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The Kitchen


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1 appliances кухонные принадлежности, аппарат, прибор, устройство
2 cook стряпуха, готовить, стряпать: кухарка, повар;
3 countertop рабочая поверхность; столешница
4 dishwasher посудомоечная машина
5 freezer морозильная камера
6 kitchen кухня, стол, пища
7 oven духовка
8 refrigerator рефрижератор, холодильник, холодильная установка, холодная комната
9 sink кухонная раковина, мойка
10 stove кухонная плита


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Checklist for Closing Shift

Make sure the kitchen is clean and tidy before you leave. The morning crew is very busy. They cannot cook anything with dirty appliances. Write your initials next to each item below.

1. Put cold foods back in the refrigerator. Remember to close the freezer door.

2. Empty the dishwasher and put away the clean dishes. Don't leave any food or dirty dishes in the sink.

3. Wipe down the top of the stove and the inside of the oven.

Make sure both appliances are turned off.

4. Put away supplies or food containers that are still on the countertops.


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Manager: Linda, were you here last night?

Chef: Yes, I worked the closing shift. Why?

Manager: The kitchen was a mess this morning.

Chef: Really? What was wrong?

Manager: There was old food all over the countertops, and the milk was not in the refrigerator.

Chef: I guess I forgot to go over the cleaning checklist.

Manager: Linda, I’m sure you know how important a clean kitchen is.

Chef: Yes, I’m sorry. I definitely won’t let it happen again.



2 People in the Kitchen


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булочник, пекарь


broiler cook

шеф по мясу, ротиссье


chef de cuisine



cook’s helper

помощник повара





first cook

первый повар


fry cook

повар обжарки, шеф по фритюру


pastry chef




су-шеф, помощник шеф-повара


vegetable cook

повар по готовке овощей


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Fourth Street Cafe

Meet Our Friendly Kitchen Staff!

Paolo Jensen is our chef de cuisine. He started five years ago as a dishwasher. Then he worked part-time as cook’s helper while he attended culinary school. He became first cook last year. Now, he is the chef who runs our kitchen!

Our sous-chef Anna Wilmot is a big help to Paolo. She’s also a temporary broiler cook until we find a full-time meat expert.

We’re lucky to have an award-winning baker and pastry chef. Celine Ryan is known nationally for her breads and cakes.

Joe Franklin recently joined the breakfast crew as a fry cook. And we welcome our newest member, Ronny Gomez, as vegetable cook.


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Server 1: My customer has questions about ingredients. What should I tell him?

Server 2: Well, it depends. Which dish did he ask about?

Server 1: He’s curious about the seasoning for the pot roast.

Server 2: Oh, I don’t know what’s in that. Ask the kitchen.

Server 1: Oh, okay. So I want to talk to Joe, right?

Server 2: No, Joe is the fry cook. You want the broiler cook.

Server 1: Oh, I always get them mixed up. I’ll go talk to Anna, then.


3 People in a Restaurant


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1 bartender бармен
2 bus tables убрать посуду со стола
3 busser помощник официанта, убирающий посуду со столов
4 cashier кассир
5 food runner помощник официанта, подающий блюда
6 front-of-house зона обслуживания гостей
7 host метрдотель (руководит командой официантов)
8 manager администратор
9 seat customers указать место в ресторане, провожать до места клиентов
10 server официант, кельнер
11 waitstaff официанты, обслуживающий персонал


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1. seekemployment.com


3. ID#03778

4. Emery’s Grill seeks friendly servers and a busser.

5. Servers will handle multiple food orders in a fast-paced environment.

6. Busser must clear tables quickly and efficiently.

7. ID#03779  

8. New restaurant downtown needs to fill most front-of-house positions.

9. We prefer a manager with at least two years of food service experience.

10. We also need a host to seat customers and act as cashier.

11. A bartender will provide drink service to customers at tables and at the bar.

12. ID#03780

13. Great summer job:

14. Paulie's Surf Shack is hiring for the tourist season.

15. No experience?

16. No problem!

17. Food runners will support the waitstaff and bus tables when needed.


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Owner: So, George, you have several years of restaurant experience?

Applicant: That’s right. I was a host and cashier at Vineyards Inn for four years.

Owner: And you also have experience as a server?

Applicant: Yes. That was at the Palace Lounge.

Owner: How long did you work there?

Applicant: Let’s see. I started as a food runner two years ago, and then I joined the waitstaff last March.

Owner: Well, you clearly know the restaurant business. But I’d prefer someone with a little more server experience.


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Тема: Произношение окончаний -(e)s

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Окончания -s используются для образования существительных во множественном числе (six bees), для образования третьего лица единственного числа глаголов настоящего времени (It smells funny), притяжательного падежа (Zoe's house) и стяжений (It's amazing). Окончание -s имеет три возможных произношения: /s/, /z/ и /ız/. Произношение окончания -s зависит от предыдущего звука.

Произношение окончаний -(e)s /s/ 1. После конечного глухого согласного основы /f/, /θ/, /p/, /t/, /k/, окончание произносится как /s/. /z/ 2. После конечного звонкого согласного или гласного основы, окончание произносится как /z/. /ız/ 3. После конечных сибилянтов /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /ʧ/, /ʤ/, /ʦ/ (шипящих или свистящих звуков) основы, окончание произносится как /ɪz/.
Предыдущий звук Буквы: f, th, p, t, k Буквы: v, th, b, d, g, m, n, ng, l и гласные буквы Буквы: s, ss, se, z, zz, ze, sh, ch, tch, (d)ge, ce, x


Дата добавления: 2021-12-10; просмотров: 298; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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