Yurchenko V.M. System basis of human mental states ’ research . – Ма nuscript .

Thesis for a Doctor degree in psychological sciences, speciality 19. 00. 01 – general psychology, history of psychology. G. S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of  Ukraine. Kyiv, 2009.

The thesis is devoted to usage of general scientific system approach in developing of system basis of human mental states’ studies through creating and implementation of methodologically grounded program of system research of the problem. New historical-psychological data about the process of realizing of system nature of the notion „mental state” as a model of corresponding complicated phenomenon of human psyche in pre-scientific, philosophic and scientific psychology has been received. The meaning of basic system characteristics (component composition, structure, functions, integration and system-making factors) of human mental state as a system has been discovered and its author’s system definition has been formulated. The author’s system component-structural model of mental state has been worked out, which organizes the characteristics of its component composition into such types of relationships as levelness (equal to the levelness of human’s organization and levelness of psycho physiological activity of his basic consciousness), subjectivity – objectivity, level of generalization and consists of four corresponding substructures. Systematization of the area of the notion „mental state” (number of concrete notions that characterize extraverted and intrаverted human consciousness in norm and pathology) into five groups has been performed (emotional, will, perceptive, thinking, transformed) and their system descriptions have been created.

Key words: system cognition, mental state, emotional states, will states, perceptive states, thinking states, transformed states, system description of mental state.

Дата добавления: 2021-01-21; просмотров: 36; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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