Use them in sentences of your own.

Animals are used.

    Patterns: The ... is a very useful animal.

     It provides people with ... .

    It helps people to ... .

Words and phrases to use: milk, meat, eggs, feathers, wool, fur, skin, to carry heavy

loads, to carry people, to keep mice away, to guard houses, to help in hunting.

Animals: the cow, the dog, the camel, the horse, the donkey, the sheep, the hen,

the goat, the goose, the duck.



9. Match the animal with the sound it produces:

a)  a mouse, a cock, a frog, a pig, a horse, an elephant, a lamb, a dog, a lion, a cow,

a cat, a bee;

b)  lows, barks, mews, trumpets, buzzes, croaks, neighs, roars, squeaks, grunts, crows.


10. Find the house for each of these animals:

a)  a bee, a cow, a horse, a swallow, a canary, a goldfish, a rabbit, a pig, a fox, a bear,

a snail, a wood-pecker, an ant;

b)  a stable, a kennel, a bee-hive, a shed, a cage, an aquarium, a pigsty, a shell, a nest,

a hole, a lair, a burrow, an ant-hill, a hollow.


11. Exclude the animal that doesn’t match the group:

1. Which of these hasn’t got a shell?  

(a snail, a tortoise, a crab, an octopus).

2.  Which of these doesn’t sting?

( a mosquito, a bee, a lady-bird, a wasp).

3.  Which is not a mammal?

(a seal, a dolphin, a whale, a shark, an otter).



4.  Which has no legs?

(an ant, a worm, a spider, a frog).

5.  Which of these can neither swim nor fly?

(a sea-gull, a lark, an eagle, a penguin, an ostrich).



12. Use the right Present Tense and retell a story:

   In a house not far from ours (to live) a dog named Fred. This morning Fred

(to lose) his favourite ball. He can’t (to find) it anywhere. Now he (to look) for it in

the garden. Ginger Cat (to sit) on the wall.

  Ginger Cat, you (to know) where my ball(to be)? «Mew-mew, no» (to say) the

cat. «(To ask) the hens!»

   So Fred (to run) to the shed. «Hens, you (to see) my blue ball!» The hens (to

peck) grain. «Cluck, no» (to say) the hens. «(To ask) the owl. He must (to know).»

   So Fred (to go) in search of the owl. «Who-oo-ou» (to say) the owl. «(To ask)

your master. He (to know).»

   Fred (to run) up to the house. «Wuff-wuff» he (to bark). He (to see) his master

Teddy. Teddy (to play) with the blue ball.



13. Match the name of the animal and its description.

1)  Monkey, 2) penguin, 3) mouse, 4) snake, 5) zebra, 6) giraffe, 7) sea-gull,

8) elephant.

a)  It’s very big and strong. It lives in India. It helps people to carry heavy trees.

It carries them with its trunk. 

b)  The animal lives wherever man lives. It’s small, its coat is grey or brown. These

animals multiply very quickly.

c)  It has a very long body but no legs. It can’t live in cold climate. Many species are

dangerous and poisonous.

d)  It has a very long neck and dark spots on its yellow skin. It eats leaves and bran-

ches. It is so very tall that it can eat leaves from the top of a very high tree.

e)  It lives by the sea and its food is mostly fish. It can both swim and fly. It is snow-


f) It can swim and dive in the sea and it can walk on land. It feeds itself with fish.

From a distance it looks like a man in a tail-coat.

g)  It’s very much like a horse but its skin has black and white stripes. It lives in Africa.

h) It can climb and jump from tree to tree. It eats fruit, leaves and huts. It lives in the

jungle. It looks like man.



14. Render the text into English using the given words:

  a dinosaur, to exist, existence, dangerous, terrible, a lizzard, to disappear, disap-

pearance, extinction, a bone, a skeleton, to reconstruct, living conditions, way of living,

to inhabit, to populate, a reason, argument, to arise, to die out, ancestors.

   Ученые узнали о существовании динозавров примерно около 150 лет тому

назад. Слово «динозавр» образовано из двух греческих слов «деймос» (ужасный)

и «заурос» (ящерица). Считают, что они появились 220 млн. лет назад, а вымерли

70 млн. лет назад. Некоторые виды динозавров были хищниками, другие - питались

только растительной пищей. Некоторые ходили на 4-х ногах, некоторые - на 2-х.


 Самые крупные динозавры достигали длины 20-25 метров.

   Изучая кости этих животных, ученые восстановили их внешний вид и многое уз-

нали об условиях и образе жизни динозавров. Они узнали, что динозавры населяли

не только сушу, но также воду и небо. Ходящие динозавры стали предками зверей,

летающие - предками птиц, а плавающие - предками рыб.

   Причины исчезновения динозавров - популярная тема для споров. Многие уче-

ные считают, что причиной их гибели стал гигантский астероид, упавший на Землю и

вызвавший холодную зиму длиной в несколько сотен лет.

   What is your own opinion of the reason of dinosaurs extinction?

   Have you read or heard anything on the problem?

   Can you imagine what it could be if dinosaurs were still living?



15.     Aesop lived in the 6th century B.C. in Greece. He told fables and stories in which

animals behaved like human beings. Here is one of his fables.

     The Ant and the Grasshopper.

Narrator: One summer day a grasshopper was jumping and singing. Suddenly he saw

an ant passing by. The ant was carrying a grain of corn.

Grasshoper: Hello, how are you?

Ant: Fine, thank you and how are you?

G.: Fine, too. But listen, why not sit down and chat with me instead of working on such

a hot day?

A.: I’m storing up food for winter. I advise you to do the same.

G.: Why bother about winter? There’s still plenty of time! Don’t be a fool!

A.: We must think about the future, otherwise we’ll have nothing to eat in winter. Time

will show who is a fool in fact.

N.: Winter came. The grasshopper had no food. He was almost dying of hunger. One

day he met the ant.

G.: Oh, my dear ant, help me, please! I’m so hungry and I can’t find anything to eat!

A.: Didn’t I tell you to think of the future? Now, who is the fool in the long run?

G.: Now I see I was wrong. I’m so sorry and ashamed. Evidently, I’m going to die of


A.: No, you won’t die of hunger. You may have some grain from my stores. But you

must remember that there’s time for work and time for play.

G.: Thank you ever so much!



What’s the main idea of the fable?

Choose the proverb from the list below conveying it best. Give reasons for your choice.

1.  All is well that ends well.

2.  There’s no smoke without fire.

3.  Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

4.  A good beginning makes a good ending.

5.  What is done cannot be undone.

6.  Four eyes see more than two.

7.  Lost time is never found again.

8.  There’s no place like home.

9.  He laughs best who laughs last.



How would you act in the ant’s place and in the grasshopper’s place in summer and in

winter? Pattern: If I were the ant I would (not) do ... .

Retell the fable turning direct speech into indirect.


16. Arrange the names of animals into 6 columns according to their families:

rodents, hoofed animals, pouched animals, felines (cats), canines (dogs),


Animals: cat, horse, rat, coyote, cangaroo, lion, tiger, cow, hamster, goat, orang -

u - thang, coala, pig, jaguar, dog, sheep, deer, gorilla, rascal, leopard, elk, chee -

tah, wolf, donkey, squirrel, puma, lynx, mouse, zebra, chimpanzee, rabbit, fox.

Which of these animal names have become international?


17. Puzzle: Here are the names of the members of cat family. All the letters are

jumbled. Try to decipher them.

R E T I G; N O L I; D R E L O A P; H A R P E N T; X Y L N; R A J U G A;

H E H E T A C.  


18. Read the text and find answers to the following questions:


1. What are the most popular cat names in Britain?

2. What do they mean?  

3. Are there cats who like swimming and fishing?

4. Are there cats who have no fur?

5. What helps a cat see in the dark?

6. What helps a cat keep its balance?

7. How can we see that a cat is angry or frightened?

8. What associations do black cats arouse?

9.  Why do archaeologists sometimes find dead mice in Egyptian pyramids?


  Most people are fond of cats. Are you? Cats have been living with man since the time immemorial. Still cats continue to assert their independence and like as R. Kipling put it «to walk by themselves». Certainly, you know much about cats. Would you like to learn some more interesting facts? Here they are:

  Many people keep a cat as a pet. These cats are usually quite tame and gentle. They are domesticated animals, that is they have learnt to live quietly with us in our homes. They are not afraid of us and we are not afraid of them.

However pet cats come from the same family as lions, tigers, leopards and pumas. They are no less predatory than their bigger relatives. Domestic cats eat meat and fish, they often hunt mice and small birds.

  30% of homes have a cat. In Britain for instance, there are almost 5 mln pet cats. The most popular names for cats in Britain are Sooty, Smokey, Ginger and Tiger. A black cat is like-

ly to be called Sooty and a grey one - Smokey.

  Most cats hate water but Turkish Van cats love swimming and fishing. It is explained by the fact that they come from the region of Lake Van in the mountains of Turkey.

  Have you ever heard of a new breed of cats called Sphynx? This is how it appeared. In 1966 an ordinary Canadian cat had a male kitten and it had no fur. The young male and the mother cat later had some babies and they didn’t have any fur either. There are only twenty of them in the world and each costs 2000 pounds.


   A cat can jump twice the length of its body. In the darkness a cat’s eye opens wide so that the pupil is very big. It lets in more light that’s why a cat can see quite well in the dark.

  It has wonderful balance and it almost always lands on its feet. A cat’s tail has 22 bones and helps the cat to keep its balance. You can also tell if the cat feels well, sad, angry or frigh -

tened from the position and the movements of its tail. A mother cat lets her kittens jump on her tail to practise catching mice.

  4000 years ago the Egyptians kept cats as pets. Cats were even worshipped in Ancient Egypt. The Egyptians buried cats in the pyramids with their owners and included some dead mice as food for dead cats.

  In many countries black cats are associated with black magic and witches. In some countries they say white cats are lucky.



19. 1. What information in the text was new to you?

2.  What impressed you most?

3.  Can you add some more interesting facts about cats?

4.  Try to guess how will an English man name his cat if it is black, or grey, or striped, or reddish?

5.  Will you turn back if a black cat crosses your way?

6.  Have you a cat at home?

7.  What is its appearance and character?

8.  How do you take care of it?


20. Match adult animals and their little ones:

Sheep, dog, horse, cat, hen, cow, duck, goat, pig.

Kitten, chicken, kid, duckling, lamb, piglet, puppy, calf, foal.



21. Read the following English proverbs about animals.


  Find their Russian equivalents.

Try to explain their meaning in English.

Are they about animals or about people?

Think of the situations where the proverbs could be suitable.

1. A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush.

2. All cats are grey in the night.

3. Every dog is a lion at home.

4. Love me love my dog.

5. Every family has a black sheep.

6. The wolf may change his coat, but not his character.

7. One swallow doesn’t make summer.

8. Barking dogs seldom bite.

9. The early bird catches the worm.

10. A cat has nine lives.

11. When the cat is away, mice will play.

12. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.

13. Two dogs over one bone seldom agree.

14. An old dog won’t learn new tricks.

15. A leopard can not change his sports.


16. It’s enough to make a cat laugh.

17. The last straw breaks the camel’s back.

18. Dog doesn’t eat dog.

19. Let sleeping dogs lie.

20. Velvet paws hide sharp claws.



22. 1. There are a lot of fairy-tales about animals where they act like people. Find some fairy-

     tales of such a kind and retell them in class.`

2. Find English rhymes and poems about animals and recite or read them in class.

3. Dramatize some of well-know fairy-tales such as «Little Red Riding Hood», «Three little

     Pigs», «A House in the Woods» (теремок) with your friends.



23. Animals are often thought of as bearers of certain qualities and used as models for comparison.

Match an animal and a comparing phrase.

1.  As sly as                     a crow

2.  As quiet as                  a pig

3.  As strong as                a fish

4. As brave as                 a fox

5.  As wise as                   a lion

6.  As hungry as                a peacock

7.  As graceful as              a mule

8.  as stubborn as             a mouse

9.  As fat as                      a horse

10. As black as                 a butterfly

11. As dumb as                 an owl

12. As light as                   a wolf

13. As proud as                a gazelle



24. Read the text and find 5-7 sentences conveying the main idea.

Do you share the views of the British on pets and children? Give the reasons for your opinion. Why are pets so important for people?  

                       Our dear, dear animals.

   Britain is a nation of animals-lovers. Everybody knows that. Many people keep pets - lovely creatures, tender and dear. The English have as estimated five million dogs, almost as many cats, over 3 million cage-birds and aquarium fish and a million exotic pets. The English regard pets as superior beings because the animals don’t possess that wretched thing-speech. The English feel great admiration for beings who never say anything at all.

  The tenderness the English refuse their children they eagerly present to their pets. They bring up their boys severely because one day they must become men. They pet a dog because it will always remain a child. The English adore pets because they can play up to their dying day. Thus, in the UK there is only the National Society for protection of children but the Royal Society for protection of animals. The difference is significant.  

   Perhaps the English are too good to their pets, but a recent theory among psychologist states that pets are very good for us.



   The basic meaning of «pet» is an animal we keep for emotional rather than economic reasons. A pet animal is a companion and we all need companions to feel happy. But pets offer us more than

 mere companionship: they invite us to love and to be loved. Many owners feel their pets understand them, for animals are quick to sense anger and sorrow. Often our cat or dog can comfort us when human words don’t help. We feel responsible because pets depend on us for food and drink and home and we are certainly loved by pets in return.

  A pet plays a different role to each member of the family: another baby to a mother, a sister or a brother to an only child, a grandchild to the elderly. It has even been suggested that small pets should be sent as companions to austronauts on spaceships to help reduce the stress and lonelyness of space flights. Pets are particularly important for children. Learning to care for a pet helps a child grow up into a loving adult who feels responsible for those dependent on him.  



25. Choose the right phrase.


    1. The British are a nation of ... a) children - lovers

                                                b) animal - lovers

                                                c) beer - lovers

2. The English have ... dogs and the same amount of cats. 

                                                a) 5 thousand

                                                b) 500 thousand

                                                c) 5 million

3. The English admire animals because they do not ... at all.

                                                a) speak

                                                b) eat

                                                c) play

4. There is the ... Society for protection of animals in the UK.

                                                a) National

b)  Regional

c)  Royal

5.  We keep a pet for ... reasons.

                                                a) emotional

                                                b) economic

                                                c) physical

6. Small pets should be sent as companions to ...

                                                a) drivers

                                                b) austronauts

                                                c) sailors

7.  Pets are particularly important for

                                                a) the elderly

                                                b) mothers

c)  children



27. Give Russian equivalents of the given words and phrases expressing emotions.

Use them in sentences of your own.

To love, to adore, to pet, to admire, to be good to, to feel admiration for, to feel responsible for.




28. What are popular opinious about the role of pets in our life? Make up 5-7 questions on the problem and interview your friends. Then make a conclusion.


29. Answer the questions about yourself:

1.  Have you a pet?

2.  Is it a cat, a dog, or some other animal?

   3. Why do you keep it?

   4. How did it come to live with you?

   5. What are your relations: who is the lover and who is loved?

   6. Do you think it’s great responsibility to have a pet?

   7. How do you care for your pet?

   8. Does it understand you well (better than people)?

   9. If you don’t keep a pet, what’s the reason?

       (You don’t like animals; it takes too much time and effort; your living conditions don’t let

       you have a pet; it’s expensive to keep a pet today; etc.)

  10. If you could, what pet would you like to keep: a cat, a dog, a parrot, a turtle, a ham-

       ster, fish, a canary or some other?



30. Write a micro-composition (not more than 15 sentences) «My pet», «The pet I’d like to

  have», «Pets are a nuisance». «Pets make comfort».



31.  Read the dialogue, learn it and dramatize it.

                                     At a Pet Shop.

Salesman: Good afternoon, madam. Can I help you?

Woman: I’m looking for a pet for my son. Can you show me anything?

S.: What kind of pet would he like? A cat, a dog, or something exotic?

W.: Well, he’d like a crocodile but I’m not going to buy a crocodile for him.

S.: We’ve got nice big dogs.

W.: Oh, dogs? I’m afraid they are too big and eat too much. Are they expensive?

S.: Yes, rather. What about a cat? Cats don’t eat much and they are cheap.

W.: Yes, but they are not friendly.

S.: Perhaps your son will like a bird?

A parrot or a canary? The price is reasonable.

W.: Well, I don’t know. Birds are so noisy.

S.: Then take goldfish. They aren’t noisy at all.

W.: Oh, yes! That’s the best idea. It suits me perfectly.



32. Change the dialogue according to the given situations.

1. The customer wants a cat to keep mice away.

2. The customer wants a dog to guard the house.

3.  The customer wants a parrot to talk to.



33. Do you think animals possess intellect? Read the text and you will learn what animals are considered the most intelligent in the animal kingdom.

                            The 10 most intelligent animals.


   Do animals think, or do they act merely from instinct? These questions have been debated by

many people. Dr. Blair former director of New York Zoo who has worked with animals many years

says;»In my opinion all animals think. When we see animals showing affection, sympathy, jealousy or anger can we doubt that these feelings are accompanied by thoughs». Dr. Blair believes the 10 most intelligent animals are: the chimpansee, the orang-utan, the elephant, the gorilla, the dog, the beaver, the horse, the sea-lion, the bear, the cat.

  Here are some Dr. Blair’ s evidences.

  Ellen, a female chimpansee from Africa learned to put on a sweater which she pulls over her head. She can sit at table and eat food with a fork.

  An elephant seems never too old to learn. On a cold night at the zoo elephants always shut the door after they go into the house, not waiting for the keeper to do it. One of our Indian elephants stores away nuts on Sunday when visitors are numerous and eats then on Monday when the zoo is closed.

  A big Alaskan brown bear used to stand directly under the sign. «Don’t feed the bear - fine 10 dollars». There he would beg for food and always got it.

  You may make a mistake thinking that friendliness is a sign of intelligence. Take the house cat for instance. The cat is extremely intelligent but it is always its own master and lives its own life.


34. Do you agree with the list of intelligent animals given by Dr. Blair?

Can you give more facts proving the intelligence of mentioned animals?

Can you add some more animals to the list?

How can you prove their intelligence?


35. Read the story and do the tasks given after it.

                                      In the Zoo.

   A rich American family: mother, father and their three sons travelled in Great Britain. One day they came to the Zoo. There were a lot of different wild and domestic animals there: mon -

keys and giraffes, elephants and crocodiles, bears and wolves, horses and goats and many others.

  The boys were very bad children. They ran and jumped, shouted and played noisy games, they climbed trees in the zoo. They gave sweets to monkeys and bears, they threw stones into zebras and camels, they teased tigers and wolves. The man who worked in the zoo asked the boys: «Don’t do that, be quiet!» But the boys wouldn’t listen to him.

  The boys told their father:»We like the zoo, buy it for us, please.» The father asked the man:»How much is the zoo? I want to buy it for my children.» «We can’t sell the zoo. But we can buy your children for the zoo», was the answer.

1.  How many animals are mentioned in the story? What are they?

2.  Why did the zoo worker suggested to buy the boys for the zoo?

Change the direct speech in the story into indirect.



36. Retell the story.


37. Say, what was wrong in the boys’ behaviour. Use the pattern: The boys shouldn’t

Have made so much noise.



38. Write the list of dos and don’ts for the visitors of the zoo.

   Use the phrases: (not) to be allowed to, (not) to be supposed to, should (not), must (not), can not.

   Verbs to use: to frighten, to make noise, to feed, to disturb, to tease, to throw things at, to throw litter, to take photos of, to come too near to, to touch, to donate money to, to give sweets to, to ride a pony (donkey) etc.


39. Tigers are beautiful, aren’t they? Do you know much about tigers? Do you want to learn more   

about them? Then, read.



  Tigers are the largest members of the cat family. Male tigers weigh as much as 420 pounds while females - about 300. Most tigers reach a length of ten feet including a three - foot tail.

  With their strong teeth and claws they catch and hold their prey. Tigers eat hoofed animals:

deer, goats, sheep and cattle. They kill their prey by biting it through the neck.

  Tigers are in general solitary animals: they don’t live in herds, groups of families. When a tiger wants to advertize his presence, it roars or lives its scent on bushes and trees.

  The maximum life - time of a tiger is about 20 years. When tiger cubs are born they are blind and helpless just like kittens.

  Tigers live in South Siberia and South East Asia. In the past tigers lived on over a 6.000 mile area from Turkey to the Far East. Nowadays tiger population is decreasing rapidly. For example, the population of Siberian tiger is now only about a hundred. It happens because of many reasons. When men turn forests into fields for crops they destroy the tiger’s environment. Without large hunting areas tigers cannot catch enough prey to survive.

  Contrary to popular belief tigers rarely attack men unless they are too hungry or too sick to attack faster animals. Farmers can’t easily coexist with tigers because they often attack cattle.

  Men greatly value tiger skins decorated with black stripes, so, tigers are often killed for their skins. For all these reasons tigers are in great danger now. Men may understand the true value of tigers only when the last tiger is dead. In many countries governments pass strict laws against killing tigers trying to prevent the total extinction of this beautiful animal. Laws against trade in tiger skins have already saved the lives of many tigers. National parks and zoos also play an important part in the protection of tigers.



40. Answer the questions and give the main items of information about the tiger’s way of life

1. What family does the tiger belong to?

2. What does a tiger look like?  

3. What is the size of a tiger?

4. What is tiger’s food like?

5. What are the areas of the tiger?

6. Is the tiger population increasing or decreasing?

7. What are the reasons for that?

8.  How can the tiger be protected?



41. Check yourself: do you know all the names of the cat family animals (felines).

      The lion, the tiger, the cheetah, the jaguar, the leopard, the puma, the panthera,

the lynx, the serval, the European wild cat.



42. Take the text «The tiger» as a model and tell about the lion, the lynx, the wolf, the zebra, the mouse, the elephant, the hare, the reindeer. Follow the plan given below. 

                   1. Family.

                   2. Area of living.

                   3. Size.

4.  Food.

                   5. Relations with Man. 

                   6. Changes of population

                       (increase, decrease)

                   7. Protection measures.



43. 1. Make up the ABC of animals. Begin like this: A - ant, B - bear, etc.

2.  Make up the ABC of plants (trees, vegetables, fruit, flowers).

      A - apple, B - birch - tree, etc. 


44. Would you like to read of animals - record holders? Who is the fastest, who is the largest?

Here are some curious facts.

Largest: the largest living animal is the Blue Whale. This marine mammal can grow to a length of over 33 metres and to a weight of 130 tonnes. The largest existing land animal is the African Elephant. It can reach a height of almost 4 metres and a weight of nearly 11 tonnes.

Smallest: Bacteria are minute and some viruses are even smaller - far too small to be seen even in ordinary microscopes.

Tallest: the Giraffe found in Africa may measure 6 metres from the ground to the tips of its horns.

Fastest: it is the bird named spine tailed Swift. It can fly at well over 170 km per hour. On land the Cheetah and the prong - horned Antelope of North America can both reach speed of 100 km per hour.

Most poisonous: it is a North Australian jellyfish know as the sea-wasp. The poison acts so quickly (a few minutes after being stung) - that there is usually no chance to attempt treatment. The most poisonous land animal is the Funnelweb Spider, a large South Australian species. No effective treatment has been found so far, its poison is far more potent than that of even the most deadly snakes.



45. You have just read that tigers are disappearing and have to be protected. Many other animals

are in danger, too. But not only animals and plants, the whole planet Earth is in danger. The   

ideas of environment protection are shared by more and more people. We should make some                         

contribution to the protection of Nature. First, let’s learn some terms.

Match the term and its definition.

                                Eco - Vocabulary.

Terms: a) acid rain, b) ecology, c) environment, d) fertilizers, e) to extinct, f) greenhouse effect,

g)  oxygen, h) rainforest, i) ozone layer, j) organism, k) toxic, l) to recycle.


1. An increase in the Earth temperature caused by gases from factories plants and cars trapping         

the sun’s heat.

2. To process the material so that it can be used again.

3.  Tropical evergreen woodland that receives more than 2.500 cm of rain a year. It is called «The

Lungs of the Earth».


4. Poisonous.

5. To die out and disappear forever.

6. Toxic gases released into the air and falling back onto the Earth with rain.

7. A layer of gas high in the sky protecting the Earth from harmful ultraviolet rays of the Sun.

8. Any living being.

9. Everything that surrounds an organism: air, water, soil, other organisms.

10. The study of organisms and their environment.

11. Chemical or natural substances that help plants grow.

12. The gas all living things need to breathe.



48. Read about some ecological problems and try to analyze the situation.

        Ecology is the science of how living things are related to their environment. Many people are concerned about their ecology today. They are concerned about protecting the environment from various harmful effects. These are the main environmental problems of today: air pollution, water pollution, littering, overpopulation, endangered animals and plants, greenhouse effect, ozone holes, destruction of natural resourses, cutting down forests and some others.


1. Which of the problems mentioned do you cousider the most dangerous?

2. Have you noticed any of these problems where you live?

3.  What is done or can be done to reduce the problems?

4.  What must be done to protect environment all over the world?



49. Ecologists think that the most important things for protecting environment are: to save, to reuse, to recycle. Try to add to the lists given below.

What can be saved? Water, energy, plants, animals ...

What can be reused? Glass bottles and jars, some plastic containers ...

What can be recycled? Tin and alluminium cans, old paper, old batteries ...



50. Read environment protection demands. Choose 3 or 4 which are in you opinion the most

important. Think of formulating some more demands.

1.  Recycle waste paper - in this case you’ll save 30% energy, besides it’ll reduce air pollution.                                            

Doing that you’ll save hundreds or thousands of trees. 

2.  Don’t throw litter (waste, garbage) into the water or on the ground. Litter is not only ugly but it can be harmful for people, animals and plants. Children and animals can hurt on broken bottles, fish, birds, plants, animals may get poisoned by toxic chemicals. If you see rubbish (litter) on the ground - put it in the rubbish bin.

3. Save water. Make sure that the taps and toilets in your home are not leaking. If the taps are

dripping call in a plumber to repair them. Remember that a dripping tap can waste 20000 gal-

lons (             ) a year. That’s enough to fill up a swimming pool.

4. Switch off the lights and appliances when you are not using them. The power station burns coal

or gas to produce electric energy. This gives off smoke and gases that cause the greenhouse                                     

effect, air pollution and acid rains.

5. Don’t pick up wild flowers, they may disappear. Let them grow and bloom.

6. Plant trees. Trees make the air cleaner.

7.  Don’t frighten animals and birds in the forests and fields.

8.  Don’t make fires in forests. Every year forest fires destroy enormous territories of best woods.


9. Don’t take home wild animals from forests and fields.



51.  People sometimes don’t think of environment protection and nature is damaged greatly.

To tell about that in detailes make up sentences using the given verbs in the passive.

1. Litter (to throw) everywhere.

2. Young trees (to break).

3.  Water and air (to pollute).

4. Animals and birds (to frighten).

5. Rain forest (to cut down).

6. Flowers and herbs (to pull out).

7. Environment (to spoil).

8. Chemicals (to dump) into rivers.

9. Glass and paper (not to recycle).

10. The ozone layer (to damage).

11. Wild territories (to explore) by Man.

12. Plants (to kill) by acid rains.

13. The energy (not to save).

14. The soil (to overfill) with fertilizers.

15. The Earth (to heat up) because of greenhouse effect.



52. Did you know?

1. Eight million tons of oil are spilled into the Earth’s oceans every year.

2. Producing recycled glass reduces related air pollution by 20% and water pollution by 50%.

3.  American workplaces discard enough paper each year to build a 4-meter high wall stretching                                                                            

from New York to Los - Angeles.

4. A ton of recycled paper can save 17 trees.



53. Do you know how long litter lasts? Read the information and think twice before throwing waste

on the ground or in water.

A traffic ticket - 1 month, a banana peel - 6 month, a wool sock - 1 year, a wax paper cup - 4 

years, a tin can -200 years, a plastic bottle - up to 500 years.



54. Read about four of today’s most serious environment problems. Environmental groups including

millions of members around the world are trying to find solutions to these problems. Can you

add your own ideas to help find the best solution.

     Why have 40% of the world rainforest disappeared in the last 80 years?

     What kind of energy will replace coal, gas and oil in the future?

     How can we solve the problem of acid rains?

     When will the hunting of animals like whales, leopards, elephants be stopped?


  Before 1900 rainforests covered 14% of the world’s surface. Today they cover only 7%. Rain- 

forests have been cut down to provide (a) land, (b) paper, (c) wood, (d) medicines, (e) minerals, (f)

fuel. Not only trees are disappearing, but millions of animals, insects and flowers. If Man continues to cut down rainforests we may face the lack of oxygen and many species of plants and animals will become extinct.  


The Green Solution. Governments in rainforest countries should protect certain areas and plant new forests. 


At present 94% of the world’s energy comes from fossil fuels. There’s enough coal for the next 300 years, but only enough oil and gas for the next 50. What happens then? One answer is nuclear energy. But after the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 many people think nuclear power isn’t safe.

The Green Solution. People should learn to use natural energy: Wind energy, Solar energy, Tide and Wave energy, Geothermal energy.

    Acid Rain.

One of Europe and North America’s pollution problems is acid rain. What happens is this. Factories send gases and chemicals into the air. Then they mix with rain and fall back to earth. Such rains kill trees and grasses, fish and insects. They slowly destroy buildings and monuments, too.

The Green Solution. Industrial countries should control the level of air pollution: by using gas - and soot -trapping systems at factories and limiting the number of cars.


Animals are a part of the environment. Millions of them are killed or treated cruelly by man. Animals are used for scientific research (e.g. rabbits). Animals are killed for their fur or skin.(e.g. crocodiles). Animals are kept in cruel conditions on farms (e.g. gorillas).

The Green Solution. Groups like «Greenpeace» have already helped to stop whale hunting. Now they try to stop fur-hunting too. They demand to protect animal rights. They believe that animals shouldn’t suffer.


54. You might know that there is a lot of debate nowadays about animal rights. There exists a Universal Declaration of Animal Rights. Discuss in the group various ways of using animals. Animals are used:

1) for sport: horse-races, dog-races, dog-fighting, cock-fighting, fishing, hunting;

2) for food: meat, milk, eggs;

3) as pets: birds, cats, dogs, fish, hamsters, turtles;

4) for clothing: wool, fur, skins, feathers, down;

5)  for work: horses, oxen, camels, elephants, donkeys;

6) for laboratory tests: mice, rats, rabbits, guinea-pigs.

Are you for it or against?

Phrases to be used in the discussion. I (don’t ) think so; in my opinion; to my mind; I’m (not quite) sure; I (can’t) agree with you; you are right (wrong); you are mistaken; I’m of the same (of a different) opinion; on the contrary; it’s inhuman, (un)wise, cruel, (no)good, (un) praktical, useful; we can’t go without food (clothing); to test new medicines; to be not so strong as; to feed, to care for, to cure, to treat well (badly, cruelly).


56. Suppose you are to speak about environmental problems on TV, over the radio or at a meeting.

You may use the following ideas and develop them.

1.  Dear friends! Our planet Earth is our common home and we must keep it in good state.

2.  We use the gifts of nature: air, water, land, minerals, animals, plants and we mustn’t

waste them ...                   

        3. We are parts of Nature and plants and animals are our sisters and brothers ...

        4. Our technical civilization is thinking only of its material welfare and profits ...

        5. We are destroying our environment and creating ecological crisis ...

        6. It’s our duty to restore ecological balance on our planet and to leave it clean and healthy     

            for our children and grandchildren ... .


57. Present and defend your own projects of protecting Nature. Choose from the following topics.

1. Protecting wild flowers and other plants.

2. Protecting wild animals.

3. Preserving water resourses (rivers, lakes, seas).

4. Measures for reducing waste of energy, water, oxygen.

5. Reusing old plastic bottles, paper, cans, glass bottles.

6. Helping wild birds or animals in winter.

7. Planting trees in towns and caring for them.


58. Arrange a competition of posters devoted to protecting Nature.



59. Write a scenario for marking the Earth’s day.





                                                     TEST N 3.


1. Insert can. Could, can’t, couldn’t, may, must, mustn’t, needn’t:    

 1. .... you play the piano?       

2. I ... get up early tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do. 

3. .. . I come in? Yes, you may.

4. Yesterday I lost my key and ... open the door.

5. On Sunday I ... get up early. It’s my day off.

6. It’s too dark here. I ... see anything,

7. Students ... miss lessons.                 


2. Translate into English.

    1 . Вы должны запомнить мой телефонный номер.

    2. Могу я видеть доктора Брауна? Да можете.,

    3. Дети не должны смотреть телевизор более двух часов в неделю.

4.   Два года назад я не умел плавать, а сейчас умею. 

5.   Вам не нужно учить стихотворение наизусть . Просто прочитайте его.                                        


3. Translate into Russian. Define the tenses.

1. By the end of the month the book will be published.

2. English and French are spoken in Canada.

3. The copy of the document was given to everybody.

4. Some new plays will be staged by the theatre next year.

5. When was the telegram brought?

6. Bread is sold in the bakers, milk products are sold in the dairy shop.

7. In 1666 London was destroyed by the Great Fire.

8. Every report was listened to with great attention.

9. All visitors are offered a cup of tea or coffee.

10. The new film is much spoken about.


4. Put the verbs into the Passive.

   1. The air-plane (to construct) in Russia last year.

   2. The exhibition (to open) tomorrow.

   3. Every Christmas children ( to give) presents by Santa Claus.

   4. The criminal ( to catch ) by the police. He is in prison now.

   5. The vacuum-cleaner ( to break). I can’t clean the carpet.

   6. The new English textbook ( to publish) very soon.



5. Translate into English using the Passive.

1. Письмо было получено вчера.

2. Эта книга не переведена на русский язык.

3.  Будет ли опубликована ваша статья?

4.  Овощи и фрукты продаются в специальном магазине.

5. Эти проблемы были обсуждены на собрании.                                                    

6. Мне предложили интересную работу.

7. Роман « Война и мир» написан Львом Толстым.

8. Никого не было видно на улице.



6.  Form the degrees of comparison.      

Cold, big, early, nice, interesting, beautiful, attentive, good, far, well, bad, badly.


7. Change according to the given models. Translate into Russian.

Model 1: Tom is cleverer than Jim.

          1. The Volga - long - the Thames.

2.  She - beautiful - her sister.                                          

3.  The book - good - the film.                         I     

          4. The Tower - old - Buckingham Palace.

Model 2: Students are cleverer than pupils.

          1. Apples - tasty - carrots.

          2. The Russians - sociable - The English.

3.  The young people - energetic - old people

4.  Oranges - sweet - lemons



 8. Answer the questions.

1. What is the most interesting film you have seen?

2. What is the warmest month in your place?              

3, What is the longest day of the year?

  4. What is the largest city of the world?

5. What is the worst season of the year?

9. I Insert some, any, no , every or their derivatives. Translate the sentences.

1. She comes here ... day.

2. There is . . . knocking at the door.

3.  He has ... interesting to tell us.

4.  .... who answers all the questions will get a prize.

5. He made ... mistakes in spelling.

6. Have you ... to eat?

7. The house is locked. There is ... in it.

10. Make up 4 types of questions to each sentence.

  1. She can go to the shops after work.

  2. I saw some interesting films on TV last week.

  3. The letter was left on the table.


 11. Make adverbs adding «-ly» to the adjectives. Translate the adjectives

  and  adverbs

        Bad, deep, wonderful, quick, attentive, serious, loud, complete, exact, polite,

     soft, clear, beautiful.



I. Make up 4 types of questions.

1.  The students are eating lunch at the canteen.

2.   I have 4 lessons on Monday.

3.   Alex must go to the library.



II.   Change of-phrases to possessive case.

1.  May I take the books of John?

2.  Come to the birthday party of my daughter.

3.  The teacher is checking the works of the students.

4.  Tom is the son of Allan and Mary.

5.  The flat of my mother -in- law is not far from here.

6.  Where are the documents of these men?


III.  Translate in to English.

1.  Вы должны запомнить эти слова.

2.  Можно задать вам вопрос?

3.  Нам нужно прочитать книгу до конца?

Нет, не обязательно.

4.  Вам не нужно беспокоиться, я могу все сделать сам.

5.  Читателям нельзя уносить книги из читального зала.

6.   Послушайте учителя, он объясняет новый материал.

7.   Анна занята. Она готовится к экзаменам.

8.   Завтра мы идем на концерт.

9.   Эти студенты постоянно разговаривают на лекциях.


IV. Change the underlined words to pronouns.

1.  Margaret is reading a book.

2.  Tell Tom and Peter that I am waiting.

3.  My sister’s friend is a student.

4.  Ann and Peter’s son goes to school.

5.  Mother is making tea for my brother and me.

6.  My friend is going to the cinema with his girl-friend.    





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