Ex.4. Use the expressions from the box and complete the following sentences.

character of economics          personal finance                       “the science of wealth”

A vast collection                 makes an attempt                   deals with               clear division

Weather forecasting                     remarkably                                  theoretical core

  1. No brief description can offer the content and character of economics.


  1. During much of modern history, especially in the nineteenth century, economics was called simply “the science of wealth”.


  1. Like the natural sciences, economics comprises a vast collection of descriptive material organized around a central core of theoretical principles.


  1. Like molecular biology, economics deals with  an extraordinary array of closely interrelated phenomena.


  1. Contrary to popular opinion, economics doesn’t normally include such things as personal finance and ways to start business.


  1. Like psychology, economics draws much of its a vast collection from intuition.


  1.  There is no clear division between “economic” and “noneconomic” phenomena.


  1. Like weather forecasting, economics is relatively inexact.

  2. All sciences and disciplines are remarkably similar in some aspects.


  1. Like natural sciences, economics makes an attempt to observe facts.



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