Вопросы 3 го уровня сложности

Экзаменационные вопросы по дисциплине

«Основы экологического нормирования и экспертиза»

3 кредита


Вопросы 1 го уровня сложности

1. Concept ecological rationing.

2. Subject ecological rationing

3. Objects ecological rationing.

4. System ecological rationing.

5. Subject and methods ecological rationing.

6. Principles ecological rationing.

7. Concept of sources ecological rationing.

8. System of sources ecological rationing.

9. Contents rationing of an ekologopolzovaniye.

10. A role rationing in overcoming ecological crisis.

11. Ecological functions of the modern state.

12. Subjects ecological rationing and their legal status.

13. Ecological rationing and duties of citizens.

14. Ecological rationing and obligations of legal entities.

15. A ratio ecological rationing with other branches Russian rationing.

16. Concept and classification of sources ecological rationing.

17. Value of the Constitution of RK in regulation of the ecological relations.

18. International contracts and other international legal acts as sources ecological rationing.

19. Characteristic of the Ecological code of RK.

20. Ekologo-pravovoye value of normative legal acts of the Government of RK.

21. Ekologo-pravovoye value of normative legal acts of the President of Kazakhstan.

22. Value of departmental regulations of federal executive authorities in the system of sources ecological rationing.

23. Ekologo-pravovoye value of normative legal acts of subjects of RK and local governments.

24. Licensing as main legal instrument of regulation of environmental management.

25. Limitation of use and consumption of natural resources.

Вопросы 2 го уровня сложности

1. Concept and characteristic of an administrative legal mechanism of environmental protection and environmental management.

2. Concept and characteristic of an economical legal mechanism of environmental protection and environmental management.

3. System of state bodies environmental management and environmental protection.

4. Characteristic of ekologo-legal functions of the Ministry of natural resources of RK.

5. Environmental assessment.

6. Environmental control.

7. Subject, methods and basic principles of economy of environmental management. Environment as limited public benefit.

8. Concept and entity of environmental management. Types of environmental management. Classification of natural resources.

9. The principles of economy of environmental management (alternative expenses, contaminant pays, sustainable development, etc.).

10. Methodology and main methods of the ekologo-economic analysis. Market dips of the state in the sphere environmental management.

11. The analysis of expenses – results and acceptance of nature protection decisions in the conditions of transition to the market. Types of nature protection actions.

12. Indices of efficiency and external economic assessment of an environment.

13. Assessment of results of nature protection actions: market approaches.

14. Features and methods of determination of efficiency of nature protection actions (overall, comparative and social and economic effectiveness).

15. Environmental assessment and EIA: purposes, tasks and basic principles.

16. Financing of nature protection projects: economic and financial analysis.

17. The economic damage caused to the national economy by environmental pollution. Main valuation methods (direct score, correlative and regression, combined, etc.).

18. Problem and factors of ecorestructuring and ecological upgrade of production.

19. Key indicators and a method of calculation of environmental capacity, an otkhodoyemkost and resource intensity of production (on the example of the Aralo-Syrdaryinsky ecological zone).

20. Branch features of pollution of the environment (atmospheric air, water and soil resources, toxic industrial wastes, municipal solid waste). The analysis on the example of the Southern Kazakhstan region.

21. Rating - the main legal measures of rational environmental management and environmental protection.

22. System of ecological standards.

23. Standards of quality of the environment.

24. Standards of maximum permissible impacts on state of environment.

25. Standards of exception (use) of natural resources.

Вопросы 3 го уровня сложности

1. Concept, types and problems of environmental control.

2. State environmental control.

3. State general environmental control.

4. State special environmental control.

5. The state environmental control and supervision which are carried out by functional and other bodies.

6. Departmental and production environmental control.

7. Public environmental control.

8. Object and subject of studying of ecological rationing. Structure of ecological rationing.

9. Technical regulation and standardization in the field of environmental protection and use of natural resources.

10. Main mechanisms of ecological rationing.

11. Standard legal support of ecological rationing.

12. Structure and functions of bodies of the federal authority in the field of ecological rationing.

13. Types of harmful effects. Basic concepts and technique of establishment of maximum-permissible concentration.

14. Maximum-permissible concentration of harmful substances in atmospheric air.

15. Maximum-permissible concentration of harmful substances to water of economic drinking appointment, in soils, in foodstuff, in fishery reservoirs.

16. Rationing of physical impacts.

17. Ways of assessment of quality of atmospheric air, water, soils, ground rainfall of water objects.

18. Criteria for evaluation of a condition of the habitat and health of the population.

19. Rationing mechanisms. Rationing of PDV of harmful substances.

20. Rationing of the VAT of harmful substances.

21. Rationing in the field of the address with waste. 1

22. Ecological rationing of rational use and protection of natural resources. Land, water, forest mineral raw material resources.

23. General provisions of ecosystem rationing. The limiting ecological factors.

24. Criteria and indicators for establishment of maximum permissible impact on an ecosystem.

25. Stability problems in ecosystem rationing. Approaches to establishment of maximum permissible anthropogenic loadings.


Дата добавления: 2018-02-18; просмотров: 391; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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