Make the following sentences emphatic using the construction with it.

Model:Then this face began to get a firmer hold of me.

        It was then that this face began to get a firmer hold of me.

1. My friend discovered the truth. 2. When I turned to get a better look at the stranger I saw him disappearing round the corner. 3.Right after supper he went back to his room to continue work on thearticle. 4. I am here for a very important-reason. 5. Only his timely interference saved the situation. 6. I didn't understand a word because my command of the language was still rather poor at the time. 7. She didn't realize what had happened until if was too late.

In the following groups of sentences, compare the meaning of the italicized words. Translate them into Russian.


1. a) She snatched the letter from my hand before I had time to read the address, b) The man snatched at the briefcase but it was I who was the quicker of the two. 2. a) The goal-keeper caught the ball and with a vigorous kick sent it flying across the field, b) A drowning man will catch at a straw. 3. a) The mother grasped the child firmly by the hand. b) A person who grasps at too much may lose all. 4. a)

How much better it is to get wisdom than gold. b) He still hoped to get at the truth. 5. a) She pulled the strings tying the parcel and it came open. b) He pulled at the window. It wouldn't open. 6. a) The little girl fell asleep clutching the rag doll tightly, b) He would clutch at any excuse to stay away from work.

Study the italicized words, discriminate between the shades of difference in their usage or in their meaning. Translate the sentences into Russian.


A. 1. I've got a surprise for you. Now shut your eyes and don't look, 2. An old man opened the door and peered at me shortsightedly. 3. She glared at them in impotent rage. 4 The child raised the lid and peeped inside the box. 5. The travelers had reached the top of the hill and were now gazing in wonder at the beautiful country lying at their feet. 6. He sat down opposite the living-room window and stared out of it as if at a vision of the past or future. 7. The crowd stood gaping. They had never seen a travelling circus.


B.1. A special group of experts arrived to make inquiries and assess the damages. 2. He estimated the distance at something over five hundred yards. 3. The damage inflicted by the flood was estimated at several hundred thousand pounds. 4. His services were highly appreciated by the government. 5. I appreciate your interest.


C.1. The island was yet to he explored. 2. It was his task to explore the possibilities of the invention. 3. The case was investigated by the police. 4. The doctor examined the patient carefully. 5. The matter was examined from every possible angle.


Supply the missing word.

a) fairly, rather

1. We found it all ... distressing. 2. She was doing ... well. 3. I didn't get to bed until ... late last night, that's what makes me feel... tired. 4. The girl was ... good-looking, but... stupid. 5. The buses are ... crowded at this time of the day. 6. She's ... good at explanations, so you had better take your problems to her.



b) respectful, respectable

1. She took a ... interest in the undertaking. 2. Such manner of behavior is hardly ... . 3. He was kept at a ... distance. 4. The man was greeted with a ... bow. 5. As rumors have it, his motives had been far from ....

c) tolerable, tolerant

1. We found the conditions quite ... . 2. It was a ... kind of life. 3. He's a man of ... views. 4. You should really be more ... of other people's weaknesses. 5. The food was quite ... .

Study the following word combinations. Translate them into Russian. Make sentences with each.

acquire: knowledge; information; experience; property; a piece of

equipment (furniture, etc); a right (to smth.);

exploit: a person; the natural resources of a country; one's success;

promising: writer, painter, youth; weather; trip; situation; idea;

picturesque: name; place; character; person; language; description

Translate the following into English using accept, admit,

Receive or take according to the sense.

1. В тот вечер он принимал гостей у себя в кабинете. 2. Я не могу принять вашего объяснения. 3. Не принимайте все так близко к сердцу! 4. Лекарство следует принимать по чайной ложке три раза в день перед едой. 5. В какой же институт его приняли? 6. Нельзя принимать всерьез все, что он говорит. 7. Я принял его приглашение. 8. Она при­няла его предложение руки и сердца. 9. Решение было, наконец, принято. 10. Нас всегда очень хорошо принимали в этом доме.

14. Render the following in English. Use the words and phrases giv­en below.


За многовековую историю борьбы человека с морем на­копилось немало событий, загадочность которых волнует ум и воображение.

Удивительная история связана с парусным кораблем «Морская птица». Ранним солнечным утром 1850 года суд­но появилось у побережья американского штата Род-Ай­ленд близ города Ньюпорт. Люди, собравшиеся на берегу, видели, что корабль идет под всеми парусами к рифам. С берега прозвучало несколько предупреждающих выстре­лов, но судно продолжало идти вперед, как бы пренебрегая опасностью. Люди замерли в ожидании катастрофы. Но произошло неожиданное: когда до рифов оставалось не­сколько метров, огромная волна подняла парусник и пере­несла его на сушу. При этом судно не получило никаких повреждений.

Добравшиеся до корабля жители ближайших поселков были поражены: на судне не было ни одной живой души! Только маленький пес приветствовал гостей веселым лаем. В камбузе они увидели на плите кипящий чайник, в кубрике еще стоял табачный дым. Из судового журнала стало известно, что парусник шел из Гондураса в Ньюпорт с грузом кофе и редких пород дерева. Командовал судном капитан Джон Дарем. Все его вещи находились в каюте в полной сохранности.

Со временем парусник разгрузили, пытаясь стянуть его с прибрежной отмели. Но ничего не вышло: корабль посте­пенно зарывался в песок. Но вот однажды ночью разразил­ся шторм. Бурная Атлантика обрушивала огромные волны на берег. Когда океан успокоился, пришедшие к месту ката­строфы не обнаружили ни судна, ни его обломков. Корабль так же таинственно исчез, как раньше пропал весь его эки­паж.



the ocean jealously guards its secrets; a century-old strug­gle; a mysterious happening; to excite imagination; a sailing ship; the Sea Bird; to appear off the coast; Rhode Island; Newport; to go at full speed; with all sails set; a reef; to give a shot of warning; to ignore danger; to be paralyzed with terror; the inevitable end; when but a few metres were left; a huge billow; to land smth. on the shore; not to suffer any damage; to be astounded; there wasn't a living soul on board; to bark; a galley; a boiling kettle; crew's quarters; to be thick with to­bacco smoke; a log-book; Honduras; a cargo; rare kinds of wood; the ship's master; John Durham; a cabin; intact; to unload; to get the ship off the sand-bank; the tempestuous Atlantic; to hurl; when the storm abated; to disappear mysteriously

Дата добавления: 2018-02-18; просмотров: 442; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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