Notion of the ideal and the real transformers

A transformer is a device for the transfer of energy from one part of an electrical circuit to another, based on the use of the phenomenon of mutual induction. The transformer consists of a primary coil (winding), terminals of which are connected to the source of energy, and one or more secondary inductors coils (windings), terminals of which are connected to the loads. Network of double-wound transformer is shown in fig. 4.26. For the loops I and II we can write down in the complex form. 



Here voltages of mutual induction j M   I  , j  M  I of  the first and second windings are taken with a minus sign, because the winding are opposite connected ( currents i  and i  differently oriented relative to the same name terminals marked with dot) .

                                                                                Fig. 4.26


Considering the transformer without core, that is, as the line element, we consider, as noted above , M   = M   = M. Then




From (4.189) it is obvious the current I  of secondary winding is directly connected with current I of the primary winding. Thus if  the current I  of the secondary winding increase at a constant voltage U of primary winding, from the first equation in (4.189), current I  of the primary winding is also increase. Physically it can be explained by the fact that the magnetic flux of mutual induction  , created by the current I of  the secondary winding, directed opposed to the magnetic flux of self-induction  , created by the current I of the primary winding and, is deducted from  , reduces the total magnetic flux of the primary winding. The result is a reduced full flux linkage (4.151) and equivalent inductance on the part of the primary winding. Therefore, its inductive reactance decrease and at constant voltage U current I is increase.

Using (4.189) you can build the equivalent circuit of a transformer without magnetic coupling of coils (Fig.4.27). This network is applied to the analysis and calculation of transformers.


                                                            Fig. 4.27                                              


Let us consider the mode of no-load of transformer (I  = 0, Z      , fig.4.26, 4.27). We obtain from (4.189, a)




Current I is called no-load current or current of magnetization (Fig. 4.27). Under load this current decreases, and with an increase of the primary coil inductance L  (L    ) tends to zero. From (4.189) in no-load regime we get



For the analysis it is convenient to introduce the concept of the ideal transformer, for which there are no active losses (r  = r  = 0) and the coefficient of coupling (4.159) is equal to unit




Then, from (4.189.b)




The value n is called the coefficient of transformation. As of (4.154), (4.155)




and   =  F = 0, which follows from (4.190), then from (4.191)




Let the terminals of the secondary winding of the ideal transformer  load impedance Z is connected (Fig. 4.26 and Fig. 4.27), that is



Then, from (4.189), (4.193,a) we get










Let us consider the relation





or with the account of (4.190)




Usually Z << j L . Then, with the account of (4.190), we obtain




Using (4.189), (4.193.a) we can build a vector diagram of the transformer under load (Fig. 4.28). Here with inductive load Z   ( > 0) vector of the load voltage U  at first put, then the vectors of voltage drop ocross the resistance R  (in-phase with the current I   ) and across the  inductance L  (at an angle  to the current I  ). Since the sum of the voltages in the loop of the secondary winding of the (4.189) equals to zero, then, connecting the origin of coordinates with the end of the vector j  L  I  , we obtain the  vector of mutual induction voltage j  M I  , which lags behind the current I to the angle . Hence we construct the vector of primary current I , the voltage drop across the resistance R  and inductance L  . The voltage vector mutual induction voltage j  M I is built at an angle of "  " to the vector of secondary current  I  . Combining the beginning of the origin coordinate with the end of the vector j  M I  , we obtain the vector of the primary voltage U  .


                                                                         Fig. 4.28


Let us consider the input resistance of the primary winding of transformer




That is the ideal transformer changes the impedance of the load in n times without changes of the argument of impedance. This property is used for the load match with the internal resistance of the power supply on the primary side of the transformer.


The of calculation methods of harmonic current circuits

Features of harmonic current circuits calculation

As indicated above, the method of direct solution of the differential equations can be used to calculate the simplest electrical circuits, for example, the circuits of the first order. However even in the case of such circuits can be seen the application the method of complex amplitudes significantly simplifies the calculations. By calculation of complicated branched circuits of the second and higher orders, for example, a resonant transistor amplifier, in which the transistor in the linear mode is replaced by the equivalent circuit of substitution, or electric power supply circuit of three-phase asynchronous motor, in which each  motor phase is the circuit  of the second order, the application of the direct method of differential equations solution is practical impossible. The only method of calculation of such circuits is a method of complex amplitudes.

 Side by side with the harmonic current circuits, in practice the direct current circuits are widely used. The calculation of such circuits requires decision only of algebraic equations systems. By comparison with  direct current circuits calculation of harmonic current circuits has the following  features:

1) the dependence of the currents and voltages on the frequency;

2) the dependence of impedances and conductances on frequency;

3) the need to take into account the phase  relations between the currents and voltages;

4) the circulation of reactive power between the active and passive elements of the circuit;

5) the resonant phenomena.

 The dependence of resistances on the frequency can be represented by Table 4.2.


                                                                                                                                                     Table 4.2



From the Table 4.2 it is visible that inductance L in the harmonic current circuit is resistance jωL, and in direct current circuit is equivalent to short-circuit of the circuit part, so as in direct current circuit it is excepted frequency ω = 0. The capacity C of the harmonic current circuit is resistance 1/ jωC and in the direct current circuit is equivalent to break the circuit (no load). Active resistance r is one and the same resistance r in circuits of the direct and  harmonic current.


Дата добавления: 2021-03-18; просмотров: 53; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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