Read the text and answer the questions.

ГАОУ СПО НСО «Искитимский медицинский техникум»


Сборник №1

(тексты на английском языке

 для самостоятельной работы студентов 1 курса

специальностей «Сестринское дело» и «Лечебное дело»)


Собрала и отредактировала: Гаврилова Е.Н.,

 преподаватель иностранных языков

«ИМТ» 1 кв.категории



Искитим, 2015

Одобрено Цикловой

методической комиссией               




Протокол № ___                                          Методист

от ________________________                  _________________________

                                                                            Подколзина Л.А.


                 Щеглова И.Н. 


Пояснительная записка

Данный сборник содержит 10 иллюстрированных текстов для отработки навыков самостоятельного чтения и перевода с английского языка на русский. Предназначен для студентов 1 курса специальности «Лечебное дело» и «Сестринское дело».

К каждому тексту имеется 1 лексико-грамматическое задание: ответить на вопросы по содержанию, составить свои вопросы по прочитанному, составить план, поставить части текста в логической последовательности, написать основную идею, написать эссе по данной теме.      

 Тексты заимствованы с различных англоязычных интернет – источников, они сокращены и адаптированы под уровень студентов автором сборника. Темы текстов, в основном, носят бытовой характер – семья, кино, питание, спорт, студенческая жизнь, одежда, доктор и пациент.


1. Michael Jordan.

2. Coke.

3. James Bond.

4. Rag Week.

5. Sydney Opera House.

6. Surfing.

7. Jeans – a Fashion Phenomenon.

8. What Makes a Family Happy?

9. Our Medical College.

10. The Doctor and the Painter.

Text 1. Michael Jordan

Read and translate the text!

 Michael Jordan is one of the most talented athletes in history. He's won six NBA titles, he's had sports shoes named after him, and he’s even starred in a Hollywood movie. Jordan is an international superstar. But success for Michael Jordan was never a matter of luck. It was always a matter of talent and hard work.

Michael Jordan was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1963. He was the fourth of five children, so he learned to compete young. As a child, Michael was very athletic. He played baseball, basketball and football, but his favorite sport was baseball. However, this soon changed when he started playing basketball with his older and taller... brother Larry. Larry kept on beating Michael when they played one-to-one. Unsurprisingly, Michael didn't like losing, so he worked hard to become a better player.

Jordan's basketball gradually improved, but in 1978 he suffered a big disappointment. He was dropped from his High School basketball team! However Michael didn't give up. Instead he trained harder and longer, and as a result was soon playing again. 'The better I got, the better I wanted to become,' he said later. Nobody knew then that Jordan would become the greatest player of all time.

Today Michael Jordan has scored over 30,000 points in basketball games all over the world. Over 50% of American children have voted him their idol. However it's not just his basketball skills that have made Jordan popular; it's his courage, determination and positive approach to life. ‘I can accept failure,' he once said, 'but I can't accept not trying.'

Answer the questions.


1.    What is the secret of Michael Jordan's success?

2.      Which sport did Jordan prefer when he was a child?

3.    Why did Jordan start to play more basketball?

4.    Why do people admire Michael Jordan?

Text 2. Coke

Read and translate the text!

One of the strongest global products today is 'Coca-Cola'. A pharmacist called Dr Pemberton in 1886 originally invented Coke.     Pemberton produced syrup for a new drink and accidentally added carbonated water. The result was a soft drink that was called 'both delicious and refreshing'.

During its first year, Pemberton sold just nine bottles per day but from these small beginnings 'Coca-Cola' gradually grew into the world's largest manufacturer of soft drinks.

Every day, 'Coca-Cola' products ore served more than 1 billion times to people in more than 200 countries.

In Great Britain alone over, 10 billion 'Coca-Cola' products are consumed each year. In fact, in many countries soft drinks have become more popular than traditional drinks. Tea used to be Britain's number one drink, but today the average British person drinks 188 liters of soft drinks a year, but only 157 liters of tea.

Why is 'Coca-Cola' so popular? The main reason is its powerful marketing. The Coca-Cola Company sponsors global events like the FIFA World Cup, Olympic Games and European Championships. From Beijing to Boston, people know the 'Coca-Cola' brand. They see it on their televisions, in magazines and on supermarket shelves. Positive slogans such as 'Things go better with Coke', 'it’s the Real Thing' and 'Coke is it' associate 'Coca-Cola' with good experiences and feeling happy. Yet although 'Coca-Cola' is an American company only a third of its sales are in North America. Most of its sales are from the rest of the world.

Which is the number one global drink? 'Coke' is it.



Read the text and answer the questions.


1     What was 'Сocа-Cola' originally advertised as? »

2     What has happened in Britain?

3     How has 'Coke', become а global product?

4     What is surprising about 'Coca-Cola'?


Text 3. James Bond


Read and translate the text!

He's one of the most famous characters in film history and over three billion people have watched him -that's half the world's population! Since 1962 he's been in twenty films or one film every two years. Who is he? He's Bond ... James Bond.

The British writer, Ian Fleming, created James Bond in 1953.Fleming was a typical English 'gentleman'. He was educated at Eton (an expensive school in England), then worked as a journalist before becoming a banker in London. However, during the war his life completely changed when he worked as a spy in Russia. He wrote most of his novels about his own interesting experiences.

Although the Bond novels were exciting action stories about spies, they didn't become well known until they were made into films. When the first film Dr No opened in Britain in 1962, Fleming became famous overnight. However, it wasn't until Goldfinger in 1964 that James Bond became successful around the world. Goldfinger broke box office records at home and abroad. The phrase I'm Bond ... James Bond' was recognized all over the world.

Will Bond films continue to entertain us in the future? The answer is probably 'yes'. There will always be James Bond fans because audiences will always enjoy exciting thrillers. The last film, The World Is Not Enough, made an amazing £6.2 million in its first weekend! The truth is that James Bond films, with their fast cars, spy gadgets and dangerous missions, are the ultimate action movies.



Make up 5 questions to the text!



Text 4. RAG WEEK


Read and translate the text!

One of the most exciting weeks in the student calendar is 'Rag Week'. Universities

all over the UK invite students to take part in wonderful events organized by their student union - and ail to help a good cause. At Leeds University for example, students

can hitchhike to Paris, take part in a fashion show, experience a bungee jump, or do a fire work. All the events are sponsored, and students usually raise thousands of pounds for charities such as 'Help the Aged' and 'The Children's Heart Surgery Fund'.

So how did it all start? 'The idea for Rag Week was originally from America and England,” says Student Union President Ella Ford. 'Its main aim has always been to raise money for charity, but it's also a good way to meet people and have some fun!' In addition, what are the most popular activities? 'Fun runs and hitchhiking,' says Ella. 'This year we've been organizing a sponsored hitch to Morocco. The journey will be 1,600 miles and once students get there, they'll spend a week teaching English to local children.'

Hitchhiking is one of the harder events, but there are many other ways students can help. In fact they can do as little or as much as they like, from helping to run an event like a charity run, to setting up a completely new challenge. 'You don't need to have any experience to help with Rag Week/ says Ella. 'Just some free time, a bit of imagination and a lot of enthusiasm!'


Дата добавления: 2021-02-10; просмотров: 174; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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