Write a 200-word composition on the way of life in the United Kingdom.

Chapter review / обзор главы по теме : «London»

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list: to commemorate, residence, financial, horseriders, fortification, spread, fallen, delivered, insurance, glamour, cockney.


1.Lodon began as a Roman_____________________________ at the River Thames.

2. The _________________________ and business centre of London is called the City.

3.The official _______________________ of the Lord Mayor of the City of London is Mansion House.

4.Lloyds is the most famous _______________________________ company in the world.

5. Many British people have a daily paper ____________________________ to their homes in time for breakfast.

6.The east End grew with the _________________________ of industry to the east of the City.

7. Traditionally someone born in the east End is known as a ____________________________________.

8.The name West End is associated with __________________________________ and bright lights.

9. Trafalgar Square was built ________________________________ Admiral Nelson`s victory over the French navy.

10.The Cenotaph is a monument to the ___________________________________ in the two world wars of the 20-th century.

11.Hyde Park is still popular with ______________________________.


Chapter review/ обзор главы по теме : «Places to see in Britain»

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list: picturesque, reputation, mountainous, second, pilgrims, temple, glory, haunted, Royal, glacier, religious, sacrifice.

1.At one time people thought that Stonehenge was a Druid _________________________________.

2.Some people believe that the Druids practiced human ________________________________.

3. The Lake District is central _______________________________area in the north – west of England.

4.____________________________lakes lie in deep hollows dug out by the ____________________________which covered Britain during the Ice Age.

5.Canterbury is the ____________________________capital of England.

6. Canterbury___________________________ are best described by Geoffrey Chaucer.

7.Windsor Castle is a comfortable country place of the _______________________________ family.

8.Legends say that many rooms and galleries of Hampton Court Palace are _________________________by the ghosts of Henry VIII`s wives.

9.Oxford University has a _________________________________ of a privileged school.

10.The ____________________________ oldest university of Britain is Cambridge.

11.During the 1960s the Beatles were at the height of their ______________________________.




Голицынский Ю. Великобритания. - Санкт-Петербург: Каро, 2004

Speak Out. Журналы

Методическая мозаика. Приложение к журналу “Иностранные языки в школе”

English. Приложение к газете “Первое сентября”

600 устных тем по английскому языку. - Москва: Дрофа, 1999

Афанасьева О. Английский язык. Единый госэкзамен. - Ростов-на-Дону:Феникс, 2004

Томахин А. Страноведческий словарь


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