Syntactical Stylistic Devices







parallel constructions





Other Literary Devices





unexpected twist


key words

local colours


Список литературы

1. Борисова Л.В. Практическое пособие по интерпретации текста (проза). – Минск, Вышэйшая школа, 1987.

2. Введение в литературоведение. Литературное произведение: Основные понятия и термины: Учеб. пособие / Л.В. Чернец, В.Е. Хализев, С.Н. Бройтман и др. / Под ред. Л.В. Чернец. – М.: Высш. шк.; Издательский центр «Академия», 2000

3. Дмитриев А.В., Сычев А.А. Смех: социофилософский анализ. – М.: Альфа-М, 2005

4. Зинченко В.Г., Зусман В.Г., Кирнозе З.И. Методы изучения литературы. Системный подход: Учебное пособие. – М.: Флинта: Наука, 2002.

5. Лотман Ю.М. Структура художественного текста. – М.: Наука, 1970

6. Практикум к курсу английского языка.4 курс / Под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр «ВЛАДОС», 2003

7. Современное зарубежное литературоведение (страны Западной Европы и США): концепции, школы, термины. Энциклопедический справочник. – Москва: Интрада – ИНИОН, 1999

8. Encyclopedia Britannica2001. Deluxe edition

9. What is the English we read: Универсальная хрестоматия текстов на английском языке / Сост. Т.Н.Шишкина, Т.В. Леденева, М.А. Юрченко. – М.: ТК Велби, Изд-во Проспект, 2003.


Примеры целостного анализа художественного текста, выполненного студентами

Snow (analysis by E. Fedyunina)

The text under discussion ‘Snow’ was written by an American writer Ann Beattie.

The story we deal with is the first-person narration taking the form of a letter. The author depicts a winter she spent with her lover in the country. She describes some small details that stayed in her memory. For example, the moment when her lover asked her ‘to wind a towel when he couldn't find his cap’, or the night, when they looked ‘at the sky as the wind whirled down all the whiteness’. It was time when they were happy, but now they are apart. The author does not tell us why it happened.

It's not a narrative text. The plot is vague. It is partly a description and discussion. Elements of description are contained in some pictures of different landscapes (‘a small curve of light was shaved from the moon light’), elements of discussion are represented by such words as "I think", "of course".

The greatest emphasis is given to description of snow. In general, snow plays a symbolic role. It denotes love between two people. There was snow and there was love. There are such words: ‘Even now, saying "snow", my lips move so that they kiss the air’. ‘Snow’ is also key word in this story.

This letter can be divided into four logical parts: ‘description of winter’, ‘his vision of the same story’, ‘Alen's death’, and ‘her reflections’.

The general tone of the story is sentimental. The author employs a number of stylistic devices that reveal her emotional attitude. There are a lot of metaphors, for instance ‘artery’ (a narrow road), that reflect the narrator's warm feelings of the past. ‘It had rained, and as the rain fell, the cover collected more and more water until it finally spilled onto the concrete’. It is a case of sustained metaphor. It means their relationship, which was finally broken. There are also several similes like ‘it was as hopeless as giving a child matched cup and saucer’(about their relationships); ‘it's as pointless as throwing birdseed on the ground when snow still falls fast’, ‘like a crazy king of snow’.

There are personifications: ’fireplace made all of them want to tell amazing stories’, ‘hundreds of Popsicles crashed out’. Epithets: ‘crazy’, ‘amazing’. Idiom: ‘world had been turned upside down’. Anaphor: ‘You remember it differently. You remember...’

All these devices depict the vividness of her representation and pessimistic effect of the story.

The message of this text is that dear moments can be turned into symbols, symbols into words, words into images. For example, she imagines a certain picture saying the word ‘snow’. She remembers and hopes that one day everything will be as nice as it was in those days and snow will make them happy again.

Дата добавления: 2018-02-15; просмотров: 893; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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