Task 4. Learn these words. Make up your own sentences using these words. You may use more than one word in the sentence.

Part 2. Lady and the Tramp. (8.30-20.30)

Task 1. Imagine how Lady spent all day long. Tell us in detail.

Did she need anything?

Did Jim and Darling get along with her?

Where did she sleep?

Did Jim manage to show Lady who was a master?

Did he prove that he was firmer than Lady?

Task 2. Watch the film, read the script. Write down the new words.

to notice - замечать

disturbing headlines – тревожные заголовки
Have you noticed, darling, since we've had Lady...

we see less and less of those disturbing headlines?

to get along with – ладить с к-л
Yes, I just don't know how we ever got along without her.

license - жетончик
Say, she must be about six months old.

to fit – быть в пору, по размеру
We'd better be getting her a license.

Hope it fits.

to grow up – вырасти
My, but it does look nice.

So grown up. Won't Jock and Trusty be surprised?

to mark – пометить
Four steps ahead. Then to the left

And right to the place where I marked it

backyard – задний двор
to bury – закопать; own - собственный
With a bonny, bonny bone that I'll bury for me own

a grand sight – потрясающее зрелище
In my bonny, bonny bank in the backyard

- Ah, that's a grand sight!


lassie – девчуля, милая
Oh, Jock! Hello, Jock.

 Oh, oh, It's you, lassie.

to have a bath – принимать ванну
Notice anything different?

Eh, uh, y-you've had a bath?

clipped – стриженный; Тебе сделали маникюр?
No, not that.

You've had your nails clipped?

Uh-uh. Guess again.

collar – ошейник
bonny - красивый
Well, I wouldn't a-be a-knowin' then.

Why, lassie, a bonny new collar.

expensive - дорогой
Do you like it?

Aye. Mmm, it must be very expensive.

- Have you shown it to Trusty yet? 


at once - сразу
Ah, we'd best go at once.

sensitive - чуткий
You know how sensitive he is about these things.

to dream – спать, мечтать
bygone days – былые времена
He's dreaming.

to track criminals – преследовать преступников
Aye. Dreaming of those bonny bygone days when...

swamp - болото
he and his grandfather were trackin' criminals through the swamps.

They were?

But that was before...

Before what?

This time you knew the truth, lassie.

a sense of smell - обоняние
It shouldn't have happened to a dog.

But, well...

Trusty has lost his sense of smell.


to recollect - вспоминать

to break one’s heart – разбить сердце
But we must never let on that we know, lassie.

'T would break his poor heart.

Uh, uh, uh, which way'd he go? Which way did he go?


Yeah! Big fella.

'Bout, uh, six foot two.

stripped suit – костюм в полоску
No, uh, three. Wore a stripped suit. No collar.

Why, Miss Lady!

You have a collar.

Mm-hmm. And a license.

My, my, how time does fly.

slippers - тапочки
Aye. It seems only yesterday she was cuttin' her teeth...

full grown - взрослый
on Jim Dear's slippers.

to bestow - даровать
And now, there she is, a full-grown lady.

to respect - уважать
faith - вера
Wearin' the greatest honor man can bestow.

The badge of faith and respectability.

reliable - надежный
That's right, Miss Lady.

to mention - упоминать
As my grand pappy, Old Reliable, used to say...

Don't recollect if I've ever mentioned Old Reliable before.

Aye, you have, laddie.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, it's Jim Dear.

Please excuse me.

Hello there, Lady.

Come on. Beat ya home.

steady - устойчивый
Ah, you win again.

Steady now. Steady.

Well, what have we here?

Oh, big girl now, huh? All right.

Oh, ladies first.

complete – полный, завершенный
You know, darling, with Lady here I'd say life is quite complete.

to imagine – представить себе
Yes, dear. I don't imagine anything could ever take her place in our hearts.

to dig up – откопать, нарыть, найти
What a day!

rascal - жулик
сute - милый
Well, now to dig up some breakfast.

Cute little rascals.

Coochie, coochie, coochie, coochie, coo.

starch - углеводы
Now, that breakfast. Let's see. Bernie's?

No. Francois?

Oh, no, no. Nope. Too much starch.

Ah, Tony's! Oh, that's it.

Haven't been there in a week.

 A beautiful day to make pizza to taste

And they call it bella notte

Well, buongiorno, Butch!

You wanna your breakfast, eh?

Okay. the boss-a, he's-a save-a some-a nice-a bones-a for you.

Breakfast a-comin' up from-a left field.

Good-a catch!

Whoa, boy. Whoa.

warning – предупреждение notice is hereby given that – Настоящим сообщается, что… to impound - конфисковать  

Hey. Psst. Psst.

 Blimey! Look, Peg. It's the Tramp. - Shh.

handsome - красивый
 Hiya, handsome. Come to join the party?

sign - знак
All right, all right. No time for wisecracks. I've gotta get you out.

I'm tellin' ya, the pressure's really hot. Signs all over town.

 Gee, thanks. –

 You're a bit of all right, chum.

over there – вон там
- Okay, okay, get going. –

 Hey, what's goin' on over there?


careful - заботливый
And be careful.

mangy mutt – паршивая дворняга
What? You mangy mutt. Hey, let go. Let go of me!

to pick – собирать, подбирать
Well, Snob Hill. Ha.

lid - крышка
Hi, gals. How's pickin's?

trash can – мусорный бак
Pretty slim, eh?

fence - забор
Yeah, I'll bet they've got a lid on every trash can.

excitement - восторг
I wonder – Мне интересно
leash - поводок
Uh-oh. And a fence around every tree.

I wonder what the leash and collar set does for excitement.

Lassie! Lassie!

Oh, Miss Lady, ma'am!

Miss Lady!

Ah, good mornin', lassie.

'Tis a bonny, braw, bright day, uh, today.

to mistreat – плохо обращаться
Why, Miss Lady, is, uh, somethin' wrong?

Aye, tell us, lassie. If somebody's been mistreatin' ya...

Oh, no, Jock. It's something I've done, I guess.


It must be. Jim Dear and Darling... are acting so...

Jim Dear and Darling? 

Hush, man!

to get on with the details – вдаться в подробности
- Now, lassie, get on with the details.

the other day – на днях

I first noticed it the other day when Jim Dear came home.

Down, Lady. Down!

Darling? Darling, are you all right?

can’t help – не мочь перестать
Of course I am. Why shouldn't I be?

to walk the dog – выгуливать собаку
Well, I just can't help worrying. After all... in your condition, alone here all day, walking that dog.

"That dog"?

"That dog"?

He's never called me that before.


Task 3. Describe the main characters using these words.




to make sb laugh

to have a good sense of humor

to be a good friend


loyal – верный, преданный







to be a leader



impatient - нетерпеливый


to have a funny voice

helpful - надежный


talkative - разговорчивый

polite - вежливый

generous - щедрый

honest - честный








impolite - невежливый


Task 4. Learn these words. Make up your own sentences using these words. You may use more than one word in the sentence.

to notice – замечать

to get along with – ладить с к-л

to fit – быть в пору, по размеру

to grow up – вырасти

backyard – задний двор

collar – ошейник

expensive – дорогой

sensitive - чуткий

bygone days – былые времена

to break one’s heart – разбить сердце

slippers – тапочки

reliable – надежный

to recollect - вспоминать

complete – полный, завершенный

I wonder – Мне интересно

the other day – на днях

to mistreat – плохо обращаться


Дата добавления: 2021-07-19; просмотров: 129; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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