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Тема: Русская кухня

Содержание работы

1. Изучение русских пословиц по теме

2. Чтение и перевод текста

3. Описание русских блюд по образцу

4. Перевод предложений на английский язык


1.Изучение русских пословиц по теме

Russian Proverbs about Meals

A home is made by pies, not by wall. Не красна изба углами, а красна пирогами.
Porridge and cabbage soup is our native food. Щи да каша –пища наша.
Appetite comes with eating. Аппетит приходит во время еды.
They don’t carry samovars to Tula town. Со своим самоваром в Тулу не ездят.
Too much butter is won’t spoil the porridge. Кашу маслом не испортишь.
He that will not work shall not eat. Кто не работает, тот не ест.
Every one to his own taste. На вкус, на цвет товарищей нет
Cast no greedy eye at another man’s pie. На чужой каравай рот не разевай.
Man shall not live by bread alone. Не хлебом единым жив человек.
Not enough salt is hardly a fault, but too much salt is cook’s fault. Недосол на столе, пересол на спине.
One with a plough, seven with a spoon. Один с сошкой, семеро с ложкой.
This is bread and this is salt, and how be kind to speak your mind. Где хлеб да соль, там и разговор.
The first pancake is always lumpy Первый блин всегда комом.
Horse-radish isn’t sweeter than garden radish. Хрен редьки не слаще.


2. Чтение и перевод текста

Russia is a huge country and that is why Russian cuisine is a rich collection of diverse cooking traditions. Russian food has its own peculiarities due to the country’s severe climate in winter and its forests rich in berries, mushrooms in summer. Traditional Russian dishes are often made of vegetables, different crops, dairy products, fresh-water fish, poultry and meat.

For breakfast Russian people usually have milk porridge, syrniki (cottage cheese pancakes) or an omelette. Lunch is more sufficient and it often consists of a salad, a plate of soup and a main course. For dinner the Russians love fish and meat dishes with garnish (rice, buckwheat, mashed potatoes and stewed cabbage). Traditional pelmeni (meat dumplings), holodetz (meat jelly with pieces of meat, carrot and garlic) or golubtsy (cabbage rolls with minced meat) are special masterpieces of the national culinary art. The Russians also have salads, meat pies, apple pies, vareniki (cottage cheese, cherries or potatoes dumplings) and pancakes for dinner.

The most traditional Russian salads are Olivier, “Herring under a furcoat” and vinegret. All of them are a nourishing mixture of various ingredients such as boiled eggs, boiled vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beetroot), sausage or meat, onions, green peas and cucumbers.

Russian cuisine is famous for the variety of soups: shchi (cabbage soup), borsch (red beetroot soup), ukha (fish soup), solyanka (thick soup made of pickled veggies, meat and sausage) and rassolnik (pickle soup). A plate of hot and spicy soup helps to stay warm during long cold winters. And one of the favourite soups during hot summers is okroshka (cold vegetable and sausage soup based on kvas). All kinds of soups are normally dressed with sour-cream. It is notable that Russian people eat bread with all dishes.

Traditional Russian drinks are hot black tea with jam or honey, compote (stewed fruit drink) and kvas (drink made from rye bread).

The Russians are good at preserving fruits, vegetables and mushrooms. Classic Russian appetizers: pickled cabbage, tomatoes, crispy cucumbers and even apples – are always on a festive table.

Russian people have always been known for their hospitality. They are happy to welcome guests with lavish dinners with abundance of food on the table.


3. Дать описание русским блюдам (Oladi, Shchi, Ukha, Pelmeni, Okroshka, Medovukha, Mors) по образцу

Traditional Russian Dishes

Blini (pancakes). Thin roasted scones of plain dough made from flour, eggs and milk are one of the most beloved by Russian people’s dishes. A bit sweet or meagre, golden brown, hot and well-oiled, they are an essential attribute of any holiday. Blini are always served with various additives — from rich (e.g. Meat, salted fish, caviar) to sweet ones (e.g. Berries, honey, jam), so they can be either a main dish or a dessert. In the second half of February or early March Russian people celebrate Maslenita — a holiday when blini are cooked at every home. Making blini very thin, even and lacy is a matter of honor for every Russian housewife.

Oladi -

Borsch. This is a soup based on beet-root and cabbage with pulpy pieces of vegetables that has nice vinous colour and sweet and savory vegetable taste. Borsch is a dish that exists in many varieties: it can be nourishing, with pieces of meat or very light, based on vegetables only. Depending on the region of Russia borsch is cooked with tomatoes, sometimes mushrooms or even apples.


Ukha -


Okroshka -

Pirogi or pirozhki are baked food with various fillings. It is difficult to find a more diverse dish of the Russian cuisine! Pirozhki can be filled with meat, chicken, fish or mushrooms, boiled eggs, vegetables, fruits, berries or jam. The contrast of golden brown dough and delicate hot filling inside is very tasteful. Pirozhki is very popular “fast food”, they are often taken by people going on a long journey. Cooking of pirozhki at home is a real fun for the whole family, as even a child can easily make them. The most pleasant and unusual taste belongs to pies with mushroom (or potato and mushroom), apple or cherry filling.

Russian Drinks

Kvass is a traditional summer beverage made of rye bread or flour and malt. Kvass has rye, sour, and freshening taste. It perfectly quenches thirst, but may seem too poignant to some people. In summer time you can find iron barrels, selling cold kvass in the streets of Russian cities. However, when eating at a restaurant it is advisable to order kvass made in wooden barrels. Kvass contains a bit of alcohol (up to 3%), that is why it is not recommended to drink it before driving!


Medovukha -

Sbiten is a drink similar to medovukha but having less distinct sweet taste. Sbiten is often cooked with various herbs and serves a perfect prevention against colds. To some extent it resembles herbal tea with honey.


Mors -


4.Перевод предложений на английский язык

Translate from Russian into English

1.Суп – это часть обеда в русской кухне. 2. Щи – это традиционный русский суп, приготовленный из мяса и капусты. 3. Петровские щи готовятся из судака и свежей капусты. 4. В русской кухне нет двух одинаковых рецептов щей и борща. 5. Многие способы нарезки и приготовления мяса заимствованы из французской кухни. 6. Жареный молочный поросенок – традиционное праздничное блюдо русской кухни. 7. В деревнях Сибири существует целая церемония приготовления пельменей. 8. Женщины делают тесто и рубят мясо, мужчины лепят пельмени. 9. Русское слово «каша» обозначает почти все способы приготовления круп. 10. Как говорится в пословице, «кашу маслом не испортишь». 11. Сметана – это универсальная приправа в русской кухне. 12. Русская кухня знаменита различными пирожками. 13. Русские люди очень гостеприимны; они приглашают к столу каждого, кто входит в дом. 14. Гостеприимство – типичная черта русского характера. 15. Сбитень – это старинный русский напиток, который готовят из кваса, коньяка или водки, меда, чая и специй.


Дата добавления: 2021-02-10; просмотров: 468; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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