочитанного написанному, то есть насколько удачно вы сделали выборку предложений

· f. прочитайте свою выборку

· g. используйте для соединения предложений вводные конструкции, фразы, клише для пересказа текста на английском

· linking words

Nowadays, firstly, secondly, as a result, consequently, finally, to sum up,

in conclusion, on the one hand, on the other hand, however, yet, thus, anyway,

actually, in fact, clearly, naturally, obviously, similarly, on the contrary,

Moreover, furthermore.


Прочитайте текст. Выполните задание ниже.




Elaine Kelly thinks punk rock and alternative bands are great music, but when it comes to listening to them, the 15-year-old doesn’t usually tune in to the radio. She prefers to blast her CD player because “I find radio bothers me with all the ads. When I listen to my CDs, I control what I ’m listening to and not some station.”

Elaine is among Canadians aged 12 to 17 who are falling from the ranks of radio listeners. Teens listen to the wireless less than adults because they don’t have access to it during the day, whereas adults are likely to have on in their workplace. But that doesn’t explain why the gap has widened over the years, with the amount of time kids spend with the radio less dropping faster than that for adults.

Maybe that has something to do with the competition. Why would teens turn it on when they can watch some music bad boy play out his personal rap stories on MTV, or use their computers to burn their favourite tunes on to a CD?

As well, not a lot of radio stations focus on attracting teen listeners. One US study, noting a dramatic drop in youth aged 12 to 24 who listen to the radio, pointed out that very few radio stations target this demographic group.

Radio stations usually base what they air on a “format”, designed to reach niches of the listening population based on such demographic criteria as age, ethnicity and background. That way the stations can sell advertisements to advertisers trying to reach certain segments of the public who may be particularly interested in their products.

Elaine, who says the only time she listens to the radio is when she’s in a car, prefers stations that focus on alternative and contemporary rock. She has her own ideas about what would make her more loyal to this type of media. She says she’d like more background from the disc jockey about her favourite bands and the history of a particular song. “And I wouldn’t mind hearing more about what’s going on in the world with other people my age,” Elaine adds.


Write T if the statement is true, F if it is false

1) According to the text, TV and the wireless are popular with teenagers.

2) Young people listen to the radio as often as adults.
3) Radio stations design music programmes to appeal to all age groups.

4) Few of radio stations focus on attracting teen listeners.

5) Elaine would rather listen to CDs than to the wireless.
6) At home Elaine likes to listen to alternative groups on the radio.
7) Today many radio stations present progammes for young people.

8) Radio stations don`t sell a lot of advertisements .
9) During the day older people tune in to the radio more often than teens.
10) The format of a radio programme is created with a particular group of people in mind.


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Дата добавления: 2022-01-22; просмотров: 48; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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