Work in pairs. Act out a dialogue discussing your favorite dishes and the receipts. Use the italicized words from the text.

Nbsp; ПЛАН ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ НАВЫКА ЧТЕНИЯ НА ОСНОВНОМ ЭТАПЕ ОБУЧЕНИЯ (9 класс)     Выполнили: Студентки ИИЯ Группы АНГЛ-1504 Зяйкина Полина, Панова Яна Требования ФГОС: 1. Выбирать необходимую (интересующую) информацию, просмотрев один текст или несколько коротких текстов 2. Находить значение отдельных незнакомых слов в двуязычном словаре учебника. 3. Пользоваться сносками и лингвострановедческим справочником 4. Чтение с выборочным пониманием нужной или интересующей информации осуществляется на несложных аутентичных текстах разных жанров и предполагает умение просмотреть текст или несколько коротких текстов и выбрать информацию, которая необходима или представляет интерес для учащихся. Объем текста для чтения — около 350 слов.     Цель:чтение с целью выборочного понимания нужной или интересующей информации.

I. Pre-reading

1. Read the following sayings and guess their meanings.

Hunger is a good kitchen.
Hunger is the best sauce.
Hunger makes hard beans sweet.
Hunger never saw bad bread.
Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings.

II. While-reading

Read the text.

“Just a handful of ingredients makes a fantastic carbonara and, done properly, it’s a thing of beauty. ”

Prepare the sauce while the pasta is cooking to ensure that the spaghetti will be hot and ready when the sauce is finished; it is very important that the pasta is hot when adding the egg mixture, so that the heat of the pasta cooks the raw eggs in the sauce.

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil, add the pasta and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until tender yet firm (as they say in Italian "al dente.") Drain the pasta well, reserving 1/2 cup of the starchy cooking water to use in the sauce if you wish.

Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a deep skillet over medium flame. Add the pancetta and saute for about 3 minutes, until the bacon is crisp and the fat is rendered. Toss the garlic into the fat and saute for less than 1 minute to soften.

Add the hot, drained spaghetti to the pan and toss for 2 minutes to coat the strands in the bacon fat. Beat the eggs and Parmesan together in a mixing bowl, stirring well to prevent lumps. Remove the pan from the heat and pour the egg/cheese mixture into the pasta, whisking quickly until the eggs thicken, but do not scramble (this is done off the heat to ensure this does not happen.) Thin out the sauce with a bit of the reserved pasta water, until it reaches desired consistency. Season the carbonara with several turns of freshly ground black pepper and taste for salt. Mound the spaghetti carbonara into warm serving bowls and garnish with chopped parsley. Pass more cheese around the table.



2. Match sentences A-I to the drawings.

A Add the cream to the eggs.
B Beatthe eggs.
C Boil water in a large saucepan.
D Chop the bacon.
E Cook the spagetti according to the instructions on the package. Stir occasionally, so it doesn't stick.
F Drain the pasta.
G Fry the bacon.
H Grate some Parmesan cheese.
I Immediately mix the pasta with all the other ingredients in a large bawl. The heat from the pasta will thicken the eggs, cream and cheese into a thick sauce. Enjoy!












Evaluation criteria:

‘Excellent’ – 9 points

‘Good’ – 7-8 points

‘Satisfactory’ – 6 points

‘Try again’ – less than 5 points

III. Post-reading.

Work in pairs. Act out a dialogue discussing your favorite dishes and the receipts. Use the italicized words from the text.

Дата добавления: 2018-02-15; просмотров: 171; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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