Смотрим видео 2 «В ресторане» и составляем диалог по образцу


Тема: Встреча гостей. Меню. Карта вин

Содержание работы

1. Ознакомительное чтение и просмотр видео

2. Информативное чтение (чтение и перевод текста)

3. Изучение лексики по теме

4. Составление диалога

5. Составляем меню (по образцу)

6. Составляем карту вин (по образцу)


1. Ознакомительное чтение и просмотр видеоролика «Правила встречи гостей»

Meeting and accommodation Greets visitors

Doorman opens the door to the restaurant and welcomes guests. Welcome guests in the restaurant, you can instruct the hostess, who meets them escorted to the table, offers a menu and wine list, if the waiter at that time busy with other customers This approach paid visitors should аttention.

In the absence of post hostess meeting and accommodation of guests for a free table provides the maitre d 'He welcomed the guests and helps them to take seats offer a place at the table, which was already sitting, you can but only with their consent is not allowed to offer the visitor to take a seat at the table, not prepared for service.

Menu unfolded serves primarily a woman, a man - wine list

For a large group of guests with the permission of the maitre d 'can be composed of several tables, one table

The maitre d 'or hostess offers the visitor to sit down, put forward a chair and invited him to come along gesture if the man and woman, the woman hostess offers to take place first, and then offers to sit men. Womеn sits on the right of men If the guest alone sat at the table, transplant them, suggesting other places, are not allowed If the guests brought with them flowers, we must not wait for when they will be asked to bring a vase with water, put in her flowers and put in center.

Выписать правила «Meeting and accommodation Greets visitors»


2. Информативное чтение (чтение и перевод текста)

Прочтите и выпишите правила планирования меню

The Menu Planning

The menu is a listing of the items the food service establishment has for sale. The menu is an important component of food service operations. Without a menu the customers will not know what their choice is for dishes to order. The menu creates an image of the establishment. It should be in harmony with the type of the food service establishment. For example, fast-food or quick-service restaurants offer a limited number of menu items but they sell these items in large quantities. Their customers are served at a sales counter, that is why separate menus are not needed. Customers are familiar with the standardized menu and do not need its description. Fast-food restaurants simply post names and prices of their products near the sales counters. On the other hand, a big restaurant would have an altogether differ­ent menu. First, the number of menu items would be much greater. The traditional table-service restaurant might have a menu as large as a book with detailed descriptions of its wide range of dishes. To draw attention to daily specials some restaurants find it useful to box these items on the menu or to write them on a chalkboard near the entrance. The menu planning is organized on the basis of the available food products and kitchen staff. The service transfers the menu items from the kitchen staff to the customers. In order to properly serve customers, the servers should be ready to answer their questions. They should know what items are on the menu, the portion sizes offered, how the items are prepared. Service should also know the meaning of all terms used on the menu so they can explain them to any customers. The menu is generally designed by the chef (head cook) of the restaurant. The structure of the menu is usually based on following courses: Starters, Soups, Entrees, Main courses, Desserts. There are four basic types of menus:

1. A la carte menu allows the customer to choose dishes which are cooked to order and served to the guests.

2. Table d’hôte menu offers a limited choice of dishes. The guests have to take the whole meal consisting of three or four dishes and pay a fixed price.

3. Carte du jour means "card of the day" and the dishes of this menu are served on this day only.

4. Cycle menu is a number of menus, which are repeated in a certain period of time. It is usually used in hospitals, student and school can teens.

3.Изучение лексики по теме

Рассмотрим, какие фразы помогают строить диалоги на английском языке для заказа блюд.

  • Could I see the menu, please? — Могу я посмотреть меню?
  • Please bring (give) me… — Пожалуйста, принесите (подайте) мне…
  • I’ll take … — Я возьму…
  • I’ll have… — Я буду…
  • What are your specialties? — Какое у вас фирменное блюдо?
  • What do you recommend? — Что вы можете порекомендовать?
  • What is this dish? — Что это за блюдо?
  • How long will it take? — Как долго оно готовится?
  • Nothing else, thank you — Больше ничего, спасибо.

4. Составление диалога

Смотрим видео 2 «В ресторане» и составляем диалог по образцу

Hello! What would you like?

And what for your main course?

Anything to drink?

Okay. I’ll get your order in 10 minutes.

Hello! Are you ready to order?

I’m sorry, but the roast pork is finished.

You could try the beefsteak.

How would you like your beefsteak?

It will take about 25 minutes.

I’d like the mushroom soup, please.

I’m going to have the roast chicken with rice.

I’ll take a bottle of mineral water.

Thank you!

4.Составляем меню по примеру

Дата добавления: 2021-04-15; просмотров: 58; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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