Brain Police ( Zunou Keisatsu )


Hiroshi Narazaki - gt

Haruo Nakamura (Panta) - vocals

Toshi Ishizuka – drums

??????? - bass

Note: Не перепутайте их  с Американской группой конца 60-ых Brain Police.

Эта Малоизвестная немного фолковая группа была сформирована в 1970 вокалистом/автором Панта (Panta) [реальное имя Haruo Nakamura]. До этого он был членом Peanut Butter , и MOJO & Spartacus Bunt. Из того, что я слышал [ один из более ранних альбомов], они в основном играли довольно сырые и рудиментарные гитарные песни на основе вокала с барабанами. Их лирика - сердитая политическая кривизна - эдакий вид фолк панка. Обаяние вероятно ограничено для тех, кто не понимает их тексты, которые все поются/вопятся по японски и имеют тенденцию доминировать над музыкой. Они выпустили 6 альбомов [весь записанные вживую, я думаю]. Они распались в конце 1975, но реорганизовались на короткое время 1990. Все это время Панта работал активно сольно. После Brain Police, гитарист Hiroshi Narazaki [он же Hiroshi Nar, ранее в Datetenryu – см. ниже], был бассистом в Les Rallizes Denudes, и позже сотрудничал иногда с Acid Mothers Temple [см. ниже]. Барабанщик Toshi Ishizuka также сотрудничал с Kan Mikami и Kazuki Tomokawa [см ниже].





" Brush " ( TPR ) 1971

Басист Masayoshi Takanaka сформировал эту группу и записал единственный альбом ' Brush ' [ TPR , 1971], который вышел ограниченным тиражем в частном издании. Стиль албьома - по общему мнению, западное побережье, ориентированное на жесткий психоделический рок с небольшим прогрессивным уклоном. Альбом был недавно переиздан на виниле лейблом Shadoks.Позже Таканака играл в группе Flied Egg.





J.A. Caesar [a.k.a. J.A. Seazer]

- этот парень был студентом факультета графического дизайна. Он назвал себя J.A. [Julius Arnold] Caesar. Его также часто называли, как Seazer и даже Ceazar [что в результате только запутывает поиски, особенно в интернете!], и был известен к концу 60-ых как один из немногих ‘истинных хиппи‘ на местной сцене. Он очевидно выиграл соревнование за длину волос! Он сильно тяготел к андеграудной экспериментальной театральной группе постановщика Tenjo Sajiki (Тенджо Саджики) [см. ниже]. И несмотря на недостаток в первую очередь музыкального таланта, быстро стал их музыкальным режиссером, сочиняя и исполняя музыку для большинства фильмов и пьес Тенджо Саджики. Наряду с этим, он также инсценировал свои собственные музыкальные ‘сольные концерты‘.В его музыке часто присутствовали элементы японских народных ударных инструментов, музыка рассказа ‘sekkyobushi’, прогрессивный и психоделический рок, сырой тяжелый рок, и другие влияния столь же разнообразный как Carl Orff и Pierre Henry [скажем еще и Алана Каммингса, так или иначе, на последних двух]. Первый альбом, о котором я знаю выпущенный под его собственным именем [или псевдонимом] - ‘Jasoumon’ ('Ересь') [Victor, 1972]. Иногда этот альбом называют как ‘Jashumon’, или ‘Tenjousajiki - Jasoumon’. согласно Julian Cope - один из лучших альбомов вызвающий ‘шаманское плавление’. Он был переиздан на компакт-диске с книгой на P-Vine. Но теперь его уже на переиздают и надо сильно постараться, чтобы его найти. Следующим альбомом был ‘ Recital - Kokkyo Junreika ’ [ Victor , 1973] ‘,иногда проходящий под названием ‘ Kokkyo Junreika ’ в исполнении J.A. Caesar Recital. Обложка альбома, выполненная в манере замечательной психоделической 'мультипликации', намного опередила свое время. Стилистически альбом располагается в рамках тяжелого прогрессивного рока, с уравновешенными темами в стиле Magma, и с глубоко ошалевшим материалом. В 1995 году альбом был переиздан на компакт-диске на Belle Antique. Но теперь, его трудно найти. Есть также переиздание на виниле на P-Vine.Альбом ‘Den-en Ni Shisu’ (‘Death in the Country’) [RCA Sony, 1974] также часто вносится в список как Tenjo Sajiki выпуск, или звуковая дорожка к фильму 1974 года Тенджо Саджики с тем же самым названием. Этот альбом был переиздан недавно на компакт-диске на Showboat. ‘Den-en Ni Shisu’ намного более обычен чем другие работы J.A. Caesar, которые я слышал. Стилистически – это своего рода фолковый песенно ориентированный стиль мало что имеющий прогрессивного или психоделического. Он все еще хорош, но не является одним из лучших. Альом ‘Sealbreaking’ [Ain’t Group Sounds], был выпущен на компакт-диске под именем J.A. Seazer. Обложка не содержит никакой информации кроме названий треков. Я должен предположить, что этот альбом или грубая запись музыки из кинофильма, или сборник из демонстрационных или контрабандных живых записей. На вебсайте Head Heritage (сайт Джулиана Коупа  Julian Cope) неаписано, что это живые выступления в Shibuya, Токио. Музыкально, хотя, он замечателен – на альбоме есть много тяжелого и прогрессив-рока, типичного для артиста времен его лучших работ начала 70-ых. ‘Shintokumaru’ [Victor, 1978] - другая живая запись в мягком настроении{ладе} быал переиздана на виниле на P-Vine. В записи альбома Matihedeyou Syowosuteyo’ [год?] принимали участие ряд известных музыкантов типа Hiro Yanagida [см. ниже], Hideki Ishima из Flower Travellin’ Band [см. ниже], и Eiichi Sayu из Far Out [см. ниже]. Альбом был переиздан на виниле на P-Vine. Кто знает, может эти парни принимали участие и в других альбомах артиста. ‘Saraba Hakobune '(' Farewell to the Ark’) [1984] был музыкой из кинофильма, и был переиздан на компакт-диске на Showboat . Альбом ‘Pilgrimage Of Blood’ [P-Vine, 2002] – звуковая дорожка к фильму Hiromichi Tannai, и - очень разнообразное предложение, с треками, записанными в 2001, 1981, 1979, 1977 и 1972 годах. Музыку этого издания трудно описать. Единственное, что можно сказать, что она  с уникально японским чувством, и главным образом уравновешена, капризна и необычна, иногда с тонкой электроникой и великолепным смешиванием, и всегда с отчетливым японским звучанием. Один трек напоминает мне о немецкой группе Cozmic Corridors. АльбомТенджо Саджики ‘Aho Bune’ [см. ниже], можно рассматривать, как альбом J.A. Caesar, как и некоторые из альбомов Tokyo Kid Brothers [видят ниже], в которые Сизар иногда вовлекался.. Учитывая, что надписи на этих альбомах главным образом по японски, и что они являются сотрудничеством между большого количества юридических лиц, будет тяжело сказать, как эти альбомы правильно каталогизировать и даже как правильно их произносить. И как упомянуто выше, это значительно затрудняет поиск через интернет. . Другие альбомы, о которых я ничего не знаю - ‘Ookami Syonen’, ‘Tenshi Souzou Sunawachi Hikari’ [1998], и ‘Kiyoko Ito’ или ‘Tenjo Sajiki – Baramon’ [которые причисляются к нему, как и ряд других]. J.A. Caesar все еще активен в создании и исполнении музыки для театральных постановок и музыки для кинофильмов. Он унаследовал Tenjo Sajiki после смерти Terayama. Также недавно, Сизар составил музыку для ‘Kiyoko Ito’ или ‘Tenjo Sajiki – Baramon’.


Shinki Chen



" Shinki Chen & His Friends " ( Polydor ) 1971

 После Foodbrain [см. ниже], гитарист Чен сотрудничал снова с Hiro Yanagida и другими, включая George Yanagi - вокалист из Strawberry Path и кратко Flied Egg [см. ниже; он также играет на бас гитаре на этом альбоме]. В результате этого сотрудничества был записан замечательный сольныйо альбом, ‘Shinki Chen & His Friends’ [Polydor, 1971]. Музыкально, это намеки на блюзово тяжелый кислотный рок его следующей группы, Speed , Glue & Shinki [басист этой группы также играло на одном треке здесь], с некоторыми экспериментальными частями, напоминающие о его участии в Foodbrain. Фанатами этого жанра данный альбомом рассматривается, как классика жанра. Албом был переиздан на компакт-диске на Hagakure.


Cosmos Factory



" Cosmos Factory (a.k.a. ‘An Old Castle of Transylvania )" ( Columbia ) 1973:Soundtrack 1984/Maybe/Soft Focus/Fantastic Mirror/Poltergeist/ Forest Of The Death/The Cursed/Darkness Of The World/An Old Castle Of Transylvania.

" A Journey With The Cosmos Factory " ( Toshiba EMI/Express ) 1975

" Blackhole" ( Toshiba EMI/Express ) 1976

" Metal Reflection" ( Toshiba EMI/Express ) 1977

 прогрессивная группа сформировалась в Nogoya, 1970. В следующем году Они перехали в Токио, наняли менеджера [который был также известным рок критиком ] и приступили к работе. Сейчас, они хорошо всем известны из-за их первого альбома ‘Cosmos Factory’ (a.k.a. ‘An Old Castle of Transylvania’) [Columbia, 1973], который долгое время был самым их легкодоступным альбом , изданным на компакт-диске. В  каталоге Ultima Thule их сравнивают с Far East Family Band. Я нахожу это ошибочным, поскольку единственные общие черты, которые я могу услышать, находятся в их худших моментах. То есть когда они входят в свое эмоционально неправильное сочное тихое пение баллад. За исключением этих моментов, которые достаточно продолжительны, альбом (с более тяжелыми риффами так же как ошалевшим и немного зловещим прогрессив-роком, напоминающим о смеси The Nice, Arzachel и раннего Pulsar, с крутым использованием Moog) довольно хорош. Так или иначе, этот альбом принес им большое признание, и они начали выступать, как разогревающая группа перед выступлением таких знаменитостей той эры, как Humble Pie и The Moody Blues, которые миновали свой зенит славы и были затменены своими уникальными разогревателями! Следующий альбом, получивший хорошие отклики и рецензии, A Journey With The Cosmos Factory’ [Toshiba EMI/Express, 1975], по общему мнению, экскурс в сверхестесственное царство. ‘Blackhole’ [Toshiba EMI/Express, 1976] по общему мнению, до некоторой степени сопоставим сложному King Crimson. Примерно в это временя  группа начала писать саундтреки и телевизионне темы. У Их последнего альбома, ‘Metal Reflection’ [Toshiba EMI/Express, 1977], есть репутация, как неудачного (большим количеством хэви-металла/хард-рока) релиза. Но фактически он  намного более разнообразен. Музыкальнай материал, содержащий прогрессивный хард-рок, прог-металл, ошалевший прогр, космический фанк, баллады, и почти вездесущий синтезатор, был довольно хорош.  Местами он напоминает о Magical Power Mako  времен альбома ‘Jump’ [об этой группе читайте ниже]. На мой взглят превосходное издание.

Они также выпустили несколько редких EP - ‘Fantastic Mirror’ [1975], ‘The Infinite Universe Of Our Mind’ (рекламный выпуск) [1975] и ‘Days In The Past’ [1975]. Первый альбом был переиздан на Coca/Nippon Columbia; следующие 3 Toshiba EMI [возможно не переиздаются].






"Creation" (EMI) 1975

"Pure Electric Soul" (EMI) 1977

Вполне возможно, что эта группа (не путайте с британской группой) была раньше известна как Blues Creation, и изменила свое название после совместной работы с Кармен Маки. Я не уверен, распадались ли они фактически и затем собрались вместе как Creation, или они просто не записывали ничего в прошедших годах, или возможно, эти группы полностью несвязаны. Возможно, есть другое объяснение. Я ничего не знаю об их составе, так что я не могу комментировать далее. Они выпустили два альбома, которые я знаю  - ‘Creation’ [EMI, 1975] и Pure Electric Soul’ [EMI, 1977]. Оба эти альбома былы изданы на одном компакт-диске.






Эта андеграудная группа была сформирована в 1971. Они, очевидно, играли своего рода психоделический прогрессив-рок с небольшим блюзовым уклоном. Гитарист Hiroshi Narazaki был также в Brain Police [см. выше], и Les Rallizes Denudes [см. ниже]. Есть многочисленные компакт-диски этой группы, охватывающие период 1971-1981, но я не думаю, что они выпустили хоть один альбом в то время. Единственные компакт-диски о котрых мне известно - ‘Datetenryu’ [rec. 1971], ' Unto ' [Belle Antique, 1978/1997?;больше не выпускается] и ‘Red Afternoon Blues’ [Walking Press Records, 2004]. Они расспались в 1983, но позже реорганизовались снова.



Я не знаю ничего об этой группе за исключением того, что они выпустили один альбом, ‘Dema’ [CBS, 1972]. У альбома довольно интересная обложка. А музыкально, как про него пишут, он выполнен в психоделически/прогрессивном стиле.


DK Mushroom & Son

В состав группы входили филиппинец Joey Smith из Speed, Glue & Shinki [см. ниже] и Juan De La Cruz Band  с двумя японскими музыкантами. Они записали материал для альбома в 1972, который так и не был издан в то время. Согласно Julian Cope он был издан недавно, как ‘Hit’ [Victor, 200?],. Но я был неспособен найти хоть какой-нибудь след этого издания. Со слов Julian Cope этот альбом представляет “медленно, уничтожительные пукания поверх марионеточных подростковых рифов ”! После этого проекта Smith вошел в новый состав группы Juan De La Cruz.






Эта группа базировалась в США, и по общему мнению играла ‘психоделию с восточным влиянием’. Мне известно, как минимут три их альбом ‘East’ [Capitol, 1972], ‘Beautiful Morning’ (EP) [1972] и ‘Coronado Moonbeams’ (EP) [1973].



 Мне ничего не известно об этой группе, кроме того, что они выпустили, как минимум один альбом ‘Eternity?’ [Polydor, 1972]. Этот альбом описывается, как экспериментальный.




Far East Family Band



" The Cave Down To The Earth " ( Mu Land ) 1974:

" Nipponjin – Join Our Mental Phase Sound " (Nippon Columbia/Vertigo)1975

" Parallel World " (Columbia)1976

" Tenkujin " (All Ears Records) 1977

Эта группа космического рока сформировалась из остатков Far Out [см. ниже]. В ее состав вошли: клавишник Masanori Takahashi [a.k.a. Kitaro], Fumio Miyashita [также играл на гитаре] и Akira Ito, все позже, достигли небольшой известности, как сольные артисты [см.ниже]. Их стиль ,с нежным [и почти прото New Age] восточным налетом, был под сильным влиянием творчества началы/середины 70-х Pink Floyd и возможно Eloy. По моему мнению, группа полностью раскрывается в своих лучших  длинных гипнотических космических композициях. Их спелый напевающий песенный стиль, близкий к тому, что делали Far Out (см. ниже), не трогает меня вообще. Их первый альбом был ‘The Cave Down To The Earth’ [Mu Land, 1974], который показывал много спелого, просторного материала и был далек от упомянутого выше тихого  песнопения. Другие участники на этом альбоме были Akira Fukakusa [бас], Hirohito Fukushima [гитара, вокалы] и Shizuo Takasaki [барабаны]. Альбом ‘Nipponjin – Join Our Mental Phase Sound’ [Nippon Columbia/Vertigo, 1975] был записан в Великобритании при содействии Klaus Schulze. Это альбомом, с замечательными длинными космическими треками [особенно ‘Nipponjin’, переделанная версия ‘Nihonjin’ группы Far Out], и частично переделанным материалом из первого альбома, был лучше чем его предшественник. Их реальный шедевр [также записанный при помощи Schulze и Gunther Schickert] стал альбом ‘Parallel World’ [Columbia, 1976]. Длинный альбом превосходного космического рока и [по моему мнению] только с одной частично халтурным треком. Звук прекрасно обработан в цифровой форме и ультрасовременен для того времени.  Музыка в пределах: от едва слышимого ошалевшего окружения к полному полету восточного космического рока, намекающий на Ozric Tentacles. Длинный трек, занимающий всю вторую сторону -  является полностью одурманенной наркотиками пьесой, главным образом бесформенных синтезаторно-компьютерных приключений. Их последний альбом был ‘Tenkujin’ [All Ears Records, 1977]. При его записи с состав вошел новый барабанщик Yujin Harada [ex - Samurai – см ниже], а Kitaro, Ito и Takasaki покинули группу. Я не слышал его, но по общему мнению, он находится во власти их раннего балладного стиля, а космического рока практически нет. Он был переиздан некоторое время назад на Coca. Я также видел еще один их альбом, ‘Том Hatano’ [1977], но я ничего не знаю далее.


Far Out



" Far Out (a.k.a. Nihonjin) " (Denon) 1973: Too Many People/ Nihonjin/ Birds Flying To The Cave/Saying To The Land/Moving, Looking, Trying, Jumping/Wa Wa/The Cave Down To The Earth/Four Minds/Transmigration

довольно легендарная психоделическая прогрессивная группа, сформированная Fumio Miyashita [Moog, акустическая гитара, гармоника, вокалы], с Eiichi Sayu [гитара, Хаммонд], Kei Ishikawa [бас, электрический ситар, вокалы] и Manami Arai [барабаны]. Они записали только один альбом, ‘ Far Out ( a . k . a . Nihonjin )’ [ Denon , 1973]. (Таже, иногда, упоминается альбом ‘Mio’ [1972]. Вполне вероятно, что это легенда или случайная путаница). Альбом содержит только 2 длинных трека, проходящих через множество смен настроений. Начинаясь с медленных повторяющихся ударных, альбом быстро устанавливает серьезное и исследовательское намерение, иногда прерываемое случайными балладными кусками с гитарой в стиле Dave Gilmour (по моему мнению немного не в тему). . Однако музыка быстро перемещается в медленную и тяжело риффованную скомканную зловещую минорную тональность с экзотическим гитарно-ситарным поглаживанием – эдакая гипнотическая переаботка Флойдовского космического рока [своеобразные вариации в стиле ‘ Careful With That Axe …’/‘ Set The Controls …’ , нов японском стиле. В голову также приходит сравнение с Flower Travellin ’ Band времен ‘Satori’]. После этого группа, преобразовалась в Far East Family Band [см выше], проповедуя подобный стиль, но с меньшим количеством рока и большей пространственностью.Ishikawa позже перехал в США и сформировал Chronicle [см. ниже]. Их альбом был переиздан на компакт-диске неоднократно. Переиздание альбома в серии Buy Or Die ценно тем,чтобонусами там являются композиции альбома The Cave Down To The Earth ’  группы Far East Family Band .


Flied Egg

 Популярная группа, которая выпустила 2 альбома за врмя своего сущуствования – Dr. Siegel’s Fried Egg Shooting Machine’ [Vertigo, 1972] и ‘‘Good Bye’ [Vertigo, 1972]. Дебютный материал был смесью психа-поп-прога, тяжело рифованного хард рока [с несколькими явными заимствованиями из ранних Uriah Heep], и ранних прогрессивных тенденций.Последний альбом был главным образом записью живого выступления [очевидно с их прощального концерта]. Стилистически он тяготел к тяжелому року в стиле Grand Funk времен альбома ‘ Live Album ’, и своеобразной смеси Black Sabbath -с- Mountain. В альбом также вошли насколько старых песен Strawberry Path . Студиный материал был в стиле первого альбома. Барабанщик Hiro Tsunoda ранее был в The Jacks , Foodbrain и Strawberry Path. В некоторый момент он был также в Sadistic Mika Band [см. ниже]. Басист Masayoshi Takanaka ранее был в Brush [см. выше].


[Yuya Uchida & The] Flowers

Сформированный в середине 60-ых, этот септет много играл в Токио и был по общему мнению немного сопоставим Big Brother & The Holding Co., Они в конечном счете выпустили единственный альбом, ‘Challenge!’ [Columbia, 1969]. Самым стимулирующим в этом издании, возможно, была обложка на которой обнаженная группа позировала на фоне поля! Альбом состоял из кавер-версий Hendrix, Cream и Jefferson Airplane, и только одна собственная композиция [являющаяся превосходным примером психоделического джема в стиле западного побережья]. Вскоре после этого Uchida оставил группу как a

Участник. Избавившись от других вокалистов, реформировал остатки группы в Flower Travellin’ Band [видит ниже] и стал их продюсером.


Flower Travellin’ Band



" Anywhere " (Philips) 1970:

"Satori" (Atlantic) 1971: SATORI Part 1/SATORI Part 2/ SATORI Part 3/ SATORI Part 4/SATORI Part 5

" Made In Japan " ( Atlantic ) 1972: Introduction/Unaware/Aw Give Me Air/Kamikaze/Hiroshima/Spasms/Heven And Hell/ That's All

" Make Up"(2LP) (Atlantic) 1973:LP1- All The Days/Make Up/Look At My Windows/Slowly But Surely/Shadows Of Lost Days/ Broken Strings; LP2- Hiroshima/ Blue Suede Shoes/ SATORI Pt.2/ After The Concert.

 Легендарная группа сформировалась из остатков The Flowers. Похоже, что альбом ‘Kuni Kawachi & Flower Travellin’ Band’ [London, 1970], который был результатом сотрудничества с клавишником из Happenings Four, предшествовал их надлежащему дебюту. Однако, на компакт-диске лейбла Shadoks ‘ Love , Peace & Poetry – Japanese Psychedelic Music ’ отмечено, что альбом фактически назывался ‘ Kuni Kawachi & His Friends ’ и на нем было только 2 члена Flower Travellin ’ Band [вокалист Akira ‘Джо’ Yamanaka и гитарист Hideki Ishema, экс Beavers]. Я слышал часть этого альбома. И это - замечательный восточный эйсид-рок с элементами попа и раннего прогрессива. Есть также компакт-диск группы с названием ‘Music Composed Mainly By Humans – Demonstration 1970’ [Ain’t Group Sounds] - возможно пиратское издание. Он содержит полчаса джема с секциями свободной формы импровизации и песен эйсид-рока, с великолепной жгучей фузз гитарой, так же как и более короткие треки. Состав, перечисленный на этом компакт-диске, включает всех участников FTB [Joe и Ishema, так же как барабанщика Joji ‘George’ Wada и бассиста Jun Kosuki] так же как Kuni Kawachi на клавишных, и Yuya Uchida [экс Flowers] как продюсер. Я все еще сомневаюсь в том, сколько конкретно участников FTB играло на альбоме Kuni Kawachi( сопоставив музыкантов на всех треках). Их первым надлежащим альбомом был ‘Anywhere’ [Philips, 1970], у которого была конечно одна из самых клеевых обложек – на развороте фотография группы, едущих голыми на мотоциклах! Музыкально, он был хорошо, но малозначим, поскольку почти весь альбом состоит из кавер-версий [такие как ‘‘21st Century Schizoid Man’, ‘Black Sabbath’ и ‘House of the Rising Sun’], и только два трека собственного сочинения (тяжелый прогрессивный блюз и очень короткая пьеса  на гармонике). Их второй альбом, ‘Satori’ [Atlantic, 1971], была огромным, скачек вперед в силе и новизне, и несомненно их шедевр. Он состоит из длинных треков, как правило очень громкого, гипнотического психоделического тяжелого прогрессив-рока, с бьщими риффами и замечательным пьянящим мистическим чувством. Следующий альбом, ‘Сделанный в Японии’ [Атлантика, 1972], была лучше распространен международно. Этот альбом начинается радио-рекламой фестиваля рок-музыки, на котором они играли с многочисленными знаменитостями того времени, включая ELP.. Музыкально он был в стиле предшественника, но более разнообразен и песенно ориентирован – превосходный альбом. Их последний альбом, ‘Make Up’ [Atlantic, 1973], был двойной долгоиграющей пластинкой, на которой Yuya Uchida был гостевым вокалом. Альбом представил студийный и живой материал, включая 20-минутную версию ‘Hiroshima’  с предидущего альбома [с басовым соло] и записанную вживую в студии версию ‘Satori Part 2’. Некоторая часть студийного материала была в тяжелом прогрессивном стиле [хотя с большим уклоном к раннему King Crimson в восточном стиле]. Другая часть была выполнена в более коммерческом мягком стиле. Часть живого материала явно проходной материал. В целом альбом наспех склеен, но тем не менее с большим количеством хорошего и великолепного материала. По моему мнению надо было его отредактировать до одинарной пластики. Все их альбомы были переизданы на компакт-диске на Coca. Была также версия издания альбома ‘Make Up’  на одном компакт-диске, в которую не вошла часть самого желательного живого материала. Возможно есть 2 малоизвестных альбома, ‘The Times’ [1975; компиляция?] и ‘Futarino Don’ [1989], но я о них ничего не знаю.



– this legendary band released only one album, ‘Social Gathering’ [Polydor, 1970], the cover of which stands out due to the large elephant approaching the viewer. It contains a great, diverse mix of stuff delivered with over-the-top gusto, from stabbing high speed hard acid rock, to rollicking progressive psych jamming with crazed piano, to loud distorted bass experiments, etc. etc. Not a ballad in sight, very enjoyable from beginning to end. Julian Cope says it’s legendary only because it’s so rare, but I can’t understand why he thinks it sucks, and everyone I’ve played it to liked it a lot. Guitarist Shinki Chen [ex-Golden Cups – see below, and Powerhouse (a covers band)] later went on to record a solo album and to form the group Speed, Glue & Shinki with Foodbrain bassist Masayoshi Kabe [a.k.a. M. Glue, also ex- Golden Cups]; keyboardist Hiro Yanagida [ex-Apryl Fool – see above] later went on to play with Love Live Life + One, Masahiko Sato & Sound Brakers and to a solo career [see below]; drummer Hiro Tsunoda [ex-Jacks – see below] went on to Strawberry Path, Flied Egg and Sadistic Mika Band [see below]. The album has been reissued on CD by P-Vine.


Friends – they made one album that I know of, ‘Tetsu Yamauchi, Haruo Chikada (and others)’ [Victor, 1971]. I’m not sure if Friends is the name of the album or the group. I believe it was a one-off studio project, but I have no idea what the music was like. Bassist Tetsu Yamauchi had previously been in Samurai [see below], and after this went on to the British groups Free and The Faces. This was reissued on CD by P-Vine, but is now out of print.



эта малоизвестная группа записала по крайней мере один альбом, ‘Fulukotofumi’ [RCA, 1972], по общему мнению прогрессивный.



– эта неизвестная группа записала по крайней мере один альбом, ‘Fumanzoku’ [Private, 1974], по общему мнению содержащий психоделический рок.


Fumio & Osamu – I can’t find any info on these folks, but their album ‘Shinchugoko’ [1972] was listed as a progressive album.




Gedo – I’ve also seen this spelled as Gedou. Their first album as far as I can tell was ‘Gedo’ [Show Boat, 1974], which is reputedly in a hard psychedelic rock style. It was reissued on CD by P-Vine [PCD-1579] with 4 bonus tracks, but is now out of print. There was also a Showboat limited edition reissue in paper sleeves which may still be available. There seem to be numerous other Gedo albums – ‘Just Gedo’ [year?; reiss. by Showboat], ‘In Sounds of Hawaii Studios’ [year?; reiss. by Showboat], ‘Power Cut’ [year?; reiss. by Chop], ‘Mooning’, ‘I Can Shout, I Can Fight’ and others with non-English titles.


Golden Cups – a garage psych band which at one point contained future Foodbrain and Speed, Glue & Shinki members Shinki Chen & Masayoshi Kabe. Their debut was ‘Album’ [Capitol, 1968], which featured a great deal of cover versions. This was followed by ‘Album No. 2’ [Capitol, 1968], ‘Album No. 3 - Blues Message’ [Capitol, 1969] and ‘Recital’ [Capitol, 1969]. ‘Super Live Session’ [Capitol, 1969] was mostly hard bluesy garage rock with an obvious Cream influence and a loose jazziness; it’s reasonably good, with extended jamming, but  nothing really original or

different. Most tracks are covers. It’s been reissued on CD by EMI/Capitol Japan. Over the last few albums - ‘All About’ [Capitol, 1970], ‘Live Album’ [Capitol, 1971] and ‘Return of the Golden Cups Volume 8’ [Capitol, 1971] – the band reputedly got a little more progressive and psychedelic.


Goulois Asterix – a very obscure group who made at least one album, ‘Inochi’ [Tengu, 1970], which has been described as ‘progressive  underground’.


Gypsy Blood – a very obscure group who reputedly played a kind of psychedelic rock. They released two albums that I know of, ‘Blue Roses For the Gypsy – in Wishbone’ [Private pressing, 1971] and ‘Rokko Oroshi’ (also seen listed as ‘Rokkourishi’) [Vertigo, 1971]. The latter was reissued on CD by P-Vine in 1998, with 4 bonus tracks, but is now out of print.




Keiji Haino – a seemingly permanently black-clad guitarist/vocalist/harmonica player who was in a late-60’s Doors covers group before forming Lost Aaraaff [see below]. Around this time he befriended the similarly black-clad Mizutani Takashi of Les Rallizes Denudes [see below]. He released an early solo album, ‘Ama No Gawa’ (‘Milky Way’) [label? 1973], reputedly containing droney electronic music which Alan Cummings described as “an enduring favourite for its evocative, spiritually charged atmosphere”. It’s been reissued on CD by Mom’N’Dad. Haino went on to form Fushitsusha [see below] and release numerous other solo albums in various styles – too much to go into here, and much of it is probably of limited interest to readers of this article.


Happenings Four – a pretty light and commercial psych-pop group, who released their debut ‘Touemi Ningen’ [Capitol, 1968], which has been compared to early Procol Harum. The next was obviously Beatles-influenced – ‘Magical Happenings Tour’ [Capitol, 1968]. The cover had a slightly amusing picture of the be-costumed band, with hair up in erect top-knots, laid into a ¥10,000 bill. I’ve only heard a couple of tracks from it, which are far inferior to, and quite unlike, the Beatles. As Happenings Four + 1 they released another album, ‘The Long Trip’ [Capitol, 1971], which is reputedly much more on the early progressive side of things. Keyboardist Kuni Kawachi would go on to work with Tenjo Sajiki, J.A. Caesar and Flower Travellin’ Band [see above & below].


Happy End – formed in 1969; a band that blended west coast US psychedelic rock styles with modern Japanese folk and soft progressive rock. They featured drummer Takashi Matsumoto and bassisst Haruomi Hosono [see below], both ex- Apryl Fool [see above]. They released a few albums that I know of, none of which I’ve heard – ‘Happy End’ (a.k.a. Yudemen) [URC, 1970], ‘Kaze Machi Roman’ (‘Windy Roman City’) [1971], ‘Happy End’ [King, 1973 – different to the first album, and produced by Van Dyke Parks] and ‘Live Happy End’ [1974, but rec. 1972 – I presume a posthumous release]. There have also been numerous compilations, and stuff from an 80’s reformation. Hosono went on to a solo

career of sorts, and Yellow Magic Orchestra [see below].


Harumi – ‘Harumi’ [Verve Forecast, 1968] was a 2-LP set. Harumi was a Japanese guy residing in the US where he recorded and released this. It’s reputedly ‘psych with many native instruments’ and vocals in both Japanese and English. The first LP is apparently more poppy, but the second contains only a lengthy track per side, reputedly “heavily introverted mystical Eastern hippie rambling” according to Fuzz, Acid & Flowers.


The Helpful Soul – by the look of the cover of their album ‘A Thousand & One Night’ [Victor, 1969] and the vague description ‘instrumental – psychedelic’ from Hans Pokora, I would guess it’s some kind of possibly cheesy orienttinged psych-jazz soundtrack or exploitation album. However they did at least one other album, ‘First Album’ [label? 196?], which reputedly contains hard bluesy acid rock, with some Cream and Hendrix covers. This has been reissued on both LP and CD by Black Rose.


Hill Andon – an obscure psychedelic folk group who made at least one album, ‘Page One’ [Fish, 1975].




Toshi Ichiyanagi – an avant-garde composer who composed, and performed [some of], the music in 1969 for ‘Opera From the Works of Tadanori Yokoo’ [The End, 1970], a double-LP [with picture discs, no less!]. It’s a very varied and experimental album, featuring lots of avant-garde collage work and musique concrete that’s hard to describe, odd Japanese theatre and pop, Japanese ballads, and a side-and-a-bit of The Flowers [when they were about to become Flower Travellin’ Band - see above] jamming in a free and freaked style. This rare album has recently been reissued on Bridge as a deluxe 4-CD set [1 LP side per CD – no bonus material – especially irritating because it could all have fitted on one CD], complete with postcards of Yokoo’s paintings, a small Japanese-text hardcover book of interviews and other information, and prints of Ichiyanagi from the era of the recording, all in a lavish hard box designed by Yokoo. Unfortunately the CD’s have been taken directly from vinyl [not mint either, by the sound of it] and have not been cleaned up. And, it’s terribly expensive – all of these things adding up to the impression that this is only a worthwhile purchase if you’re a fanatical collector, who can read Japanese and has money to burn. Fortunately I was able to hear it due to knowing someone who fits that description! In Hans Pokora’s ‘4001 Record Collector Dreams’, this album is listed as by Flowers & Others. Ichiyanagi later collaborated with Takehisa Kosugi [see below], but I have no idea what he did musically apart from that.


Yasuo Inada – I don’t know anything about this person or their music, but ‘Kankaku-Shiko’ [1974] was listed as being progressive rock of some kind.




The Jacks – this well-known group had their roots in a folk trio formed in 1966, Nightingale. By 1967 this had stabilized into a 4-piece group called The Jacks. They provided some music for an avant garde theatre troupe before landing a record deal with Takt. They put out 2 singles in 1968, which have more recently been reissued together as an EP – ‘Karappo No Sekai: Takt Days’ [Coca/Nippon Columbia]. I haven’t heard this but the music is reputedly pretty good, in a mournful, meditative and psychedelic mode. One song from this [‘Marianne’, also on the debut album] was much later covered by Painkiller as well as Fushitsusha. After this came their debut album, ‘Vacant World’ [Toshiba/Express, 1968]. This is often spoken of as a great uniquely Japanese psych album, but to me much of it still sounds like a slightly unhinged Japanese take on early west coast US psych, in particular Quicksilver Messenger Service. I find the vocals a bit irritating in places, but a fair bit of the music is quite good, though I’d hesitate to say great. The highlight is probably the first track, ‘Marianne’. After this album guitarist Haruo Mizuhashi left. With the drummer switching to other instruments, and drummer Hiro Tsunoda joining, the band continued to record one last album, ‘Super Session’ [Toshiba, 1969], which is reputedly not as good as their earlier work. There’s also a posthumous release, ‘Live ’68’ [H.A.F., 1973] which I also haven’t heard. Tsunoda went on to Foodbrain, Strawberry Path, Flied Egg and Sadistic Mika Band [see above and below].




Jun Kamikubo – an obscure musician who released one record in small quantity, ‘Nothingness’ [Express, 1972]. It’s a pretty good album of bluesy acid rock with good guitar playing, with a few tracks featuring great heavy riffing. The album has been reissued on LP by Shadoks, and more recently on CD by Toshiba-EMI.


Kuni Kawachi – see Flowers and Flower Travellin’ Band, above.


Nagira Kenichi – ‘Machi no Kaze’ [1974] reputedly contains melodic west coast-styled psychedelic rock, comparable to early Happy End [see above]. This album has been reissued on CD by Prime Direction.


Takehisa Kosugi – Kosugi might be considered the father of what some would call ‘Japanese krautrock’. He was early on associated with the Fluxus experimental music movement, and in 1958 formed Group Ongaku, with Shukou Mizuno and some members of Tokyo University’s Musicology Programme. The group reputedly made full-on musique concrete, and recorded an album, ‘Music Of Group Ongaku’ [1960]. The group lasted until 1969, with Kosugi making music for the Expo ’70 at Osaka before forming Taj Mahal Travellers [see below], for which he is perhaps best known. After the demise of TMT [or perhaps during it], he resumed a solo career, beginning with ‘Catch Wave’ [CBS, 1975, but recorded 1974]. This was a wonderful album, in a similar vein to Taj Mahal Travellers, but more stripped-back and mesmerizing. It featured 2 lengthy tracks using heavily electronically-treated electric violin and voice. Some people prefer this album to TMT, perhaps due to the presence of less jarring moments! This was followed by the collaboration ‘Improvisation (with Michael Ranta and Toshi Ichiyanagi)’ [1975], featuring ring-modulated violin and bass piano alongside percussion. His ‘Violin Solo 1980 N.Y.C.’ [P-Vine, 1998] is reputedly rather unpleasant listening. Another collaboration album exists, ‘Distant Voices’ (with Steve Lacy and Yuji Takahashi) [Columbia, 1981], which I know nothing about. He made numerous obscure commissioned solo works, including ‘S.E. Wave/E.W. Song’ [1976], ‘Interspersion’ [1979], ‘Cycles’ [1981], ‘Spacings’ [1984], ‘Assemblage’ [1986], ‘Rhapsody’ [1987] and ‘Spectra’ [1989]. I don’t know if any of these have been released separately as albums. There is also the album ‘Violin Improvisations: New York, September 1989’ [Lovely Music, 1990]. As far as I know, he is still performing and innovating.




Lost Aaraaff – a free-jazz-rock group formed in the early 70’s by Keiji Haino, later to record solo albums [see above for one of them] and form Fushitsusha [see below]. No albums released at the time that I know of. Some 1971 recordings have been issued as ‘Lost Aaraaff’ [PSF, 1991], containing 3 apparently Albert Ayler-influenced ‘improvised acid jams’ featuring piano, drums, vocals and what sounds like occasional cello. It’s pretty demented stuff; at times they sound like no-talents attempting free jazz, at other times they get some really interesting things going, though not easy to describe. There is also the 1971 live ‘Concert From the Genyasai Festival’ [Purple Trap, 1995], presumably in a similar vein.


Love Live Life + One – a great group who recorded only one album that I know of for certain, ‘Love Will Make A Better You’ [King, 1971]. As well as some searing fuzzed-out psych rockers and more orchestrated progressive psychpop, the highlight of the album is the side-long piece ‘The Question Mark’. This begins as a kind of free-form freakout, developing into manic psychedelic/progressive jazzy jamming, with proficient playing from all musicians. Guitarist Kimio Mizutani shortly after went on to play on the People album and record an excellent solo album [see below for both]. Keyboardist Hiro Yanagida [previously with Apryl Fool & Foodbrain – see above] resumed his solo career [see below]. There are reputedly two more Love Live Life albums [without the ‘+ One’], ‘10 Chapters of Murder’ aka ‘Satsujin Jissho’ [1974] and ‘Rock in Bacharach’ [1975].




The M – an obscure band whom, for all I know, were quite well-known in Japan. Their first album, ‘M’ [MCA, 1972], reputedly contained progressive rock of some kind. I’m yet to hear a copy, but judging by the parts of the track-listing which are in English [thanks to the internet], it seems they did a fair few cover versions. The album has been reissued on CD by Hagakure. There is also a CD available called ‘1971 Live’ [Hagakure], which may not have been released until recently.


Magical Power Mako – real name Makoto Kurita, he made his first album aged 18 – ‘Magical Power’ a.k.a. ‘Polydor ¥2,200’ [Polydor, 1973]. An extraordinary debut, it featured highly original experimental music with psychedelic rock, folk and traditional Japanese music elements, a patchwork comparable in parts to Faust and Franco Battiato. This was followed up by the aptly-titled ‘Super Record’ [Polydor, 1975], a more exotic and esoteric album, and ‘Jump’ [Polydor, 1977], featuring more rock elements in a weird avant-psychedelic mish-mash of styles. Some of it sounds like what The Boredoms [see below] would be doing nearly 20 years later! All of these have been reissued on CD a few times, but I have been told older versions were rather shoddily mastered and didn’t sound that great; the currently available Hagakure reissues, however, have great sound. Fairly recently, recordings largely pre-dating the debut have been issued as a 5-CD set by MIO, ‘Hapmoniym 1972- 1975’. In my opinion this could have been edited down to a more digestible 2- or 3-CD set, though completists would disagree. While a lot of it is quite good, some tracks go on for too long without really going anywhere and are begging for a chop. Also, each CD is presented as containing one long track, whereas in reality they each consist of shorter tracks with clear gaps between them. The indexing for each disc shows more than one track, but the first one/s are simply short tracks of silence, so that all the music on each CD is actually only playable as a single very long track. Also, in the gaps

between pieces there are loud click defects which could easily have been removed if MIO had paid more attention to this project. These were definitely not a CD player fault, but a fault somewhere in the production or manufacturing process. To make this set enjoyable I had to make CD-R copies with the pieces cut up into the shorter tracks they should be, and with the clicks cut out. It’s a shame and a mystery, as other MIO reissues I have encountered are done with a lot more care. Mako went on to release numerous other albums, such as ‘Welcome to Earth’ [East World, 1979], ‘Music From Heaven’ [Marquee Moon, 1981], ‘Magical Computer Music’ [1985], ‘Happy Earth’ [1993], ‘Next Millennium Vibrations’ [1993], ‘Blue Dot’ [1994], ‘Trance Resonance’ [1994], ‘Cosmo Vision’ [1994], ‘Human! Get Out From the Earth Quickly’ [1995], ‘Kero Jetter No. 1’ [1995], ‘Lo Pop Diamonds’ [1996], ‘No Government After Revolution’ [1997], ‘Erotic Elohim’ [1998], ‘Magic’ [1998] and ‘Cozmo Grosso’ [2004]. I haven’t heard any of these except ‘Music From Heaven’, but at least most of them are reputedly more on the pop side of things. ‘Music From Heaven’ is a delightful psychedelic trip, sometimes hinting at Achim Reichel and Lula Cortes e ze Ramalho, as well as Mako’s own earlier work. For some reason the 1997 CD reissue on Atavistic features the whole album playable only as one long track, whereas the track listing indicates many shorter tracks.


Carmen Maki – a vocalist who had previously worked with Blues Creation for one album [see above]. She further dabbled in vaguely progressive territory with the group Oz, beginning with ‘Carmen Maki & Oz’ [1975], which has been reissued on CD by Hagakure. Overall it’s a pretty commercial affair, but with a few good heavy progressive moments. Anyway, I’m not a big fan of vocalists as band leaders unless they have something really great to offer, which Maki doesn’t in my opinion. She’s a good enough singer, but has a style that seems to demand a fairly commercial musical leaning. Further albums included ‘Live’ [year?], reputedly veering between folky stuff and heavier rock; ‘Tozasareta Mati’ [1976]; ‘III’ [1977]; ‘Last Live’ [1977]; and ‘Nightstalker’ [1979]. Carmen Maki’s 5X formed in 1981 with guitarist George Azuma from her late-70’s band, Laff. 5X apparently played some kind of melodic metal, and released these albums – ‘Human Target’, ‘Live X’ and ‘Carmen Maki’s 5X’ [Eastworld, 1983]. She recently got together with Oz again for a live album, ‘One Night Legend’ [1997].


Martha – an obscure psychedelic group who released one album, ‘Martha’ [Private pressing, 1971].


 (Maru Sankaku Shikaku) – an underground performance group from Tokyo, formed by Sakuro ‘Kant’ Watanabe, existing from 1970-73. The group featured members of Murahachibu [see below] and Friction. They self-produced a self-titled 3-LP album set [197?], of which I believe only a few acetates ever saw the light of day – or alternately, they released 5 albums in 1973, depending on who you believe. Their recordings have been reissued as a 3-CD set by Captain Trip, and reputedly sound like bands such as Third Ear Band and Taj Mahal Travellers [see below], though more chaotic. Julian Cope has described it as “indoor stoned parrot torture cutlery & crockery grooves”!? Much later, having reformed,

they collaborated with Tokyo heavy psych group Marble Sheep [see below], for the album ‘Marble Sheep Meets O∆􀀀’ [Captain Trip, 2003], the music of which is described on the Captain Trip website as ‘spacy trip sessions’.


Melting Glass Box (Tokedashita Garasubako) – formed from ex-members of The Jacks, Blues Creation and Apryl Fool [see above], they released one album of psychedelic rock, ‘Melting Glass Box’ [URG, 1971]. Based on the little I’ve heard it’s a tad commercial and poppy but also a bit weird in places.


K. Miho & Jazz Eleven – K. Miho’s full name was Kei Miho. His combo released one album that I know of, ‘Kokezaru Kumikyoku’ [MCA/Nippon Victor, 1971], which features Masahiko Satoh [see below] on electric piano. The album is reputedly progressive jazz rock of some kind.


Kan Mikami – an underground radical protest folk singer/shouter and actor who was involved in the Tenjo Sajiki and Tokyo Kid Brothers troupes [see below], and by extension, with J.A. Caesar [see above]. His first album, ‘Mikami Kan No Sekai’ (‘The World of Kan Mikami’) [label? 1971] apparently contained a kind of folk rock with intense presence and dark, harrowing, ‘real’ lyrical subject matter. I’m not sure if there were any albums between this and the next one I’m aware of, ‘BANG!’ [label? 1974]. It features Yosuke Yamashita’s group and other jazz musicians as his backing, and is reputedly a weirder, more progressive affair, mainly for the title track. This has been described as “a bewildering psychedelic collage of free jazz blasts, musique concrete, tapes and Mikami’s unique voice, silky and caressing one moment, soaring and screaming in agony the next”. Mikami apparently didn’t do much again until the late 80’s, collaborating with Keiji Haino [see above] of Fushitsusha [see below] for the group Vajra.


Minami Masato – a ‘folk rock star’ somewhat well known in Japan. His first album was released in 1969, though I have no details for it. His best known album, ‘Kaikisen’ [label? 1971], is referred to on the Captain Trip web-site as “the monumental work of Japanese rock in 1971”. I’ve been unable to find any more information except that he recently got busted for marijuana possession!

Kimio Mizutani – a renowned electric guitarist who, along with Hiro Yanagida [see below], played in lots of classic ensembles in the late 60’s/early 70’s – such as Love Live Life + One, People, Masahiko Satoh & Sound Brakers, and Hiro Yanagida’s solo album backings. He recorded one great solo album, ‘A Path Through Haze’ [Polydor, 1971], which contains a variety of unique styles broadly akin to some of the music on the other albums he played on around the same time. That is, Japanese-tinged progressive psych with jazzy touches and plenty of variety and evocative moods. The album also featured keyboardist Masahiko Satoh [see below]. This has been reissued on both CD and LP.


Mops – this was one of Japan’s best-known garage-beat-psych groups, playing [at least at first] a fairly mainstream kind of Stones/Yardbirds-inspired music on their first couple of albums – ‘Psychedelic Sounds’ [Victor, 1968] and ‘Rock’n’Roll ’70’ [Liberty, 1970]. By ‘Iijanaika’ [Liberty, 1971] they had apparently gained more of a wild progressive hard psych edge, later reverting to bluesy garage rock on ‘Live’ [Liberty, 1971] and ‘Rain’ [Liberty, 1972].


Tokihiko Morishita – a keyboardist who made some obscure albums. The only ones I’m aware of are ‘Toccata’ [Dharma, 1972], reputedly containing progressive rock, and ‘Yokai Gensou – Mizuki Shigeru’ [label? 1978]. I’m not sure if this 2nd one is the title itself or if these are people with whom Morishita collaborated to make the album. It reputedly contains ‘abstract electronic soundscapes’. It was reissued by P-Vine on CD in 1999, but is now out of print. Morishita later played keyboards with Geinoh Yamashirogumi [see below] on the Akira soundtrack.


Murahachibu (‘Ostracism’) – formed by guitarist Fujio Yamaguchi [ex-Dynamites, Les Rallizes Denudes] and vocalist Kazushi Shibata [ex-Les Rallizes Denudes]. They only released one album, ‘Live’ [Elec, 1973], which was recorded at a gig at Kyoto University. The music is fairly basic hard-ish garagey rock and rock’n’roll, sometimes a bit bluesy and mostly sounding a lot like the Rolling Stones but with less finesse. Even the posturing of the singer on the live-on-stage cover photos betrays an obvious Jagger fixation! Later, previously unreleased material was issued on CD – ‘Underground Tapes – 1972’ [Hagakure], ‘Underground Tapes – 1973’ [Hagakure] and ‘Underground Tapes – 1978’ [Hagakure].




Niningashi – an obscure group who released at least one album of folk rock, ‘Heavy Way’ [Yes, 1974], which might be of interest.




Oz Days – ‘Live’ [Oz, 1973]. A very rare 2-LP set not by a group called Oz Days, but compiling performances at the ‘Oz live space’. It featured a side each for 4 different artists – Taj Mahal Travellers [as a trio], Les Rallizes Denudes [see below], Acid Seven and Minami Masato [see above].




People – I’m not sure if these guys actually existed as a performing band, or if they were only a studio super-session project. Guitarist Kimio Mizutani had previously [or simultaneously, or shortly after?] played with Love Live Life + One [see above] and Masahiko Satoh’s Sound Brakers [see below]. At any rate, their sole album, the concept piece ‘Ceremony – Buddha Meet Rock’ [Teichiku, 1971], is an absolute classic. The album came with extensive liner notes elaborating on the intended meaning for each track – the whole album flowing more or less as a conceptual whole. As the title would suggest, it was an attempt to fuse a Buddhist-influenced spiritual vibe into an innovative oriental form of hypnotic psychedelic progressive rock. It’s all quite unique and doesn’t sound like any preceding groups that I’m aware of, though some bits are like a much less-heavy Flower Travellin’ Band circa ‘Satori’. It’s a bit jazzy in places, hinting at some of Stomu Yamash’ta’s work with Come to the Edge [see below]. There’s lots of nice fuzz guitar leads and overall, a very sanctified vibe that makes this a deep but groovy experience. The album has been reissued on both CD and LP. Following this [or around the same time], Mizutani recorded his equally great solo album [see above].


Pyg! – these guys were reputedly some kind of ‘progressive’ band, which could mean almost anything. The only album that I know of had a distinctive cartoon of a pig on the front – ‘Original First Album’ [Polydor, 1972]. It was reissued on CD some years back [not sure who by] and may be out of print now – at least, I’m finding it very hard to locate a copy for sale! The original LP is now very expensive when encountered. All I have to go by is some singles tracks on a Japanese Polydor compilation I mistakenly ordered from P-Vine thinking it was the Pyg album. Judging by these, Pyg seemed to lean towards slightly hard, commercial rock with perhaps slight progressive and freakbeat touches – but, singles are always tricky to gauge a band from, as by their very nature they are usually the most commercial things a band ever does.




Les Rallizes Dénudés [Hadaka No Rallizes] – formed in Kyoto, 1967 by the black-clad Mizutani Takashi, partly as a ‘fuck you’ reaction against the ‘Group Sounds’ movement. The group name apparently means ‘Fucked Up and Naked’ according to some, which well describes the music! However no-one seems to be able to agree on a correct translation. Early on they hooked up with the Kyoto ‘radical avant-garde theatre group’ Gendai Gekijo, providing musical backing for their performances. The band’s music stayed essentially similar over the years – high volume, raw, lo-fi rock stretched out into repetitive guitar feedback/psychedelic noise-fests, with hints of noisy Velvet Underground, Pärson Sound, and even Acid Mothers Temple without all the electronics. Some of the studio recordings, however, sound much tamer. Since 1971, Takashi has chosen a route of total obscurity, shunning official recordings, interviews, publicity etc. As a result of this, I’m not sure which releases were official and which were bootlegs from live gigs or sneaked out of Takashi’s tape collection. These are the albums that have been released, according to Julian Cope – ‘67-69 Studio et Live’ [Sixe, 1969], a mix of hideous noisy ‘free rock’, crappy beat-psych and good beat-psych; ‘Mizutani’ [1973]; ‘Live

1973’ [1973; repackaged and reissued in 2001 as ‘Field of Artificial Flowers’]; ‘Wild Party’ [1975]; the double-LP ‘’77 Live’ [1977; repackaged and reissued as 2-LP ‘Fucked Up and Naked’, 2-CD ‘Le 12 Mars 1977 à Tachikawa’]; the similar ‘Heavier Than A Death In The Family’ [Ain’t Group Sounds, 1995]; and ‘Five Colour Coded CDs’ [1999]. Apart from ‘67-69 Studio et Live’, I’ve only heard ‘’77 Live’, and judging from that I think these guys take a while to get things moving beyond repetitive and [very] rudimentary 60’s rock/pop structures [poorly played, perhaps on purpose?], but once they get things rolling they sound like a force to be reckoned with! For example, on the first disc I can do without the first and last tracks, but the middle two are wicked indeed. By the way, don’t expect clean sound on the CD reissue, it is after all a bootleg taken from a vinyl bootleg of a presumably bootlegged live recording, but the fucked-up sound suits the kind of music they play, so it doesn’t really matter in the end.


Ranmadou – I don’t know anything about these guys. I saw a recommendation by Alan Cummings on the internet, but he didn’t say anything about their music, and on one of their album covers they look like they could be the Japanese equivalent of The Faces, so I’m a bit scared to buy it to find out! They released 2 albums that I know of, ‘1971 Summer’ [URC, 1971] and ‘Ranmadou’ [Polydor, 1972]. The first is reputedly blues rock, the second psychedelic rock. Both have been reissued on CD.


Rotten Peach – an obscure folk rock group who released at least one album, ‘Rotten Peach’ [TPL, 1975].




Sadistic Mika Band – one of the better known Japanese bands of the era, largely due to international distribution. I’m yet to hear any of their records, as shameful as that may seem! Their first album, ‘Sadistic Mika Band’ [1973], was reputedly ‘uncompromising heavy rock with a pervasive Oriental underlay’. An NME review at the time said that it made “Iggy and the Stooges sound like the Amadeus String Quartet”! However I’ve also seen reviews saying that much of it is “straight-ahead pop with country, reggae and rock’n’roll influences here and there.” I’m not sure if this is a confusion with a later album. Their next album was made with UK producer Chris Thomas – ‘Black Ship’ [1974], reputedly another great album but with more progressive stuff amidst the pop. The only other albums I’m aware of [not including reformations] are ‘Hot! Menu’ [1975], which more suits the NME description from above, and ‘Mika Band Live in London’ [1976].


Hideakira Sakurai – a multi-instrumentalist and composer who had worked with Stomu Yamash’ta & The Horizon [see below]. Sakurai is perhaps best known for creating the soundtrack music for many of the cult classic Lone Wolf and Cub/Baby Cart films [Kozure Ookami] based on the earlier mangas. Kunihiko Murai was responsible for those not done by Sakurai. Both have also worked on other soundtracks. I’m not sure who actually played the music with Sakurai – I’d be surprised if he played everything. The soundtracks I’ve heard range from evocative Japanese music to various kinds of progressive rock, electronic music and other weird sounds. I suppose Sakurai was to the Lone Wolf and Cub films what Goblin were to the films of Dario Argento! There is at least one compilation CD available, ‘The Best Of Lone Wolf and Cub’ [La La Land, 2004].


Samurai – a Japanese group led by vocalist/flautist Miki Curtis. They went to Europe in late 1967, picking up some European members and thus becoming half-Japanese. In London they recorded a single and their debut album, the double-LP [so I’m told] ‘Samurai’ a.k.a. ‘Miki Curtis & Samurai’ [German Metronome, 1970], as well as a single only released in Italy. They should not be confused with the UK group of the same name, who released a self-titled LP on Greenwich in 1971. Their second album, ‘Green Tea’ [Philips, 1970], is as far as I can tell simply a single-LP repackaging of the debut only released in Japan, to where the band had returned. The last album that I know of is ‘Kappa’ [Philips, 1971]. The band played a varied kind of psychedelic progressive rock, occasionally a bit hard-rocking, with jazzy and exotic Asian touches. They’ve been compared by Vernon Joyson to Andwella’s Dream and early Traffic. The music on their first album [the only one I’ve heard] is fairly accessible, but without at all sacrificing quality or creativity. On ‘Kappa’ they reputedly played lengthier tracks with more of a heavy progressive leaning. ‘Samurai’/’Green Tea’ [single LP version] was reissued on CD by P-Vine. The bass player, Tetsu Yamauchi, was later in Friends [see above], Free and The Faces, as well as pursuing a brief solo career. Drummer Yujin Harada was later in the last incarnation of Far East Family Band [see above]. Graham Smith, credited on harmonica on the first 2 albums, is probably the same person who later played violin in String Driven Thing and Van Der Graaf.


Masahiko Satoh & Sound Brakers – Satoh is a composer/arranger/keyboardist from Tokyo. After leaving music school he played in various jazz combos in Japan [and later, Europe and the US], and recorded his first album as the Masahiko Satoh Trio, ‘Palladium’ [Express/Toshiba, 1969], which won the Japan Jazz Award. In 1970 and 1972 he also won awards of excellence for two compositions. Numerous jazz albums followed, including one with Jean-Luc Ponty, one with Wolfgang Dauner and some with Stomu Yamash’ta [see below], but Satoh is perhaps best known amongst Japanese progressive collectors for the excellent album as Masahiko Satoh & Sound Brakers, ‘Amalgamation’ aka ‘Kokotsu no Showa Genroku’ [Liberty/Toshiba, 1971], with Hiro Yanagida [see below; ex-Apryl Fool, Foodbrain] and Kimio Mizutani [see above; around the same time also playing with Love Live Life + One and People]. I’ve only heard one track, which is crazy psych-jazz rock jamming. Satoh also played keyboards and Moog on Mizutani’s solo album. Satoh’s following album consisted of electronic music, composed and performed on synthesizer – ‘Switched On East/Electronic Japan’ [Columbia, 1971]; I presume it’s Japanese traditional music played on Moog! Satoh has continued his career in jazz and composing/arranging to the present day, and formed his own label BAJ Records in 1997.


Smoky Medicine – a psychedelic group formed by teen guitarist Char; they were apparently very popular in the underground scene but never got to record anything. Char went on to bigger local success as a solo musician, before temporarily retiring from music near the end of the 70’s. In 1979 he re-emerged with a trio, JL&C, apparently recapturing a focus on musical content over commercial appeal. In 1982 they changed their name to Pink Cloud and went on to release numerous albums, as well as Char’s solo albums. Char later formed another band, Psychedelix, in 1991; they went on to release several albums as well. I have no idea what any of the music is like!


Speed, Glue & Shinki – guitarist Shinki Chen had previously been in Foodbrain and recorded a solo album [see above]; bassist M. Glue [Masayoshi Kabe] had previously been in Foodbrain; drummer and vocalist Joey ‘Pepe’ Smith was a Filipino Vietnam veteran with a large speed habit! They recorded two great albums, ‘Eve’ [Atlantic, 1971] and the 2-LP ‘Speed, Glue & Shinki’ [Atlantic, 1972]. The main musical style on both albums is a mix of bluesy, rough & ready heavy rock and psych/acid rock, ballads, and occasional experimental blasts. Some people think these guys were pretty unique and amazing; in my opinion they’re pretty good overall but there’s a lot of stuff like this from the same period the world over. I suspect some people get a bit ‘wowed’ by the open drug references and kind of punky attitude, and let their judgement become  louded when rating this band so highly over others. What sets the second album apart from the first is that much of the last quarter of it consisted of fairly minimal and rudimentary synthesizer explorations from Smith, who had apparently just bought a synth and wanted to try it out on record. They were also joined on this album by Philippine guitarist Mike Hanopol, from Juan De La Cruz Band and later a solo artist. Not sure what happened to Chen and Glue afterwards, though Joey Smith recorded with DK Mushroom & Son [see above] and went on to the second lineup of Juan De La Cruz in the Philippines. Hanopol went with Smith to Juan de la Cruz at the same time, and with them they carried some of the flavour of Speed Glue & Shinki to that revamped group. Hanopol also released some soloalbums later on.


Strawberry Path – these guys made only one album that I’m aware of, ‘When the Raven Has Come To The Earth’ [Philips, 1971]. It’s a great slab of bluesy heavy psychedelic rock in a slight early progressive vein. Some of it sounds a bit like funky Hendrix as filtered through New Zealand’s Human Instinct. Drummer Hiro Tsunoda was previously in The Jacks and Foodbrain, and went on to Flied Egg and Sadistic Mika Band [see above]. The album has been reissued on CD by Hagakure. There’s also a CD of demo recordings, ‘Smokin’ Drug, Demo & Hotcake’ [Ain’t

Group Sounds], which I haven’t heard.




Taj Mahal Travellers – an experimental group formed in 1969 by Takehisha Kosugi [see above]. They were a large combo playing free-form organic electro-acoustic improvisations, using diverse instrumentation such as electric violin, electric double bass, harmonica, percussion, timpani, vibraphone, castanet, trumpet, bass tuba, electronics, voice and ‘suntool’. All of this was heavily treated with effects during live performances by Kinji Hayashi. They excelled in creating oozing, and sometimes jarring, trippy soundscapes with a deep mystical Japanese feel, a step on from groups such as AMM, Anima, Kluster, Dream Syndicate and perhaps some of the more spacious early Tangerine Dream [circa Zeit & Atem]. They performed anywhere they could, from coffee houses and art galleries to beaches and other outdoor settings, providing electricity was available. Their first official album was the excellent ‘July 15, 1972’ [CBS Japan, 1972], featuring 3 lengthy excerpts from the one performance; it was recorded in Tokyo on a stopover in the midst of a tour of Europe and England. This has been reissued on CD by Showboat. Their second and final album, ‘August 1974’ [CBS Japan, 1975] was a double LP set recorded in the studio, featuring a lengthy track per side. It was less varied and perhaps slightly more jarring in parts than the debut, but still a fine album. It’s been reissued as a 2-CD set by PVine. By late 1975 the group had broken up, with Kosugi resuming his solo career. A recording predating their debut, ‘Live Stockholm July 1971’ [Drone Syndicate, 1998], has recently been issued for the first time on CD, and some prefer it over the official releases; reputedly it’s a lot more varied and chaotic. Other info I’ve found suggests that the Taj Mahal Travellers didn’t stay apart for long, and continued playing for a while without Kosugi, but with Kazuo Imai [see East Bionic Symphonia, below] filling his shoes.


Nishiokai Takashi – a singer/songwriter who made at least one album – ‘Manin no Ki’ [1973]. It’s reputedly melancholic folk with some experimental tendencies, and has been reissued on CD by Prime Direction.


Tenjo Sajiki aka Tenjousajiki (The Top Floor Gallery) – an underground experimental theatre company that used progressive forms of music in their performances, formed by Shuji Terayama with Yutaka Higashi. In 1968, Higashi parted to form the Tokyo Kid Brothers [see below]. In 1969, J.A. Caesar [see above] became the company’s musical director. In 1970, a soundtrack to one of Terayama’s projects, ‘Throw Away The Books Let’s Go Into the Streets’, was released on their own label, and later re-done in a different form by the Tokyo Kid Brothers. It featured keyboardist Kuni Kawachi as musical arranger [ex-Happenings Four, also worked with Flower Travellin’ Band – see above], and J.A. Caesar performed on one track. It has some similarity to the Tokyo Kid Brothers version, but is very different overall. The musicianship and quality of recording is a bit sloppy in parts, but it is an entertaining and unique album all the same. Over the next few years other albums of Tenjo Sajiki productions were released as J.A. Caesar albums [see above]. The only other album that I know of that seems to have been released as solely by Tenjo Sajiki is ‘Aho Bune’ [I’ve also seen it listed as ‘Ahousen’] (‘The Ship Of Fools’) [1976], which was sponsored by the Shah of Iran’s daughter, and premiered at the 10th Persepolis Arts Festival in Shiraz, Iran, in 1976. The ensemble performed alongside other avant garde artists such as Stockhausen and Xenakis. The music is apparently what you would expect from the J.A. Caesar albums, though this one has a reputation as one of the best of the bunch. I can’t really describe it for you because I haven’t heard it. This was reissued on CD with a book by P-Vine, but it now appears to be out of print, or at least very difficult for non- Japanese seekers to track down. When Terayama died in 1983, J.A. Caesar took over the reigns of Tenjo Sajiki. You can read an account of an earlyTenjo Sajiki extravaganza here:


Saitoh Tetsuo – ‘Kimi wa Eiyuu Nankajya Nai’ [1972] reputedly contains progressive folk, with prominent guitar and howling vocals. It has been reissued on CD by Prime Direction.


3/3 – how do you search for information on a band name like that? They released one album that I know of, the helpfully-titled ‘3/3’ [LLX, 1975], reputedly containing hard psychedelic rock.


Tokyo Kid Brothers – formed in 1968 by Yutaka Higashi, a founding member of Tenjo Sajiki [see above], as his own splinter underground/experimental theatre troupe [though still sometimes working in association with Tenjo Sajiki]. In 1970 they made an impact abroad with some performances at New York’s La Mama Experimental Theatre Club. Their first album was ‘Golden Bat’ [Polydor, 1971], with musical arrangements by Hiro Yanagida [see below]. Their classic album ‘Throw Away The Books Let’s Go Into The Streets’ [Victor, 1971] is different to the earlier Tenjo Sajiki version, but like it, is without many obvious parallels in western music and has a strange uniquely Japanese feel. It features an odd mix of rough & raw psychedelic rock [at times midway between High Tide, Foodbrain & Amon Düül], rousing anthemic bursts, mournful psychedelic funeral marches, theatrical moments, bits that could be from a late-60’s film soundtrack, ballads, and a fair bit of spoken [and angrily shouted] stuff in Japanese. Some parts are reworked versions of themes from the Tenjo Sajiki version. Due to the all-Japanese liner notes of the P-Vine CD reissue, I’ve found it hard to figure out who was on this album, but I’ve read elsewhere that it included guitarist Hideki Ishima from Flower Travellin’ Band, and singer/shouter Kan Mikami [see above], who was with the troupe for a while. It’s pretty likely J.A. Caesar [see above] was involved in this album, as it is quite reminiscent of some of his early albums. These first 2 albums were reputedly their best. My knowledge of the rest of the TKB discography is patchy, but there was a 6-CD box set released by P-Vine, a description of which tells us that as well as the works already mentioned there are Polydor recordings for a play called ‘The Lost Colour Blue’, King recordings from albums called ‘One and the Same Door’ and ‘Golden Bat Returns’, Victor recordings from a 1977 revived version of ‘Golden Bat’, Warner Pioneer recordings for an unreleased 1975 album called ‘October is the Golden Country’, a self-released EP called ‘Love & Banana’, and other previously unreleased material. It came with generously-sized liner notes, but they’re all in Japanese. The afore-mentioned description I’ve been going from [from the Forced Exposure website] also hints that Tokyo Kid Brothers were not involved in all of the recordings on ‘Throw Away Your Books…’. Tokyo Kid Brothers performed for some 30 years, until Higashi died in 2000.


Tomita – a well-known and award-winning synthesizer player and composer, full name Isao Tomita. In the 50’s he was already pursuing his interest in electronic music; in 1956 he composed the theme music for the Japanese Olympic gymnastics team, and also made music for films and television [including the anime ‘Kimba The White Lion’]. In 1973 he formed an electronic music group, Plasma Music, with Kinji Kitashoji and Mitsuo Miyamoto. The bulk of his work, with which he has been quite successful, consists of all-synthesiser adaptations of classical works. The best I’ve heard is one of his earliest albums [perhaps his first], ‘Snowflakes Are Dancing’ [RCA, 1974], which features Debussy adaptations and is really quite beautiful listening if you enjoy both electronic music and classical music. It’s certainly no Moog-meets-Bach type cheesiness! When I listen to parts of this I can practically see snowflakes falling outside on a dark, clear night. Lovely! Apparently this was also released in a different cover as a Plasma Music release, and also as ‘Clair de Lune’ by Tomita. Tomita went on to release many other albums, many reinterpreting classical works, including ‘Pictures at an Exhibition’ [RCA, 1975], ‘Firebird’ [RCA, 1975], ‘The Planets’ [RCA, 1977], ‘Cosmos’ [RCA, 1978;

included the Star Wars theme!], ‘The Bermuda Triangle’ [RCA, 1978], ‘Daphnis et Chloe’ [RCA, 1979], ‘Grand Canyon Suite’ [RCA, 1982], ‘Dawn Chorus’ [RCA, 1984] and ‘Storm From the East’ [RCA, 1992].


Kazuki Tomokawa – coming from a similar position as Kan Mikami [see above], this singer/poet/actor etc. didn’t get an album out until 1975, though I don’t know what it was called. He continued to release albums, with ‘Sakura No Kuni No Chiru Naka O’ (‘Within the Country of Falling Cherry Blossoms’) [King, 1980] arranged by J.A. Caesar [see above]. It has been described by Alan Cummings as ‘intense prog-folk’ with “the final track a 15 minute masterpiece that explodes from a wind-blown beginning into a maelstrom of chanting choirs, full-on guitar and Tomokawa’s deranged howling”! Also recommended is ‘Hitori Bodonori’ (‘A Solo Dance of the Dead’) [PSF, 1995], reputedly containing great free psychedelic rock with a backing band including famed bassist Motoharu Yoshizawa [see below].


Too Much – an obscure group who made only one album I’m aware of, ‘Too Much’ [Atlantic, 1971]. It’s nothing very original, containing a fairly generic mix of heavy rock [notably influenced by Black Sabbath], slow blues [one song sounds like a thinly-disguised re-make of Led Zeppelin’s ‘Since I’ve Been Loving You’!], dodgy ballads and soft progressive rock. I find a bit over half the album is fairly good, and the opening track is a great heavy riff monster. Nothing to write home about, overall. The album has been reissued as a bootleg CD by Black Rose.




VSOP – an obscure group I’m yet to hear. All I know is that they released an album, ‘VSOP’ [London, 1973], which is reputedly hard rock in style and has very modern-looking cover artwork, as though they were a recent electronic group. Not to be confused with Herbie Hancock’s late-70’s jazz group of the same name, who were incidentally popular live in Japan.




Fujio Yamaguchi – a guitarist who had previously been in ‘group sounds’ band The Dynamites, and Murahachibu [see above]. He released a solo album, ‘Himatsubushi’ [Elec, 1974], reputedly containing psychedelic rock; it’s been reissued on CD by Good Lovin’ [GoodLov 009, to help you through the Japanese titles on their web site].


Stomu Yamash’ta – a renowned avant-garde percussionist, whose first album ‘Red Buddha’ [Barclay, 1971] featured lengthy and exotic percussion performances. It’s a very absorbing and sanctified album, and has been reissued on CD by Spalax. Another album of exotic experimental percussive music was recorded in the UK shortly after, ‘Henze/Takemitsu/Maxwell/Davies’ [Decca?, 1972]. Next he came into the fore as a composer and band leader, releasing numerous albums of slightly experimental progressive rock through the 70’s [see below]. Here, I’ll just mention the other albums released under only his own name; the others are listed below by band name. I haven’t heard ‘Contemporary Works’ [1972] or ‘Takemitsu Ishi’ [EMI, 1973]. ‘Rain Dog’ [Island, 1975] was born from another multi-media stage production [see the album ‘The Man From The East’ below]. Musically it was a little reminiscent of the last album with East Wind, ‘One By One’ [see below], and like that album it featured another illconsidered mug shot of Yamash’ta on the cover, making him look like a real wanker! As well as Yamash’ta, it featured

Boyle, Gasgoine and Hisako Yamash’ta from East Wind, in addition to Tsuneo Matsumoto [guitar], Daito Fujita [bass], Hozumi Tanaka [drums], and two guest vocalists. ‘Go’ [Island, 1976] is rated highly by many Yamash’ta fans, but I fail to see why, as I think as a whole album it’s among

his worst and most commercial [exceeded only by ‘Go Too’ – see below]. It was intended as a supergroup kind of thing, and perhaps vaguely a concept album. The booklet accompanying the LP certainly made it all sound much more exciting and innovative than what it actually was – Yamash’ta’s most mainstream move yet. It featured Steve Winwood prominently. Along with Yamash’ta’s sudden dive in taste, Winwood largely shares the blame for ruining what this album could have been – apologies to Winwood fans but I just can’t stand him when he’s singing. Other musicians on the album include Michael Shrieve [ex-Santana], Klaus Schulze, Al DiMeola [Return To Forever], Rosko Gee and others; Yamash’ta plays synthesizers as well as percussion. The dreadful lyrics are by Michael Quartermain and Winwood. I find the best bits of the album are those when Yamash’ta and Schulze are going all cosmic and weird with their synthesizers. Apart from that, the main styles of the album veer between slightly funky stuff that is okay in parts but fairly forgettable, and cheesy loungy lite-funk-crooning AM sleaze with Winwood in control, that takes itself far too seriously. These latter bits set my teeth on edge and are what make me reluctant to listen to the whole album very much. Unfortunately many tracks segue together seamlessly making it hard to skip tracks on the LP. ‘Go Live From Paris’ [Island, 1976] was a live version of the ‘Go’ album which I’ve been told is not much different. ‘Go Too’ [Arista, 1977] in my opinion seemed to take all the worst, most commercial moves from the ‘Go’ album and distilled them into most of the album, leaving only a few slightly interesting moments – again, generally those comprising mostly of synthesizer work. Winwood had left before this album, but his legacy remained. All three albums have recently been reissued together by Raven, good news for the many people who love these albums [and who probably all hate me now!].

In 1980 Yamash’ta retired temporarily to a Buddhist temple, before re-emerging in the music world with a more minimal, cosmic and experimental direction. ‘Iroha’ [RVC, 1981] was a double album, featuring music for some kind of ritual theatre performance. The music was a really radical turn for Yamash’ta, being a varied high quality tapestry of experimental electronic music, percussion and ritualistic chanting from the serene to the weird. I’m not sure what Yamash’ta actually performed on this, as the LP notes credit Yamash’ta for production only, with the sole instrumental credit going to Sen Izumi for playing the synths, and there is clearly more than synths to be heard here [unless there’s a skilful use of samplers]. I’ve also seen a single-LP version of this album, with a different cover. Following albums I haven’t heard include ‘Iroha-sui’ [RVC, 1982], ‘Tempest’ [soundtrack, 1982], ‘Iroha-ka’ [RVC, 1983], ‘Sea and Sky’ [1983], ‘Solar Dream Vol. 2: Fantasy of Sanukit’ [Kosei, 1990] and ‘Solar Dream Vol. 1: The Eternal Present’ [Kosei, 1993].


Stomu Yamash’ta & Come To The Edge – there was only one album with this ensemble, the excellent ‘Floating Music’ [Island, 1972]. It was made in England with British musicians, the second side of the album recorded live at Queen Elizabeth Hall. At this time Yamash’ta was attracting rave reviews in the UK press. All instrumental, it’s hard to describe the different areas this album inhabits. Broadly it can be said to be a Japanese-tinged progressive rock with jazz rock leanings spread across 4 long tracks. There’s no guitar, but I hardly notice! Shortly after, Come To The Edge broke up, and drummer Morris Pert assembled a new [unnamed] trio including bassist Alyn Ross and Come To The Edge pianist Peter Robinson. Next, Yamash’ta made an album with this new group, plus other musicians and Red Buddha Theatre [see below].


Stomu Yamash’ta’s East Wind – one of Stomu’s best groups, notably featuring ex-Soft Machine bassist Hugh Hopper. Yamash’ta played drums and percussion, Hisako Yamash’ta played violin, Gary Boyle played guitar [and had played on 1 track on ‘The Man From the East’ – see below] and Brian Gasgoine played keyboards. Their first album, ‘Freedom is Frightening’ [Island, 1973], is a great slab of progressive rock with  anterbury jazz and psychedelic influences – it could perhaps be said to reside somewhere between King Crimson and Soft Machine. Shortly after they recorded a very different album, ‘Soundtrack to the Film One By One’ [Island, 1974]. This featured the same members as the previous

album, but with the addition of Nigel Morris and Mike Travis on drums, Sammi Abu on vocals, congas and flute, and Frank Tankowski and Bernie Holland on guitar. I believe the film was in some way about racing car drivers. Musically it’s pretty diverse, ranging from bass-heavy progressive jazz rock grooves approaching Isotope, a bit of Vivaldi, and some queasy crooning [hinting at the Steve Winwood-influenced days to come, with the Go band] to more experimental sound bites.


Stomu Yamash’ta’s Red Buddha Theatre – Red Buddha Theatre were a Japanese theatre company formed in 1971; Yamash’ta was their producer, director and composer. In 1972 Yamash’ta brought them to Europe to perform. During this time he had been performing and recording with Come To The Edge in London [see above], and when the Red Buddha Theatre came to town in 1973 there was a collaboration between Yamash’ta, the theatre, some new musicians, and a new group including remnants of Come To The Edge. As well as performing the theatre piece ‘The Man From The East’, a partly live album was recorded, ‘The Soundtrack From “The Man From The East”’ [Island, 1973]. The 2 longest

tracks [live in Paris] were done by a lineup including Pert and bassist Phil Plant from Come To The Edge, plus organist Maggie Newlands and 7 Japanese musicians [not including Yamash’ta]. Saxophonist Robin Thompson from Come To The Edge played on one track; the other tracks used Pert’s post-CTTE trio plus Yamash’ta. There’s also a guitarist, Gary Boyle, who only plays on one track but later played with East Wind [see above]. It’s a very varied album, and hard to describe [as with many of Yamash’ta’s better albums]. The music is a bit like that from the Come To The Edge album, but in my opinion not as consistently great. It ranges from sedate, eastern-tinged progressive, to more upbeat stuff, jazzy

touches, accessible stuff hinting at what would come with his later Steve Winwood collaborations, and even some slightly symphonic prog reminiscent of some of Pink Floyd’s ‘Atom Heart Mother’. After this, Yamash’ta grouped up with some more musicians [some new, some the same] for the band ‘East Wind’ [see above].


Stomu Yamash’ta & The Horizon – this combo made one album that I know of, ‘Sunrise From West Sea Live’ [London, 1971]. As well as Yamash’ta on percussion, it features Masahiko Satoh on electric organ, Takehisa Kosugi on electric violin and Hideakira Sakurai [see above for all] on koto, shamisen & percussion.


Stomu Yamash’ta & Masahiko Satoh – the music on ‘Metempsychosis’ [Columbia, 1971] was composed by Satoh, and recorded with Satoh on piano, Yamash’ta on percussion and Miyama Toshiyuki & New Herd Orchestra on everything else.


Yamasuki – not really a Japanese thing, but mentioned here because it appears to be. Intended as a French/Japanese cross-cultural choreography project, Yamasuki was conceived by two French pop composers who went to the trouble to learn Japanese for it. They collaborated with a children’s choir and some conductors to produce the album ‘Le Monde Fabuleux des Yamasuki’ [Biram, 1971]. Although it sounds Japanese, with authentic Japanese language vocals and styles [to non-Japanese ears, at least], I don’t think any Japanese people were actually involved. The album is enjoyable but nothing amazing – largely orchestrated progressive pop rock with a cool/kitschy blend of cultural styles and innocent approach. It sounds kind of like a much more accessible version of Tokyo Kid Brothers circa ‘Throw Away the Books’. The album was recently reissued on CD by Finders Keepers. The Yamasuki, incidentally, was a dance briefly popular in France at the time.


Hiro Yanagida – this keyboardist really got around! He was in Apryl Fool, Foodbrain, Masahiko Satoh & Sound Brakers, Love Live Life + One, and also played on Shinki Chen’s solo album. Throughout this time he was putting out solo albums with some of the same musicians, such as Kimio Mizutani [see above]. His debut was ‘Milk Time’ [Liberty, 1970], which has a cool photo of a stern-looking gorilla on the cover, done by the same artist who did the Foodbrain album cover. The backing band included Hiro Tsunoda from Foodbrain, Strawberry Path and Flied Egg [see above], guitarist Kimio Mizutani and electric violinist Hiroki Tamaki [see below], as well as flautist Nozumu Nakatani and bassist Keiju Ishikawa [who later played with Akira Ito – see below]. The music is in part similar to Foodbrain, but more varied, with lighter, jaunty short tracks and some tripped out sounds. This was followed by ‘Hiro Yanagida’ [Atlantic, 1971], with great cartoon psychedelic artwork. He’s again joined by

Kimio Mizutani, and Joey Smith from Speed, Glue & Shinki [see above] sings on one track, a silly doo-wop ballad! The album as a whole covers slightly similar territory to that of ‘Milk Time’, though more accomplished, and some of the mellower keyboard-oriented stuff here is a bit more experimental and progressive. One track reminds me of Supersister and oddly, Stereolab from more than 20 years later! His 3rd album, ‘Hiro’ [URC, 1972], seems to be obscure and I can’t find any information about it. ‘Hirocosmos’ [CBS, 1973] was reputedly another great album, in a more progressive vein. There are a few more album which I know nothing about - ‘UFO’ [CBS, 1978], ‘Shichi Sai No Rojin Tengoku’ [label?

year?] and ‘Ma-Ya’ [Substance, 2003]. I’ve seen another album listed, ‘Planets in Rock Age [1971], but I don’t know how that fits in or if it’s just rumour. ‘Milk Time’ was reissued on CD by P-Vine, but appears to be out of print; ‘Hiro Yanagida’ and ‘Hirocosmos’ have been reissued on CD by Showboat and are tricky to track down outside of Japanese retailers. Yanagida played on J.A. Caesar’s ‘Matihedeyou Syowosuteyo’ [and probably other Caesar albums – see above], and also recorded some material with Tokyo Kid Brothers [see above].


Yasumi No Kuni – an obscure group who made at least one album, ‘Yasumi No Kuni’ [URG, 1971]. Their music was reputedly a mix of folk, west coast rock and wild psychedelic rock styles. This album has been reissued on CD by Prime.


Toshiaki Yokota & The Beat Generation – this group reputedly played some kind of psychedelic progressive rock. Their album ‘Elevation’ [Express/Toshiba, 1970] was arranged by Masahiko Satoh [see above]; they made at least one other, ‘Flute Adventure’ [London, 1971].


Yonin Bayashi – a progressive rock band who are highly regarded by some. Their first album was ‘Hatachi No Genten’ [Toho, 1973], a soundtrack, followed by ‘Ishoku-Sokuhatsu’ (‘Explosive Situation’) [Tam, 1974]. In the Ultima Thule shop catalogue this 2nd album is compared favorably to Flower Travellin’ Band and Far East Family Band. Repeated listens have revealed traces of stuff that sound like only the worst side of FEFB [see my comments above for what I mean by that], and no trace of anything that reminds me of FTB. On the whole I find this album an uneasy mix of icky mainstream soft rock [hinting at yawn/cringe-inducing AOR] and occasionally an excellent blend of heavy progressive styles. These good bits remind me perhaps of Deep Purple for want of a better comparison, but much proggier, sometimes approaching Yes, and there’s also some brief trippy moments with synthesizers as well [not enough of it though]. On the downside there are no songs that I thought were great all the way through – many of the tracks have great bits diluted with lots of stuff I would call embarrassing. The album artwork is cute, the front showing a sloth with glassy red orbs of eyes smoking a pipe! This album has been reissued on CD by Hagakure. These guys released some more albums which I know nothing about – ‘Golden Picnics’ [CBS, 1976], ‘Painted Jelly’ [Canyon, 1977], ‘Live ‘73’ [Toho, 1978], ‘Pao’ – which I’ve also seen listed as ‘Bao’ [Canyon, 1978], ‘Neo- N’ [Canyon, 1979], ‘Dance’ [BGM/Victor, 1989], ‘Live Full House Matinee’ [BGM/Victor, 1990] and Live 2002, which would seem to make it clear that this band is still active despite the break during the 80’s. There is a bootleg CD from

Black Rose containing ‘Ishoku-Sokuhatsu’ and ‘Live ‘73’ on one disc. The Ultima Thule catalogue review of this disc makes comparisons to Cosmos Factory and Food Brain. Regarding ‘Ishoku-Sokuhatsu’ [see above] I can only detect comparisons to the worst side of Cosmos Factory [although I’ve only heard one album of theirs and the others are apparently fairly different], in other words like the worst of FEFB, and no comparison at all to Food Brain; perhaps the live set reveals another side to this group that would justify the Foodbrain mention. There’s also a P-Vine CD called ‘Early Days’ which features the first album plus previously unreleased early live stuff.


Motoharu Yoshizawa – a respected bass player who made his own 5-string stand-up electric bass, and was renowned as a freeform player. He was apparently a leading figure in Japanese free jazz in the late 60’s and early 70’s. He made many albums until his death, including numerous collaborations with others. Early albums include ‘Inland Fish’ [1974], ‘Outfit’ [1975] and ‘Cracked Mirrors’ [?/PSF, 1975]. The latter is a solo album with some collaborators in fellow freeform bassist Barre Phillips & Steve Lacy, and is reputedly great “bowed, flowing higher-key music for the spheres”. Amongst numerous collaborations, he played on the 2-LP ‘Epiphany’ album by Company, along with a variety of folks such as Keith Tippetts, Julie Tippetts, Derek Bailey and Fred Frith. ‘From the Faraway Nearby’ [Modern Music/PSF, 1991] is a solo recording with bass, electronics and ‘quadriplex’ multitracking. ‘Angels Have Passed’ [PSF, 1992] contains live improvisations by Yoshizawa, Takehisa Kosugi [see

above] on violin, and Haruna Miyake on piano. It’s interesting, and sometimes entrancing, free improvisation but a bit too ‘free’ overall for my liking – albums like this just make me wish they’d settle into some kind of groove or melody for a change. Yoshizawa provided prominent backing on a 1995 album by Kazuki Tomokawa [see above]. ‘Uzu’ [PSF, 1996] is a collaboration credited to Barre Phillips and Motoharu Yoshizawa. The Forced Exposure website entry says of this album “Yoshizawa’s otherworldly circling electric soundscapes collide and fuse with Phillips’ mastery of acoustic human textures in an orgy of sensitivity, pure inventiveness”. ‘Okidoki’ [Chap Chap Records, 1998] was recorded between 1993-94, and contains 2 lengthy live jams with guests Barre Phillips on double bass and Kim Dae Hwan on percussion. In the last few years of his life, he joined the group Gyaatees [see below].


Yuigonka – an obscure psychedelic progressive group who made at least one album, ‘Endless Endless’ [Philips, 1971].



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