II . Выпишите 15 английских слов с русским переводом, которые вам не известны. Глаголы ставим в неопределенную форму. Существительные в единственное число. У каждого слова свои.

Диалог 1.


Hello, Alex!

Hi, Ann! Haven’t seen you for ages! Where have you been?

Oh, I was at my relatives’.

        We celebrated …… 1. It was wonderful!

        We ….. 2 the house and the ……3 . I love this tradition. I bought ……4 for my relatives and I got a lot of nice …..5 .

You’re lucky. Did you go out anywhere?

Yes, we also visited some of their friends.

Do you plan to go there next ….6 ?

Yes, I’d love to.


Диалог 2




Hello, Nadia! What are your plans for October 31st?

Hi, Pete! Don’t you know we are celebrating ….. 1? It’s an old English tradition and we also like it.

Yes, I heard something about it, but I never took part in it. Could you tell me about it?

Sure! Listen. On that day many homes are decorated and lit by .….2 made from ….3 that have been hollowed out.

Really? That’s interesting. Go on, please.

We dress up as …..4, ……5 and ……6 and go ……7 to neighbours.

But why?

Well, it’s an old tradition. Besides, it’s rather …8 .



VI. Найди 10 подходящих слов. Желательно, чтобы вы не только перевели слова, но и разместили картинку с выделенными на ней слова.

Традиция      королева      праздновать чай   национальный

Фестиваль    праздник      индейка        обычай          страна


Sport in USA

I . Прочитайте и переведите текст устно.


Americans’ interest in sport seems excessive to many foreign visitors. Television networks spend millions of dollars arranging to telecast sport events. Publications about sports sell widely. In the US professional athletes can became national heroes.

Sports are associated with educational institutions in a way is unique. High schools have coaches as faculty members, and school teams compete with each other.

Nowhere else in the world are sports associated with colleges and universities in the way they are in the States. College sports, especially football, are conducted in an atmosphere of intense excitement and pageantry. Games between teams attract nationwide television audiences

The most popular sports are football and baseball, games that are not played in large number of countries.

Sports play such an important role in American life that the sociology of sport, sport medicine, and sport psychology have become respectable specializations.

Many Americans jog every day, or play tennis or bridge two or three times a week. They go on ski trips and hunting expeditions that require weeks of planning and organizing. In Americans’ view, all these activities are worth the discomfort they may cause because they contribute to health and physical fitness. That is probably why Americans are known as a healthy nation.

Americans are very fond of sport. The most popular sports in USA are football, baseball, basketball and ice hockey.

American football derives from the English game of rugby. It started at Harvard University in the1870’s. It is a game for two teams of eleven men on field. The object of the game is to have control of the ball and to score points by carrying it across the goal-line.

Baseball is a team game derived from the English game of cricket. It is played with a bat (бита) and ball by two teams of nine players each, on a field with four bases. Baseball is the national game in the USA and it is very popular in Canada too.

Basketball is a game which nowadays is popular all over the world. It was invented in 1891. During the ‘20s the first US league championship was organized. In the ‘70s the American Championship was divided into two leagues: the ABA (American Basketball Association), which does not exist any longer and which played with a blue, red and white ball and NBA (National Basketball Association).

The NBA is a professional league which still plays.

There are more activities which Americans take part in such as golf, swimming, tennis, aerobics, wrestling, etc.


II . Выпишите 15 английских слов с русским переводом, которые вам не известны. Глаголы ставим в неопределенную форму. Существительные в единственное число. У каждого слова свои.

Дата добавления: 2021-06-02; просмотров: 4896; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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